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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Bought a bunch of Sleeping Dogs DLC and Tropico 4 pack. SD DLC just because. I heard that T4 is just a small bump from T3 but at $10 for all DLC... hard to pass up.
  2. My mapping trip haul: Gneiss, vescular and flow band basalt, tuff, scoria and a some misc. minerals. Volcanic and metamorphic rocks everywhere! The ones that I didn't get were quartzite (There was a sweet boulder that made some sharp sound) and a metamorphosed conglomerate. This has been your geo update.

  3. Mal

    Sim City V

    http://www.reddit.com/r/SimCity/comments/19xx7d/trying_some_technical_analysis_of_the_server/ A nice thread of what the servers are actually used for. Take home message is... good chances are that the servers doesn't need to be there.
  4. Mal

    Sim City V

    Here us how I see it: SimCity has (had) so much potential. I can see it but god damn. The flaws are huge and it completely kills the good. If there ever will be a SimCity 6... I hope it can learn from these fatal flaws of this one. I'm just disappointed. I want to find a reason to love it but GOH and you others set me back into reality...
  5. Mal

    Sim City V

    Now I am wondering... game wise, WTF are they running on their servers? What are running on our machines?
  6. ST, it might be cheaper now to get it but yeah... not like they are hurting for cash.
  7. Mal

    World Politics

    That is why I would love to see China just quietly come in behind to kick their asses. They might be able to amass an army without the North knowing. I can almost see the rest of the world just go "We're cool.".
  8. Umm, I think at this point I know how potato plants look like and I may have quite a few volunteers. Most of them are near where I grew them last time but there are a few strays. I swore I got them all when I harvested and even then, at most left were small little bugger. I'm going to leave them in for now but I'm pulling them if I feel that they're crowding out my other plants. Edit: Also, no slugs. I drove them off it seem.
  9. $1.5 million. Jesus. I might hop on board to see whats the commotion is about when I get the money. I'm retarded with money so I'm willing to throw my money at folks who I really think will treat their backers right. I might not like the final product but I am impressed. A nice story would be nice.
  10. Mal

    Sim City V

    Could you (almost) accept it when you think of it trading off between large, mostly static cities to a smaller living breathing "city"? When I think of it that way, I can almost accept it. Gameplay wise, as in while you are managing a city, it seems to be much better. Yes, the smaller "cities" leads to shorter gameplay time but again, that trade off I mentioned. Even the static cities when not in view because of relevance to the server (not sure how to phrase this) can be viewed under this lens. How they did this game is actually really cool. You indeed don't need a top of the line computer to do any of the simulations*. Just change your graphic settings and have at it (Unless you are saying that there isn't options. I'm not sure right now). I'll admit... I can't explain the forced woodland and lack of customization since the simulation shouldn't care for the size (Maybe up to the region size) and configuration of the regions. For the servers*, it would be like running multiple current "cities" at once. So yeah, other than that, I really like what I see. *Note, I am ignoring the DRM in this discussion since that is another HUGE can of worms. Someone can start really talking about it if they want. I;ll say this though, I like the blend of offloading simulations to a server to deal with since it can allow for more complex stuff... but yeah, DRM. Servers and EA... Woo. Me right now regarding this game, EA et al: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  11. I just read the comparison of SimCity with Civ Revolution. Sounds about right... both games are not as complex as the games that came before and with Civ Rev, Civ V.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Gameplay wise FYI. Doesn't mean that they are bad. Civ Rev was a fun game and I'm still judging how I feel about SimCity.

    3. deanb


      From my Betaness it's certainly a lot simpler in what you control, water and electricity is sorted for you automatically and SimTown is an apt description.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I liked Civ Rev a lot, but it probably is a good comparison.

  12. http://imgur.com/a/iKG8b Food porn for you all. Once he (Kenji of Serious Eats) gets the article up, I'll post it too so we can all make the ultimate holiday meal (Bought or homemade, this shit is expensive) for our really love ones. Seems like a fan and long term fridge space (Something my family doesn't lack) is all you need to pull it off. Typo. Corrected it. The bacon fat for sure gives the bacon flavor but since its a fat like butter/margarine, I cut out some of that so it doesn't give me a heart attack. Frozen bacon fat... now that might be a good idea for long term storage. And Dean is now forever in my mind as the Pancake Man.
  13. I watched it yesterday dubbed. I have a feeling this is not going to end well and we won't find out until at least November (Most likely next year though). Oh Marida... Anyways, I'm sort of tired of some characters being fueled by "love". Quess was enough back in CCA. The only one that I really accept is Haman because its way better done. Most of the others feels... so tacked on with Quess' being the most (Hathaway is a close second...).
  14. Mal

    Sim City V

    Other people, I think, can fill in for you but still... whats the point? If Genna's experience is anything to go off by, it seems like you can get a good "city" up and running in about a hour or two while using up all the space given to you. By no means that you would be done with the region but that "city" square would be pretty much done. Someone just have to manage it.
  15. Mal

    World Politics

    I can almost feel the power vacuum.
  16. Mal

    Sim City V

    "Quick look" from TB and his wife (Didn't expected that but its cool to see a husband and wife team) that I watched. To me its the size of the city that actually pushes me to not get the game. I maybe might be able to accept the DRM and all its weird quirks like server side calculations (A very big sticking point for me) but I want to work the entire region at once. At the moment if nobody is on a city in a region, its pretty much freezes which is sort of a way to force MP. It feels so damn restrictive. The size of the cities is the most visual of the bunch. I got to agree with TB and Genna that the simulation aspect of the game is fantastic. It looks amazing even with the weird little quirks like a line of buses. As for being able to run on your dad's PC, maybe if its all set on low? It looks fantastic and for the most part plays fantastic (When you can get on...) but the backstage side of the game I can't really support. Especially so when it feels and looks so restrictive.
  17. Mac and cheese made with some bacon dripping and sriracha. I did the bacon thing (death in a bowl) before but haven't with the sriracha. Its actually really good. Edit: Death, not dead... :\
  18. Okay I have one annoying thing about the battles... I FUCKING USED THE PHOENIX FEATHER YOU DAMN GAME. And I wish that keyboards worked for this game. Inputting words is such a pain in the ass.
  19. At least the person who messed with my bike didn't touch the critical stuff...

    1. Dee


      It's like the time someone broke into my car by smashing the driver window. They popped the trunk open and rummaged through it, but didn't steal anything.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I've got a couple of friends who live in a neighborhood where it's actually easier for them to just leave their car unlocked and not leave anything valuable in it. That way they don't wake up to broken windows and such.

  20. Mal

    Sim City V

    For those who buy it, they should complain to hell and back. We want the series to continue but with none of this "Always online" requirement (Among others).
  21. Now the Temple of Trials is just plain evil. That or I'm just that rusty...

    1. Mal


      I can't imagine that part being more complicated...

  22. I'll admit. I AM REALLY tempted on getting this game. Sadly, I got wiser (And broke) with money and won't be getting it... I never touched a DMC game and only ever played a bit of Bayonetta but hearing (Plus seeing a bit) on how awesome the boss fights are... it is tempting.
  23. Mal


    Its what I feel from across the pond. You guys feels so well established. Some styles also seems locked into place. The brewers over at the US seem to fuck around a lot more. Though I will say that we don't exactly get most of your beers, especially over here on the West Coast. We get your major beers. (I think Samuel Smith's is one. I wasn't impressed but it was good). If you have any microbrews, shoot their names up. It might be hard but its not impossible to trade with an European... I think. American micros seem to be quite in high demand in Europe (Not to mention different regions of the States). Anyways... Stone's Enjoy By _______ is good. It has a date clearly labeled for when you should drink by. The sooner the better since hoppy flavor diminish rather rapidly after bottling. I had not enjoyed a Stone's brew until now. I LOVE IT. $10 a bomber (22 oz). 9.4%. If you see one, grab one since it WILL be dumped on 04.02.13. April 2nd for you monsters of old. These guys got to my area on Feb. 27th. So they are pretty damn fresh. At most a week or so old. Concentrating... hard... also I haven't read the older part of the tread so I wouldn't know. Besides, I'm bit woozy....
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