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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX6Y_BcoOfM I love this song because the damn emotion that is in this song. It is also nice to know that the Pillows are pretty much the same age as me. Even when I have a really faint idea on what they are singing about, they are one of my top favs.
  2. I think I'm starting to get firm ideas on what I want to do with my degree and beyond. This feels kind of nice...

  3. When I watch paint dry, I can imagine the actual process of it happening... not really. I can however somewhat do that with rocks and soil. So... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTOwMeimSl4 Edit: Rocks Don't Lie is a damn good book and is sort of an inspiration to me. The author will be on my campus on April 10th. I'm excited. I wonder if I can slip to him that perhaps the timing of the Mediterranean Sea going into the Black Sea might be able to be solved with studying any submerged soil. I'm not sure how salt water will interact with soil formation/evolution but perhaps the salts like NaCl can help form an entirely sodic profile in the soil or something. BUT. Perhaps a trend can be made between changes in the soil to time in contact and submerged with sea water. If it points to a sudden influx of salt water, then most likely it'll be that. If it points to a gradual intrusion of salt water, then the soil profile should show that. The top horizons will have more sodic development than the lower layers (Unless the salt water infiltrated from below first). There is also the idea of increasing concentration of salts in the system. So sudden flood of salt water or gradual infiltration of salt water. FYI, apparently the idea of Noah's Flood might of originated from the Black Sea is tossed around. The Black Sea wasn't always that big and salty. Up to about 8000 years ago it was actually fresh water and lower. Early humans began agriculture around the Black Sea but then the salt water intruded, slowly or fast, which displaced the people there which might of gave rise of Ag and ancient civilizations in Europe and Mesopotamia (Maybe Egypt? India and Asia might have been separate.). Either way settling if the story of Noah's Flood came from then and figure out when those folks spread. Geology and Soil Science, fuck yeah~
  4. Mal


    The United States does indeed have the best beers in the world. Our breweries are not bounded by tradition so they can modify and experiment with different styles (Though some of them don’t really make much sense). Europe is really bounded by tradition. Hell, look at some of the old laws some countries had on what a beer is. But yeah, to additionally echo FDS, judge beer individually. Don't worry where they came from since even the more celebrated breweries can strike out. Consistency is actually a problem with beers though not as much as wines. Consistency is really one of the few things I can give to macrobreweries. Note... I haven't tried most mainland Europe beers yet. Cost being the main issue.
  5. This book is about Noah's Flood and how it played in the role of Geology and why it really couldn't happen since well... the rocks don't lie. I'm currently on chap 5/6 and its a very interesting read. Some of the explanations for how Earth got it topography before principles of geology (Not really the term) and such is mind blowing. I'm not calling them bad since they would of made "sense" during their time. One school of thought was that the original perfect Eden of a Earth was smooth and it got its mountains because of underground rivers eroded away the ground underneath thus the ground collapsed during Noah's Flood. Once I'm done with this I'm moving onto: This one is going to be interesting and one that I think is relevant to our time. Soil AKA dirt is far more important than most people think.
  6. I had to get Sluggo instead since I know a cat pass through my yard and it seems Correy's might harm it. I may want the cat gone but I'm not going to kill it. Also the slugs got one of my sunflower seeding. Not sure if its completely done but I did get the slug while it was munching away. I might shotgun my bed with seeds at this point and hopes they get through... Edit: I manually killed five tonight. The bed was drier and the night warmer so it seemed to kept the little ones at bay.
  7. I stand for love. And I also stand for justice. And in the name of the Moon, I will punish you!

    1. Baconrath


      Mooooooooon cryyyssstaaaall poooowwweeerrr

  8. Looking at that... Catbug-Grumpy Cat mashup. DO IT LP! Catbug is just the friend Grumpy Cat needs!
  9. Mal


    Vodka is water. Never knew Russians can be right... okay, I'm not drinking tons of it (1/8 of a tumbler full) but it really doesn't burn now... then again maybe being Absolute vodka may have to do with it. And now this:
  10. Oddly it seems like Hone Depot doesn't carry it in the store, just the tape. I only know of ACE and maybe one more place that may have it. Hopefully slugicide will happen tomorrow night. Tonight beer will have to do.
  11. Motherfucking slugs. They wiped out all my marigolds (I think, the leaves were eaten clean) and damaged some other seedlings that sprouted. Recommend me a slug killer since I just got back from killing about 15-20 of them. SO YEAH. I don't have anything going well so far. I'll have to restart some tomatoes...
  12. Ah, politicians... you never know what most of them really think and believe (Especially with the Republicans). With that said, its time to end this Prop 8 and DOMA debate, and hopefully this will indeed help end it.
  13. After a year, I figured out how to use my scanner so it can go straight to my computer. For some reason its derped if I do everything from the scanner. Seriously... is it that hard to make scanners/printers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I've always wondered why printers are so terrible. They have one fucking job. If I had any other computer component as finnicky as the best printer I've used, I'd get a new one because it would be almost unusable.

    3. deanb


      Printers are understandable when you see what they're like inside and what they're doing (and most people pay for cheap ones). Scanners are a bit simpler n usually run fine.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Except my printer problems are never mechanical, they're always software.

  14. I gotten up to the place with the Sheikh of Spice (Non-important NPC) and just got the girl. It has taken about 7.5 hours which includes doing any side quest I can find. I feel like this might be a 50 hour game if you do all the side quests, which is totally cool. So far the story is fine and it is what you expect from Ghibli. The dialog is a bit humorous. Subtle curse words and stuff like what Dean posted. Combat isn't hard but there are times where I do get nervous since HP is shared between a character and his/her familiars. I don't recall if its between characters but I don't think it is. Edit: That genie battle is such horse shit.
  15. If you haven't heard... Got subtitles and such. Prepare your eyes. I expect more heartbreaking stuff and much improved animation stuff. That damn rain. --- As for Attack on Titan... when I think about it, it reminds me of a late 80's or early 90's fantasy anime in modern clothes. Explains why WaS explained it as he did.
  16. I've been reading the FLCL manga. God, I missed out back then but I'm sure reliving my love for FLCL and Hajime Ueda's art style. The manga got stuff that wasn't in the anime, so its a really nice twist on things (Unless I'm not remembering things correctly) and I know for sure Ueda is one of my influences on how I draw (Takehito Harada being my main). Listening to various Pillows songs and being slightly drunk helps too I think... Edit: So yeah, one of the best times I had reading a manga in YEARS.
  17. Mal


    Enlighten me since I always wanted to watch and such. All I know is Brazil, Spain and Portugal. Also Ronaldo might be or was god or some junk.
  18. Cooking wines... any suggestions? I could use a white and a red that can last a while. It'll be nice if its something I can drink too. Mostly for stews (I made a beef stew today, omitting the wine part since I'm really clueless) and whatever I find along the way. Chinese rice wine I can get from my folks when I go back home but I think white wines can be used a sub. So the white will be use for Chinese stuff as well (Think as a marinade for fish and such).
    1. Mal


      Imagine the show if it hits Mars. Even Mars getting buzzed by it would be intense.

    2. TCP


      First Russia, now Mars?! WHATS NEXT?! THE MOON!?!?!?!

    3. Mal



  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ2cwM9VU-Q For you Jojo folks and those who like Touhou... Slightly NSFW part way in. ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ This really makes me want to watch Jojo. It also really do have a sweet OP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9o05DObr6U --- As for what I'm watching now... Bubblegum Crisis. It has always been on my list but I finally getting around to it.
  20. http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/130221a_e.pdf?%27 Seems like party chat has been addressed. We just have no idea if it'll be PS+ only or not. Hell, we all have no idea how PS+ will be like with the PS4. Hopefully it'll be as good as it is now. So yeah, thus far Sony is on fire.
  21. So I think I overdid it with my sprints back home. I've been off my bike for a good few weeks because of weather/light (I prefer to not ride in the dark) and because my left knee has been feeling off. I've been keeping off the bike mainly for my knee. This sucks. I think I'll ride for a week to see how it feels.
  22. Asteroids shouldn't have tails (There are a few that can though) but going off comets... expanding/escaping gases would be able to propel dust and such off the surface to make a tail. The asteroids you're talking about are in the weird phase between a vanilla asteroid and a full fledged comet (I think), so it poses enough frozen gases that sublimate when heated by the sun. Correct me if I am wrong.
  23. Mal

    Forum Adverts

    No kidding. You just hit on it enough to make it show. I got alcohol and you got your thing...
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