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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Puru Puru Puru Puru... Puru... ;_;

  2. Mal

    Forum Adverts

    I was questioning what you were browsing then I got this... After a beer and now some bourbon. Fuck yeah, I don't need rehab.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzI9v_B4sxw Remember your name! The North remembers! The Trees remember! I remember! GET PUMPED.
  4. I feel this game will have tons of little things, just waiting for players to notice. I'm sure some of the combonations will make us go "Wut?". Actually, it would be cool if players can make their own combonations and share it... might be a troll fest though.
  5. Mal

    Day Z

    There also seems to be some evidence that the standalone will show up on the PS4. If it does... its not going to be cross-platform is it? There is no debate on how murdered most console folks will be in a gunfight.
  6. Is it almost time for shitty PC ports to die for a while? All I can come up with right now is just crap UI when PS4/720 games comes out in ernest.

    1. Saturnine Tenshi
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Nah bitch. You'll still be forced to control the main menu.



    3. TheMightyEthan


      Actually, PC ports tend to get worse at the beginning of a console lifecycle, because everyone's pushing the new consoles.

  7. I suppose I can really try to do at least a weekly thing, even if they are doodles. I haven't improved in years and practice is really the most important thing. Expect me at least once a week. Posting to put that out there.
  8. Just to prove that LP isn't the only one drawing... Well she is the only one drawing intently. I rarely doodle now due to free time. At least I hope I achieved my one decent doodle per doodle page? She is also my bookmark now. I couldn't trash her.
  9. Well, at the moment they have Killzone. Its not a system seller though*, which is why I'm sort of disappointed in SE's part. I want to love a Final Fantasy game again. Also having more exclusives can help, even if they are console exclusive. *Maybe a PS4 bundled with Killzone Shadowfall and a Move will get me. It all depends on the price, which I expect by E3. Edit: Also good thing I didn't get a Vita yet. Maybe I'll like the XL more.
  10. Yeah, that is my beef with SE. They said a whole lot without saying anything. Edit: Blizzard... Hrmm.
  11. Whoa, can I play around with that sculpture making thing? Edit: And no, I don't think it really can be this easy... BS detector going off. Edit 2: Square... is it going to happen!? This trailer again? What was it for again... Oh okay. Yes, I know you guys want this sort of quality. Boo.
  12. Sieg Helgha- Wait, wrong universe.

    1. Baconrath


      Episode 6 on March 2nd yay

    2. Mal


      Opening with Full Frontal.

  13. I just want a HUD that can be useful. The kinds I'm thinking of is years in the future (Or perhaps the military has one already). I want one that can... Range find. Give not only GPS coordinates for pictures and videos but can give my orientation. A simple overlay of magnetic north would suffice. Have a glasses integration/attachment Future tech...
  14. Why should I have a conference call outside the said console? Its doable since I have done the phone thing with my brother but other than that... and yes, its for co-op or team based games. Its nice to know that my mate got killed by a bastard with an OP weapon at this or that location.
  15. Good luck and see you around. You'll always be The Duke. Hail to the King, baby!
  16. What Ethan said. We only got a solid PS2 emulator around mid-late last year. A PS3 emulator got to be around 10 years down the road. (If I recall correctly, I could legally emulate a console if I have said console. About the SNES...)
  17. I'm fine if they do something similar with the PS4 with regards to BC. It gives folks a chance to transition. Wanting to be able to play games from two generations ago means that you're slower than Slowpoke.
  18. All nighters are pretty damn fun. Now I have to stop screwing around and finish my report...

    1. Baconrath


      I never can recover from them like I think I can :(

    2. Mal


      Strategic class skipping. I know I will die in class if I go... plus its raining.

  19. This might get me to get the PS4 at or near launch.
  20. http://en.genzu.net/yurai/?n=Vincent I'm dying... and my full name doesn't help. Black tights... I played around with some usernames... my face.
  21. /a/ recently had a thread about FLCL (Considering the current state of 4chan... it was really damn civil compared to any other thread. Just to show just how loved FLCL is) and well, I just had to get the manga. I might pick up the blu-ray within this year too. JUST SWING!
  22. Yup, watching Sailor Moon while working on a report. while enjoying a beer. College aged people...

    1. TCP



  23. http://vimeo.com/43528744 Damn it guys, stop cock blocking me. :<
  24. Finally! I lost hope for a Blu-ray version.
  25. Mal

    World Politics

    So, strapping something like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_%28nuclear_propulsion%29 But yeah, it has to be solid for it to work. For loose stuff, I think we're at a lost on what to do. We can tow it away via gravity but we don't have anything to do that with. Anything that can be done now is at least a decade off in the future.
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