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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Just started on Attack on Titan. Not bad but why is everybody using swords? They need spears, glaive/guan dao or in other words, something on a pole for range and to drive it down the skinned Titans' spines. Use their fancy flying to get behind and below to attack their Achille's tendon or back of the knee to force them down/kneel (Swords can work here) and have another guy to go high so he can drive a spear down their spines. So far they're making them seem impossible to kill which is such bull*. Now the skinless ones... I have no idea. They're tanks since they can take a cannon to the face. And that is my short "applying real life to fiction" post. Now enjoy this sexy ED (Especially at the 1 minute mark). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNt_lGT_AVU Picking up the manga now. It cannot be impossible to kill them and I just can't wait for the first kill. Edit: Also calling it, people lived outside the walls before or are still living outside the walls. They have a true means to kill the Titans (But maybe not the skinless ones). Lastly... they could of lived underground. DIG US OUT BRO! SIMON WILL APPEAR IF YOU DO!
  2. I like how sparse the fan service (of the sexual kind) is in that show. I only recall one shower shot. That is it. Its kind of how I like my anime these days. Girls und Panzer was also like this when excluding the OVAs (Which I haven't watch.). Anyways, tell me what you think of the 7th and 8th episodes. I got done with them a few nights ago and I found that they kind of irritated me. Is there some sort of meaning that I'm not getting? Also, I hope you are also watching the BD specials. I'm finding them to be cute. Edit: Finished it. A bit more to the fanservice but again, not much. Also I just realized that the MC doesn't have a name real name.
  3. The Galaxy Mega... is a mini tablet right?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I'm with eleven, I want fast flagship phones at 4 inches. Anything else is too big to comfortably fit in my pocket.

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Galaxy S3 at 4.8 is a good size for me. That said, sticking a radio in everything and making it a "phone" is not really a problem. Hell, do it to my 50" Galaxy TV if you like. I don't have a problem with being able to make and receive calls on all my devices.


    4. TheMightyEthan


      I agree it's not a problem to do that, but it seems like everyone's focusing on these huge phones to the exclusion of 4-inch-range devices.

  4. Didn't they do it once already?
  5. Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita is an anime to watch if you want to be random'd. Perfect for me who just want humor and to relax. Nothing serious at all. Thus I present you Ave Maria and the Flying Skinless Chickens. (Honestly, the OST reminds me more of some game's OST.) Thank you and have a nice day.
  6. After some reflecting, Infinite feels like Spec Ops: The Line (Another 2K game). Generic gameplay but great atmosphere/story. The only difference I feel is that we got a general vision of how Infinite could be like with the trailer from two years ago. The gameplay from the trailer seems more robust (Not sure if I'm using the right word) and the play field can be HUGE (When combined with the long Skycranes). I wonder what happened during development since what they showed seems doable with today's tech. I will get flak for this but could it be because of tech limitations from the aged consoles? If it is, I feel kind of bad since next gen isn't that far off and that the game could of been better if timing was better. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but without the setting/story, I would forget about the game in a few short weeks. Again, it is like with Spec Ops: The Line. I remember Spec Ops because of it setting/story.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo8ZtCcrxvE Best Korea.
  8. After some thought I'm emptying one of my worm bins since I think its far gone since... have you ever seen sludge move? The surface is fucking moving from SOMETHING. I'll save some so it can seed the next bin after I fix some of the drainage holes. My other bin though seems to have matured nicely after adding in the drainage holes. I'll leave that to do its thing. Edit: Yup, that bin was a grave yard. Only a handful of worms, those who were left are hardy fucking bastards since even the BSFLs are dead. With that said, I decided against using it to seed the now cleaned bin with improved drainage holes (All of them were clogged with vermcrete). The new bedding is a go, I just need some green/coffee grounds to finalize it. Now about the former content... I'm soaking it with water to let it age overnight so it'll be somewhat useful as a fert.
  9. Doing an inventory for something that haven't had one done on it is hard. Plus random junk here and there stalls me quite a bit.

  10. Mal

    Xbox One

    So the Creative Director (Or soon to be former...) of Microsoft may have confirmed the "always-connected" rumor while being an ass? Thoughts? Nevermind? Seems like the two were fucking with each other but still... bad PR if this gets carried away by mobs.
  11. I never heard of them but they seem really nifty. Kind of like QR codes but more intuitive.
  12. Mal

    Sim City V

    The ads and the way the game was designed (Which is fine for a game but this is Simcity we are talking about) connects in such a way that it might reminds some folks too much of Facebook games and its likes. I would be fine with the ads (if I play the game) since it adds another level of immersion to me. I know folks make mods for games like GTA that places real life products in game. Same idea. Also, yeah, the apparent brokeness (OP) of the thing is concerning.
  13. Whoa, where is all my time going this quarter? Is this for real real adulty life¿

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      It's-ha tooo late to apologeeee-izzzzzze


    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      What's up with the upside question mark? Suddenly everyone is using them.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      If you're asking in general it's the way questions and exclamation points are written in spanish for the most part. Upside down at the beginning, rightside up at the end.

  14. There is a spoiler button. [spoilerdelete] Get rid of the delete to use if you want to go manual. But yeah... Now to decide if I should play 1999 Mode or play it on Normal or Hard for some good fun.
  15. I honestly don't see how they can pull off a sequel. Besides, that is why we have DLCs... If they reuse anything/anyone in the next game they make, they'll be reusing the Leteces.
  16. I want a Kickstarter for some animation thing. If games can do it, surely animations can as well.

  17. Little Witch Academia, watch it. Its only (...) a half hour long thing but the animation and such is wonderful. Also: By the folks of TTGL, Panty and Stocking and well, the above. This cannot suck. IT BETTER NOT!
  18. After watching recaps while cleaning and then having the new episode for dinner I'm so happy that me and my roommates got HBO. So what do you guys think? Only thing so far for me is...
  19. Gameplay get a slight boost for a minor thing... you can shoot down incoming RPG fire. Also I'm getting better at Patriot fights which consist of throwing everything I have at it (Fire with bounce)... and fuck that switch. FUCK THAT SWITCH. Edit: Finished.
  20. Pumped seven hours in on hard which isn't too hard (I just got another offer that I might not be able to refuse). So far I think its good but the gameplay can be generic in the indoor areas. I wasn't expecting to be limited to two weapons so I'm moving towards a shotty/sniper combo... a staple of most other shooters I play. I'm finding myself not using vigors as much as I hoped since my mouse lacks extra buttons which makes using vigors a pain (Left: Shoot. Middle: Melee. Right: Aim). If I can get a mouse with one more bottom, I'll be set. So far, I'm thinking it'll turn out like Spec Ops: The Line. Average gameplay, great atmosphere/story. I'm really digging everything on that side.
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