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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Sim City V

    That is no bueno. I want to have that option to build up the greatest city and destroy it by bringing on the Doom. :\ Sure I am content with just building a city normally but it doesn't make me happy of losing freedom of doing what I want.
  2. Mal

    World Politics

    http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20120602/couple-to-wed-balk-at-extra-music-fees-120602/#ixzz1wkLDLgEi The United States will welcome the business. For example... considering an international convention in NA? Well, screw Canada! Smaller gatherings like weddings seems to be somewhat okay since they're usually under 100 people but an additional $9.25 is sort of eh. I bet this also applies to funerals too so don't play any sort of copyrighted music! Makes me wonder what, if any, exemptions there are to this fee.
  3. Aaaand suddenly I am back into Minecraft.

    1. Johnny


      Those new snapshots look real enticing. They seem to be fixing all the damage the new map generator code did to the feel of the game. :)

    2. deanb


      Running a server?

    3. Mal


      The large biomes are sexy.

      @Dean, I haven't manage to get it to work yet. Silly router/modem

  4. Depends on how you cook them. I also don't recall spinach actually storing salt so I doubt it would be that. If they are high in anything, it would be iron.
  5. Just listen... AFFC spoilers FYI. http://tindeck.com/listen/vkxz
  6. I swear I eat like the older generations of my family... all thanks to my grandma. So, you are poor and Chinese... what do you eat? This with white rice. And it is damn tasty but very salty. I swear it has 1000% of recommend salt intake. Still very good though. However, for my health sake, I cooked up some spinach as well since at Farmer's, its $2 for three bunches that I can split into six meals. Sadly, I can't be Popeye.
  7. Then with the Gallup site I got... I can maybe find more exact info but I am wondering if they do divide up the country by area, not by population. Also the actual data is interesting... I think its part of a poll that they run every few years since the 1980s. in which they survey about 100 people each time. That is my impression by just glancing but overall the data stays pretty much the same.
  8. Mal

    Day Z

    The honeymoon is over so time for some real impressions... Gaming and core human nature just have a hard time mixing. Most people will shoot on sight because there is little reason not to. Not one is really dying or getting killed so we might as well do what is best for us which in most cases is to kill for loot even if the other person doesn't even have anything better than you. Main reason is because if the person with the better loot get spotted, he got a better chance at getting shot by the person with the lesser gear. It is a really vicious cycle that is only broken by pre-game grouping and planning. I seriously believe this game could be a really good case study on how people react when there is nothing to lose to do a bad thing. With that said, it can get really tense at times because if you are alone, you want to remain alone. You don't want to attract anybody to yourself. So you think twice about shooting ANYTHING if you don't have a silent weapon. Now with the reverse of detecting other players, you will always be on a lookout since they can be anywhere and a surprise attack can end you in less than a second. Unless you are really screwing around, this would not be a game to play to relax but it is a great game even with the bugs. Also if you have noticed, I barely mention the zombies. While they are deadly, they can be dealt with easily enough. Rocket may have said that zombies should not be the main focus but I think it may have been taken way too far. They should be dangerous enough that you really think twice about engaging them or even catching their attention. This would make the game more emergent since now players should be joining up more often than shooting at each other in game. Main reason I am saying this is that grouping up outside the game kind of break immersion and it really leave solo players in a rut. This mod is more interesting with other people but currently solo players who don't have outside connections are getting shafted. A post infection world should have the agressive last man on earth folks to friendly folks to those two in groups. Hopefully AI fixes and improvements will iron out my issue above since I believe no play style should get shafted. Solo play should be possible but the world should encourage more group play. Heh, mini review and critique from my phone...
  9. Two...? Did they get smaller or something? Then again, back in high school the Chipotle across the street made theirs a bit bigger than most other stores. Ah.. memories. Every other Friday was Chipotle Day with me having an extra long lunch period. Eat it nice and slowly compared to clomping it down in under five minutes on most other days.
  10. About Solyndra? A quick rundown since I'm working on a project... They got granted a massive $535 million loan which they wasted on lobbying some more, redecoration and some other jazzy stuff. The latter part wasn't really known until they suddenly closed their doors last year. Sure China is pumping out cheaper solar panels but a half a billion USD can't make Solyndra in fighting shape with them? Bullshit. Its not a pretty black eye.
  11. The whole series will end with Hodor lamenting on how life sucks. The End. Hodor...
  12. FYI, he jokingly or not jokingly said that he hope to get The Winds of Winter done within five years... so take you bet.
  13. Ooo, Ys Origin appeared on Steam to join Oath of Felghana. Despite how simple they are, the Ys games are great fun and that was just the first two games... I am somewhat tempted if they ever go on sale since I never played those two since fan translations were lacking a few eyars back.

  14. That is actually a really damn good move on Romney's part. Thinking about Solyndra still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It is a good idea to help push this sort of tech along but not doing background checks was just terrible. However, I can't say I can nail Obama directly on this one. Indirectly, yes, by the type of people Obama got to work the deal out. Eh.
  15. Italian Spiderman, which is discontinued sadly... You could also checkout Danger Five, which is by the same folks.
  16. Not being a free American must be even worst.
  17. Land and water all stays the same... didn't you know that? Water doesn't get polluted, the ground doesn't erode and things do not decay. Things stays the same. We all can piss into the ocean and it will never turn into a ocean of piss. Everything is linear and easy to predict too. UGH
  18. I wonder if there is a limit on how sharp of a cheddar I can eat. Oh god... I'm eating like a white dude. I buy cheese like it is nothing and nomnomnomn it all day.
  19. No idea on what to make of it either. Drugs be bad yo?
  20. I believe I had said this before: I am of the mindset that the A Song of Ice and Fire world is very much like ours. Too much in fact. Magic had died in Westeros south of the Wall. East, across the Narrow Sea magic perhaps still exists and it did to a limited extent. Now it is coming back. So my reaction to magic in the show and the books is somewhat like how I would react if magic appeared in our world. Its quite awesome really, to have a mindset like this while reading and watching the series.
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