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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Well, time to get this game... I suppose? Is the MP good old fun?
  2. Not sure if this works but... This will make your day too.
  3. Been ages since I listened to any Touhou related stuff.
  4. Questions. How are/were your study habits? Hours per week? Advice to get into a good study habit? I'm asking since I'm pretty terrible at it and it shows.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pojodin


      Whereas project based classes are best started as soon as a project is assigned.

    3. FMW


      The best thing a bad studier can do to help themselves study is to manage his/her location. A library is good, a lounge area (if you're in college) is good. A dorm room is bad. Pack a meal and stay away from the places where fun things are until the work is done.

    4. FMW


      The best thing a bad studier can do to help themselves study is to manage his/her location. A library is good, a lounge area (if you're in college) is good. A dorm room is bad. Pack a meal and stay away from the places where fun things are until the work is done.

  5. The second half of Cyber Rat's post is so amazingly quote worthy. Maybe I'll add in some stuff on how I see it as a regular Joe consumer*. I'll leave you guys to duke it out for now. *At least that how I see myself. Nothing specialized and not in the know of things
  6. Stay up for 18+ hours and get a sore throat. Goodie... it been ages since this happened.

  7. After much sitting around on my HD, I am finally decided to play King's Bounty: The Legend. I bought it back during the Holidays sales so yeah, been on my less than one years old account for a while.
  8. After 76 hours, I am done with Fallout 3 (Replay) and its DLCs (First time). When I can muster the strength, I'll do an evil run but for now... I am done with Fallout 3. I think it will be a bad idea to pick up any Bethesda game for a week or two.
  9. And I thought they didn't have the funds to operate too long...
  10. Its looks like something good for co-op so... I'll get it once its $30 or under and if I have some other people to play with. I wonder what modders can do with this game.
  11. I'm waiting for reviews. Once ANY good review comes out, I think I will immediately jump on this game.
  12. No words. I am that amazed. I'm going to give it a go later. I wonder if it works for SMP... then again, 1.8 will break everything so whatever. Yep, this mod is amazing. I cheated to get the stuff to try them out. All I can say is... DAMN. I should give this a serious run and perhaps I can actually build some large projects legit as far as this mod is concern.
  13. Don't even get me started about people perception of folks from the internet. But yeah, negativity sells since that catches people's eyes most of the time.
  14. So... I'm still on Fallout 3. This quick replay sure turned into a full play-through. I beat the game but I have to finish the fight with Broken Steel. Currently clocked in about 70 hours according to the inaccurate Steam clock. Hey, at least I done a lot of stuff legit like getting the totally sweet Experimental MIRV. Well, except in the few times where the game AIs bugs out to the point that I had to do some console commands. With that said, I don't think I can take a Bethesda game for a week or two after this. I need something simple...
  15. Ugh... it may or may not be a good thing that I see this PXOD in my dreams.

    1. fuchikoma


      haha... Doesn't sound so bad to me. I have a bad cycle going with Minecraft where I pick it up and play obsessively for a few days then remember I was dreaming about it, so I just put it down and leave it alone for a while!

  16. ... Geez, I wish I have that sort of dough on for a computer. I would be GOD.
  17. Well, I might as well get it too.
  18. Ubisoft's NA HQ is in San Francisco. I should mail them. Hopefully I get an angry return mail back.
  19. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Eh. Another reason to dislike Gawker. Hell, when I was linked to it unknowningly just right now(Hershey Chocolate thing) I stopped the loading processes.
  20. One good thing about havign a powerful PC? You can work on a 11000x11000 image with no problems.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Okay, I lied. It does have some slow downs but its for sure workable.

    3. Mal


      Need more RAM it seems if I want to speed it up, I think?

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      That sounds friggin' badass. Ye I Jelly.

  21. Can't live without webcomics.

  22. I'm tempted too. Screw Black Ops but MW2 for $15... maybe. I got a weekend to think about it. The map packs can wait until they're $5 each or $5 for both.
  23. I think it'll turn out fine since its his parents place. So I doubt he'll do anything crazy. Besides, engineering major. They don't fuck around. Much. Also, the parents bought the place for him... I wish I had parents like that. Sadly, no, we're poor.
  24. I was with my mom last week. DUN DUN DUN.
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