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  1. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    RIP £ Edit: And some other currencies for that matter... Edit2: So yeah, welcome to independence not so united UK. How do you all feel?
  2. I want to play some Call of Duty games but they still cost a pretty penny for such old games.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I'm tempted to get the new CoD for the first time since MW3.

  3. Coraline The opening scene got to be one of the creepiest things I've seen recently. Wonderful movie.
  4. This is amazing. The Great Blue Sky is pleased.
  5. Let see... I've played about 68 hours and I'm at level 77*. I got about 3k in coins. Depending on the RNG Gods, you may get more or less. * Send help!
  6. PS3 has no gaems. And welcome aboard Slurmee.
  7. You could get into FPV Racing.
  8. Graduate student life. Not a lot of work and it is easy but the schedule is a pain. Even now that schedule just barely works (baking at 1-3 PM during summer is asking for trouble) but the results is worth it*. For the working person, I feel using the fridge is a must. It slows things down and allows for the opportune moment to do any active stuff you need to do like folding or baking. *There was just a heatwave too. In my area, it hit ~110 °F. Places further inland hit ~120 °F. Insanity that having (baked a few days before) bread, cheese and a nice chilled beer is like having sushi or any other chill dish during a hot day. A-Mei-zing!
  9. In the last month or so, I've started to bake my own sourdough bread based on the recipe in Flour Water Salt Yeast. Nothing quite beat cutting or tearing a chunk to munch on. You could also make a meal out of it with cheese and fruit. The bread also stays good for about a week so with two loaves, you can be set for anytime munchies. I suppose the only downside to it is the time it takes to complete it. The first day is to get your starter to get up to speed and volume (~9 hours at room temp but I suppose it can be longer, it won't hurt it), start the dough and fold it (~2-3 hour, on and off process). This is something you start in the morning and finish as you wind down the day. Baking day is about 5-7 hour process and it's on your day off since you're not going anywhere for too long (longest is the ~4 hour proof).
  10. I used Mercy for primarily defense and sometimes offense for payload portion of maps. King of the hill maps or if I need speed will have me being Lucio. Zenyatta is taking some convincing within myself to use again since the Widowmaker trauma was that great but yeah, he's great on offense for melting tanks. Mercy on offense is asking for trouble. On defense, I usually do not go beyond choke points unless there is a good rez to be had. I also do tend to fall back sooner than my teammates. A dead Mercy is an useless Mercy. Tracer is good for singling out Mercy and for landing a bomb on say a tank or Bastion. She is also good for distracting enemies from the point/choke point. Unlike Winston, she might be able to truly run away and not get gunned down. Anyhow, I started to really use Pharah, Junkrat, Roadhog and Reinhardt now. They're quite fun to play. Pharah is kind of tricky but highly rewarding. She's helping me to become more accurate with my other characters. Junkrat is well, a nuisance and dangerous in tight spaces. In one game, I nearly got 20k in damage. Roadhog chain is just fun to use for getting say, the support or even Bastion from the defending team. For Reinhardt, nothing is as satisfying than going to town with him or, rarely, having the team actually behind the shield and just laying waste to the enemy. Like folks, you can emulate a Reinhardt posse on a cart on foot. Anyhow... about 60 hours in, I think I have a problem.
  11. Yeah, too much Cannae bullshit going on but it overall well done. Oh yeah.
  12. Is gardening seriously banned in New Zealand?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      Now I'm reading that it's satire. It's a joke that got out of hand due to some news picking it up from some Reddit post. Hard to say. I Just kept seeing it show up and people keeping up the illusion... maybe.

    3. CrowKnow
    4. Baconrath


      is this the New Zealand version of drop bears

  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdY2m9FSUpw Maybe I should go through the classics.
  14. Sure the chat can be toxic but when it's cordial, it is pretty nice. Last night I had a 20 minute game and everybody was praising each other for such a good, intense game. While my team lost, we got about 4500 in exp. I can only imagine what the winning team got. As for McCree, I'm toying around with Roadhog and watching McCree trying to kill me is kind of amusing now. I think I can heal faster than he can kill me. I just wish my aim was better than it is. It would help with the hook and such. I think my main problem is that I'm not leading my targets enough.
  15. So 980ti cards can go for ~$370 now. I was paying ~$700 a year ago. I honestly didn't expect such a huge price drop.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I was expecting a drop, but not that much.

    2. Eleven


      Where is it selling like that?

    3. Mal
  16. Console players don't have to deal with super awesome Widowmaker players dominating a match so that's a plus. I can't say for console but on PC, Overwatch is a neat game to hop on for a match or two then hopping back off. Perfect for shortish breaks from stuff. I have good fun playing solo since the MMR is pretty decent at pairing you up with similar skilled players. Solo play though do keep you depressed on the MMR scale so chances are you won't be running into the super good players. I recently hopped on to play with some folks who usually play in groups and I was for sure a weaker link in the team. I usually get one or two gold medals but during that session, nothing. Rarely bronze or silver. That group's casual sessions are sessions where I need to hustle. Great fun though and for sure humbling. So in general, for solo play, expect generally relaxed games sprinkled with the occasional intense clutch moments.
  17. Unless things changed from the few interviews that happened a month or two ago, this is also coming to PC. PS4 just has a timed exclusive. Sucks but it makes sense.
  18. If they head back to survival horror then I'll be happy. Going to the atmosphere of RE1-3 and Veronica I can buy. Imagine going from the demo to RE6. Really all I want is to make children scared again. I think I mentioned over here before but I think of the greatest failures of 4-6 is that little kids weren't scared like most kids were with 1-3. For adults, the only thing I can think of that made us pause were the Regenerators and Iron Maidens from RE4.
  19. New balance patch came out for PC. Widow and McCree nerfed. Widow now cannot take out Zen or Tracer with a fully charge body shot (150 hp to 120 hp). A semi-charged follow up shot will be needed. Her headshots remain the same which is fine. McCree is no longer the tank-busting machine he was. With how the numbers plays out, he can no longer kill a fully healed Roadhog (600 hp) with even two Fan-the-Hammers (540 damage). Anyhow, here's some math someone else did. Widow might need some more nerfs (she still has no sway/knock back, semi-auto, decent at close range and can get out really quickly) but it's a start.
  20. The other things are foul beasts, kin to Hadean and Olympian monstrosities. Anyhow, it's an interesting direction they are taking the series. I just hope it's inspired since this Norse ground has been tread before.
  21. No release date yet but oh my god, the sieges has been improved quite a bit. The AI is still pretty janky though.
  22. With a rewatch, yes, there are zombies and what I assume to be Plagas infected human set in what I assume is Mississippi/Louisiana. Not sure how this will all work towards the (horribly disfigured) canon but it is an interesting turn for the franchise that I love and hate. Seems to have gone way back with the survival horror aspect with a VR twist... Jesus Christ. Am I going to relive my childhood again of being scared shitless by zombies again? Anyhow, it seems like a sequel since it could easily be a mishap/bioterrorism that cause this outbreak. Hell, maybe shit really did hit the fan this time and the bioterrorists won... they've infected a large portion of the world.
  23. Bummer. Well, there we have it. A PS5 game.
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