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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Just found out about this and it's blowing my mind.
  2. I want to speculate a lot but I think I'll just say that I'm intrigued. Edit: Oh yeah... damn it Ethan, what did you get yourself into!?
  3. Well they have a decade of trying to make this world work. Perhaps a really nicely fleshed out world isn't that far out there. The worlds* of FF VII, X, XIII, Ivalice, and I suppose Kingdom Hearts (for being Square Enix) were built up after the first game. I can only think of Ivalice being anywhere near graceful. ... I should just keep on playing Trails games (Being a Western fan is suffering). *Maybe I should include XI and XIV but MMOs are a bit different.
  4. I was watching a stream of the gameplay. It is totally a traditional Musou game but for Guts he'll have all of his tools available to him to use like his arm cannon, throwing knives and bombs. I expect a similar setup for the other characters but tuned to their play style. As for the structure (one character all the way through or like AoT where it switches) of the game, we'll have to wait to find out. Anyhow... EDF! The frogs are mobile as hell and have good aim. You can blast off their arms and legs to slow them down but they will fight back if armed and will eventually grow their limbs back. If they can they will retrieve their guns. So the way to kill them seems to be blow their legs then kill them ASAP. If not, blow off their right arm with the weapon. Cover is also your friend since they can come in waves of 18 (3 dropships with 6). Be careful to not get flanked! The other humanoid enemy is also a giant but they're grey aliens in armor. They are also agile as hell with rolls and they have multiple loadouts. Other than that, not much else is known since the devs cut off the gameplay before it got good with them and the journalists played like crap. Oh yeah, they talk as well. Ants are ants and flying saucers are saucers. They have a more forward momentum to them so they won't turn on a dime like those in 2017 and 4.1. Lastly... RANGER CAN SPRINT NOW. Sadly you can attack while doing so but it'll go a long way to improve his mobility. Wing Divers are still around and I think one stream had a Air Raider but it may be that the skins can change depending on the mission.
  5. I looked into the the story of Nier. Shit is batshit insane. It's the continuation of a really weird ending to Drakengard. As for Nier itself... it seems fine. We'll be running into some characters in Automata. It shouldn't be bad. Also TGS trailer.
  6. A 'Dean can take a break edition' post. TGS trailer. Honestly the only time I've looked at one of the trailers. I can dig the story that the trailer is trying to set up. Can't help but feel that they might add some convoluted plot point that make Noctis into Jesus 3.0 so that they can have a XV-II and XV-III though.
  7. Remember: All games are shit in some way, be it the dev, gameplay, graphics or some techincal detail. So you can never enjoy any game without being a shilling cuck.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      At this point, I just assume it's because video games are literally the only thing they have going on in their lives. It's the only way I can make sense of someone getting so emotionally invested and enraged over something like video games. Well, that and autism, I guess.

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Someone's been to /v/.

    4. Mal


      I'm getting too old for that shit now. Be it 4chan or 8chan or wherever.


      Really though, most big sites seems to have politicized gaming. They all seem to forgotten to how to have fun and sometime take games for what they are rather than what their marketing says or what they could be (aka their potential).

  8. So open-world action game with online elements. Okay... Also a game engine has been decided so it is being worked on now. Del Toro?

  10. That theme just blends with the temp music. Imagine a Marvel franchise where each hero had a memorable theme and it could be mix together for say when they work together. Shame that these movies just don't have anything memorable so that you can hear that tune and just instantly imagine the movie or characters.
  11. Gave Narco a spin and it turned into a season one binge. Knowing that Escobar eventually gets killed, season two should be it. Now everybody else's fate... I don't know and that what keeps me in the show. But hell, half of the real stuff that goes down sounds like a fiction and that keeps me in too. Luxury prison for exchange for peace... It just doesn't sound real.
  12. I don't think much of anything anime related parody will ever top this.
  13. Anything that gave us a Queen soundtrack and this deserves to be remembered fondly.
  14. I never knew that I wanted to be a School Girl Zombie Hunter. Screw being mahou shoujo!

    1. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      You want to hunt School Girl Zombies? You want to be a School Girl Zombie that hunts stuff? Or you want to be a School Girl that hunts zombies?

  15. But it will be the most polished endless runner, nay, smartphone game in existence.
  16. Well, nobody ever questioned SE's composers on their musical talent. Everything I've listen to was good. The question is if the game will stand up well. Still debating if I should gamble on this game like I did with NMS. Well there is no gambling on my part since it won't be on PC anytime soon.
  17. https://www.d3p.co.jp/countdown2016/ OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT And timing is about right. TGS is a day or two after the countdown.
  18. Trails in the Sky: SC on NOT hard.. GO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      Oddly, my GOG saves are still around... Chapter two or three at the mechanic town. Forgot the name. My progress to this point was hard fought.


      The story in God Eater is typical anime kind of junk. At this point with how my character looks, it kind of becomes a comedy. I kind of approach it like I do with EDF. Cheesy but ties everything together. Fighting wise, I find it to be lacking in some parts but not bad. It's less brawler and more attack the weakspots for massive damage....

    3. Mal


      Once I'm done with the game I'll write a better summary.

    4. toxicitizen


      Well, it was originally a PSP game, so I would expect it to be a bit lackluster, yeah. Doesn't sound too bad, though. Will likely get it at some point.


      Kinda wish you could get just the first one for cheaper, though.

  19. Giving medics a gun that kind of acts like a sniper rifle in Battlefield 1 is a poor choice. Their role is in the front with the charge. Speaking of the charge, the bayonet charge is pretty sweet. Nothing like tossing smokes or gas then charging. Bonus if you are on a horse. It's the totally suicidal WWI reenactment of the following. Nobody expects an one man charge since most people are sniping...
  20. Like with metal, why the hell are all the futuresynth artists I care about are in Europe?
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