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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Do you pronounce it "Dishonoored"? No I live in a country where we know how to use the letter U!
  2. Switched to American Netflix. My god..........

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      There's still a lot of garbage on American Netflix but more good stuff than I'll ever be able to watch.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I shouldn't say it doesn't have good selection, but if I want to watch a specific movie then there's at best like a 40% shot it's on Netflix. It's got tons of good stuff I've never heard of until I see it there and watch it.

    4. deanb


      Yeah, gotta say with UK NEtflix there's a lot of the false hopes of something coming in results only for it to be a "Films related to what you actually want to watch"

  3. A reply to GOH: I've been getting back into Dishonored. Besides the fact that the name is spelt wrong, it's pretty good! I got distracted by something else when it launched and never got back to it till now. One last PS3 game before PS4.
  4. So, FLD, is the open world reusing anything from Arkham City or is it an entirely new area?
  5. Saying it's major is a little much. The Wii U had a 1.5 GB patch on launch day, considering Sony's online infrastructure is years ahead of Nintendo's I think it'll be fine. Sony's been doing day one digital downloads for GIANT (in size and you know, popularity) games like GTA V and The Last of Us for awhile now, I think they'll be prepared.
  6. PFFFFFT if you don't get -40 in winter where you live, you don't really get winter.
  7. Playing GTA V just makes me want a Red Dead Redemption 2 even more :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I think a Good, Bad & Ugly-style triple protagonist idea would be pretty neat. Three characters from different backgrounds after some goooooold.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why doe that article assume it's RDR and not another Max Payne or Bully? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockstar_New_England


      Plus, whose to say it's not a portable version of one of their games? What has Rockstar Leeds been up to as well?

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Because that gets hits, I guess. Or it's just wishful thinking. I figure North or San Diego (or both) would do next Red Dead though, yeah.

  8. So why do I need to download BBM?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      Huh? Don't know anyone in Canada who used BBM before this new app launched a few days ago.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I imagine the appeal of stuff like this if for people in countries that don't have unlimited texting as it uses data instead.

    4. deanb


      BBM has been around for donkeys. Also I thought RIM was Canadian?

  9. God dammit that trailer was good. I like seeing someone like Falcon in there, it'd be cool if he shows up in Avengers 2. We need more black people in the MCU, besides Nick Fury.
  10. You disgust me. I know it was mean, but this might be my favourite post ever on PXOD. I laughed for probably 5 minutes straight.
  11. You play PlayStation? I like this kid. He reminds me of a young version of me.
  12. This has been my big fear, and hence why I have a bunch of cash sitting in my dresser and not at EB Games. I'm sure EB Games has it together enough to not fuck this up but I don't trust that some stoner employee won't fuck my preorder up. If I don't get a PS4 on launch day, I'll die of a broken heart
  13. I want to pick this up but I've never played a Killzone :-\ hope I don't get lost!
  14. Some point this week when I have a less busy day I will compile all the votes and rank them based on number of votes. So get your vote in now! OR ELSE I'LL KILL YA!
  15. No doubt a clue that the Xbox One and the PS4 are just different tiers of the same device. IMAGINE THE FANBOYS REACTION!!
  16. Kickass 2. It's like they forgot what made the first movie so great. Pacific Rim. Started off "omg omg omg" but never got any better. Went on too long. Nice seeing Charlie from IASIP and Owen from Torchwood together though.
  17. Man of Steel - If you guys know anything about me, I like two things: PlayStation and Marvel Comics. As far as DC goes, their characters, outside of Batman, get a resounding "meh" from me, but Superman? He gets an eye roll. All that said: this movie wasn't bad. There was some science that, as far as comic book movies go, make sense, and I didn't have any "wtf, seriously?" moments like Superman Returns did. I'm excited to see where they take this. I figured, due to the mix response, and my dislike of Superman, I'd hate this movie so I went in with low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. Plus Amy Adams. Seriously. Amy Adams. Amy. Adams.
  18. I didn't mind the motion controls (but I'm willing to bet it could easily be ported over a controller) I didn't like the way the world was connected (or not connected, for the most part). Flying in the sky was beautiful but the sky was mostly empty. The 4 different areas below were nice but felt entirely bricked off and not connected or related to each other in any way. They basically felt like levels. There wasn't that open feeling you'd get from a more traditional Zelda. Even in Ocarina of Time most of the levels were closed off, but you could still see Death Mountain from Hyrule Field, you could jump into the canyon, fall into the river, and wash up in Hyrule Lake, and there was portals that zipped you from Kokiri Forest to Zora's River. Twilight Princess had similar things. Those games just had a sense of exploration and openness that worked well with those sorts of adventures. All that said, Skyward Sword would look great in HD though.
  19. A nice video celebrating Sony's history:
  20. Yeah that was disappointing too. Wind Waker's dungeons were great but were too few. OoT + MM + TP remain my favourite 3D Zeldas. Not sure where I'd put Skyward Sword on that list...
  21. Finally beat Wind Waker HD, procrastinated a bit during the triforce quest, which was still a pain. This is the most charming Zelda game, but I think I prefer my Zelda games with big open fields and large forests to explore and mountains to climb. That's an essential part of Zelda for me, while exploring the ocean was nice, once you realize there's only one island per square and only 2 or 3 of them are a decent size, the game loses some excitement IMHO.
  22. Oh man that art style! Wan! Minimal Korra! Everything about that was great.
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