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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Apparently you can only buy PS4 games on PS4s, if this is true, good luck getting PS4 PS+ games before you get a PS4. Another reason why getting the system at launch is ideal. EDIT: Course, I'm pretty sure I heard otherwise, I guess we'll find out Friday.
  2. I'll reserve judgement till it's free on PS+ in January.
  3. Browsing a few sites, Knack reviews..... are not great. Which I sort of expected, and I'm glad I didn't get tempted to walk into EB Games and pick it up. Killzone, on the other hand, looks pretty good, lots of 8s and 9s. My launch day games will probably be Ass Creed and Lego Marvel, and maybe try to find Killzone on a Black Friday deal.
  4. The PlayStation app is live on iOS.
  5. To anyone with a Vita who previously purchased Flower on PS3, you can search for Flower in the store and download it now, you can't find it by just browsing the store though.

    1. toxicitizen


      Not the killer app the system deserves, but the one it needs right now.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      You also get the PS4 version if you have the PS3 version.

    3. Vecha
  6. Got Songs: Ohia's Magnolia Electric Co on vinyl today! Love this record. Here's a live performance of Hold On Magnolia.
  7. Not that I don't trust you implicitly, because I do, but do you have a source? Or are you just going from @yosp's tweets and common sense??
  8. Ethan, you're just a jerk! Anywho, anyone planning on a new HDD? Looks like you only get 400GB to work with on PS4. I'll be waiting a year or so to see if 2TB drives come down in price, or if those new SSD drives that I hear so many people raving about cost any less and have any dramatic increases in performance for PS4.
  9. I love my officially branded PlayStation headset problem is, I'm not sure if it's going to be compatible with PS4 at launch.
  10. I think what they did with The Wolverine was great. They took definite influences from various comic story lines, including that original Wolverine run, mixed in a little bit of Old Man Logan, and did their own thing as well. It worked great. As a comic fan, like you said, I'll never go in wanting a 100% adaption of the comics, nods to the books here and there are great, but somethings work in the books that wouldn't really work on screen (like Wolverine's costumes). The backlash against Iron Man 3's Mandarin is a good example. What they did was a ballsy fucking move, that NO ONE saw coming. How often do you get a genuine plot twist like that in films? But all the comic fanboys rioted and complained and now apparently they're shooting a Marvel One Shot that's "correcting" the Mandarin.
  11. Dishonored. One last PS3 game before next-gen. I thought it was pretty good, though once I reached the flooded city I was ready for the end.
  12. Thor 2. I don't know if it was better than the first one but it was still pretty great. My thoughts: Kat Dennings needs to go away. Also we need to see more of the Lady Sif (and the Warriors Three). Most of the movie was spent outside of Earth and it was kind of interesting to see more of Asgard. Idris Elba got a lot more camera time this time around, which was a delight. I was worried Loki's presence would feel forced but it didn't.
  13. Thor mid-credits scene: Definitely stick around for the mid-credits scene as it sets up another Marvel film, the post credits scene can be viewed online, it's nice, but not overly important.
  14. That trailer is so yesterday. Here is the extended version. The Doctors compare screwdrivers!!
  15. Full trailer is here. I haven't seen it on YouTube yet.
  16. Pre-ordered my first next-gen game: RIP PS3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii U but games of this caliber can ONLY be handled by next-gen technology.
  17. Yeah, last episode was really good. I felt episode 2 - 3 were maybe lacking but each episode has gotten better since then. And my understanding this is being produced by ABC Television as well, so I'd imagine they probably just didn't want 6 of their prime time TV shows to be taken up by Marvel stuff. Plus being off network TV gives them a little bit more flexibility in terms of violence, which would suit these characters well.
  18. Ready for more Marvel? I hope so. Marvel's developing, for Netflix, four TV shows; Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones. Then, they will team all four of those characters up and do a Defenders TV show. This is the greatest news ever. Source here.
  19. I'd imagine no, since they sort of encourage people to change their hard drive and it didn't void the warranty on PS3.
  20. I trust you implicitly, Vecha.
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