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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yes. "The fact that a Bethesda game...".
  2. Yeah when I upgraded from 3DS to 3DS XL you had to use the system transfer which copies over everything from games, saves, Miis, and your friend code.
  3. The fact that a Bethesda game is being heavily featured in a PS4 commercial only says good things about the PS4 versions of Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 4.
  4. Delayed till Spring 2014. They must have known about this for awhile since it takes nearly a month to certify, manufacture, and ship world wide. Strange that they wait till now to delay it. I wonder if GTA V set the bar too high for modern-city open world games so they delayed to either A) distance from GTA or B) improve the game?
  5. The art direction for A Link Between Worlds really sucks. It's the Zelda equivalent of New Super Mario.
  6. I also had to change my vote. I no longer own a 360, sold it. Last time I plugged it in was when Braid came out. The money I got will be used for my PS4.
  7. HEY! You both need to nominate two more games!
  8. Don't be afraid to nominate a game that's already been nominated, the more nominations not only the more likely it'll make the brackets but it'll also be higher up in the brackets.
  9. I thought anything more than 3 might be too much compile. Be happy you get more than one nomination!
  10. I'm voting for... Red Dead Redemption The Last of Us Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  11. GAME OF THE GENERATION The generation is almost over. We've played Bioshock, we've played Mass Effect 2, and we've played Grand Theft Auto V. This generation has seen a wild ride, full of downloadable games, online multiplayer, and meaningless achievements. Most importantly, there's been a ton of great games. Now we must decide which game is the best. Here are the rules: -You can nominate 3 games -Due to handheld generations not always lining up with console generations, let's leave this just home consoles -PS3, 360, and Wii games only! -Make sure they're individual games, not collections, it could be a game from a collection, but not the collection itself -Dean will work his computer voodoo magic, stuff no mortal could understand and do brackets from the games that get the most nominations. Not sure how many games will reach the brackets, I guess that'll depend on how many different titles get nominated -You have some arbitrary amount of time to nominate your games, so don't procrastinate!
  12. Actually, Dissidia 012 is a prequel but after you beat the game you unlock the original game, effectively making the original Dissidia unnecessary! Don't expect it to be Square Enix Smash Bros or something, the fighting system is complicated but once you wrap your head around it, it's fantastic.
  13. Well, should we do a Game of the Generation topic? Maybe nominate games and then vote?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FMW


      I could make a case for Minecraft, Wii Sports, or Call of Duty 4. Those are the 3 that spring to mind.

    3. Luftwaffles


      EVE Online, Arma 2, and Red Dead Redemption get my votes.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Go to the thread with your votes. :P

  14. REGARDLESS, it was pretty weak.
  15. It's cool in premise but it's over priced, short, the powers drain your health which makes fighting frustrating since a lot of them require you to use your new powers, and basically you're always 'wanted' meaning running through the city gets a ton of guards chasing after you. Not even that but the whole alternate history scenario is handled poorly, has some major plot holes, and just don't make no darn sense. I disliked it, and I even liked Revelations...
  16. I liked it! Be mindful the beginning is kind of slow. Also, don't get too invested in Desmond's storyline. Also!! Avoid the DLC. Seriously.
  17. I actually found the Wikipedia entry to be fairly well written... the game itself doesn't make a ton of sense. You end up reliving Altair's memories, as Ezio.. as Desmond. Clearly, the games producers had just watched Inception. Also of note: Ezio meets a girl with huge boobs!
  18. My PSP recommendation: Dissidia 012 Seriously. It's the best Final Fantasy game. Crisis Core is also good but I never played all the way through it... I keep hoping it'll arrive digitally on the PSN. One day.
  19. Krueger wailing on the flying-V had me cracking up. Can't wait for this show to come back.
  20. Yeah, that's pretty telling, isn't it? Perhaps Rayman Legends didn't perform as well on Wii U as Ubisoft anticipated? Ubisoft has been one of the Nintendo's biggest supporters for the Wii U... if they're backing away that is not good.
  21. If they're going through the trouble of remaking (or "enhancing") these ports, I don't see why they wouldn't want to bring them to every platform they could, it's not like you're trying to port a 2013 AAA title. Put these up on Steam! Money! Also, yeah, prices.. awful.
  22. Amazon.ca sucking ass?! That's unusual!
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