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Everything posted by TCP

  1. FFVI is getting remade!!!!!! ...as an iOS/Android game. Wish this would come to other platforms too. Why not Vita and 3DS? Or XBLA and PSN? Imagine a PS3/Vita crossbuy? I'd buy the shit out of that. I tried Secret of Mana and Final Fantasy I on iOS. I do not want to play those games on a touch screen.
  2. Happy birthday to my best friend forever FLD. Enjoy your last year in your 20s!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Happy birthday! I'm not the oldest one on here!

    3. staySICK


      Happy birthday FLD!


      Isn't there someone here older than me, or have they all left?

    4. toxicitizen


      Thanks. And judging from GOH's profile, it seems he's the oldest here. Beating you by a year.

  3. Lots of the complaints I hear aren't so much about the controls, agency, balance... though I have heard complaints about all that.. but the big one is the game being out if chronological order for no apparent reason, and the story not making sense. So when narrative is the main focus of your game, that's not good. Add onto that supposed weak combat, arbitrary limitations for the ghost, and control issues, that doesn't couple together for a great game. But like I said, I haven't played it yet for myself.
  4. That's good! It's crazy to think after all the money and hard work that went into each episode, they'd just wipe it and the episode would be gone forever but I guess storage space could be an issue..? Hopefully if there's anymore episodes out there, they'll get found and digitized soon, who knows how long those old tapes will survive if they're not kept in ideal conditions (and even then they'll start disintegrating at some point). I watched the first episode last year, there was very little resembling the resurrected show. Still, the idea the Doctor not only has children but grandchildren is interesting, hopefully that's touched upon in the 50th, since it seems like the 50th is going to deal with The Time War and the Doctor basically wiping his people (including his family) from existence.
  5. Pacific Rim. Opening 10 minutes: "omg! cool!" 45 minute in: "ok.. hasn't gotten any cooler" Final 20 minutes: "so what's new on twitter...."
  6. TCP


    Looking forward to handing out candy for the little brats, since this is the first year in our home. But after a few kids I'm probably going to turn the lights out, pretend we're not home, and keep the candy for myself. Cause I'm fucking awesome like that. Sarah wants to get costumes for the dogs but I think that could be lame. ...Or adorable. Or lame.
  7. Yeah Heavy Rain never clicked with me, I keep meaning to give it another shot though. I'm kind of glad it's not getting universally 8s or 9s.... there's just too many games at the moment and I'm saving every penny I have for PS4's launch. I'll try this one out in a few months when it's cheaper.
  8. Reviews are all over the place. 8/10 from Polygon, 5/10 Destructoid, 6/10 IGN.
  9. I'll be playing this via Remote Play to my Vita... it'll be like it's November 15 2013!! I purchased this game in 2010 or so for PS2, never played it much, purchased the Ico/SotC collection at launch finished Ico but never finished Shadow. I think I'm at the second or third colossus. Those goddamn evil colossus are going down.
  10. It doesn't matter if you think it should have been priced at 400, as Strangelove said, they were selling the PS3 at a loss. Two years ago the 3DS cost 100 dollars to make and they sold it for 250. That's the arrogant Nintendo attitude we've been dealing with ever since the success of the DS/Wii.
  11. Welcome! I'm sort of the "cool dude" 'round these parts, so stick with me kid and you'll be livin' the high life!
  12. I have a suggestion! Not sure if it's been suggested before but whatever here goes. Rather than just let you keep writing statuses/replies for infinity and than arbitrarily cutting your post once you send it, that the forum will stop letting you type in the box so you know you've written too much. Make it happen, Dean! Like my post if you agree, club baby seals if you disagree!
  13. It launched at 250 in 2011.
  14. Yeah Rayman Origins is great. Legends is even greater! Both of them are best on the Vita IMHO. The Fast Sail (Quick Sail?) is great, not only does it move faster but you save time having to change wind directions, you can just move around and the wind changes with you. How far are you in the game? I just got to the Youknowwhat Castle with the statue of the hero of youknowwhat and obtained the youknowwhatsword. Is it spoilers for a game from 2001?
  15. Agreed, but there's more reasons they need to eat some humble pie. They need to stop gimping hardware and over pricing it. In what universe is the 3DS a 250 dollar system?? They need to stop being greedy and send some good will to fans, maybe with a unified account system so I can transfer games between my 3DS and Wii U. Xbox 360 and PS3 have both added features (and axed linux but whatevs) over the years, Wii U needs to do the same.
  16. Agreed! I've played most of Wind Waker on the gamepad, it's been great. I don't see Sunshine getting an HD port, while over time the mixed reception has changed for Wind Waker, that hasn't been the same for Sunshine. I'd love to be wrong though!
  17. Didn't mean to pick up the limited edition, I didn't even think it was even being released in Canada, but EB Games had a few extras so I splurged so I can resell it in a few years with my gold Wiimote for millions. I forgot what a great game this is. Might be better than Ocarina..... maybe.
  18. They're definitely a company that could use an ass kicking (which it seems like they're getting) and some "upper management restructuring". That said, the port is very well done, hopefully they're working on the other Zelda GCN/Wii games or the Galaxy games.
  19. Steam Machine beta specs: How much would this cost to build yourself?
  20. Am I just crazy or do the new Pokemon games look like complete and total ass??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      They look pretty bad. Have you seen the images of the big empty cities? Terrible.

    3. TCP


      Yeah, I've come to expect that from Game Freak but I've been seeing some praise for some of visuals which is absurd to me. It looks a lot like Dragon Quest 9.. which came out for the Nintendo DS.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      People have grabbed early copies as of late, so maybe there are things we'll just have to play. Although, if we had a 3D (not stereoscopic) Pokemon back on the DS circa 2004/2005, it'd have been tits.

  21. Man, can't believe Reboot launched 20 years ago, I remember that weekend when it first debuted. Glad that it's still being produced in BC. Started watching Broadchurch. Man, pretty much everything I see in British television collects from the same pool of actors. Lots of Doctor Who alumni, which is kind of cool. We've watched the first three episodes, we're going try to finish it this weekend, unless I pick up Wind Waker HD...
  22. Definitely not bland or half hearted but there's some parts that are just a little too cheesy. I know it's based off comic books but the part with Coulson and the Peruvian lady shooting back to back just made me cringe. That said, it's got that great Whedon dialogue, likeable characters, and an awareness that most TV shows lack.
  23. Not for me, cause I'm fucking legit like that, but Mario games aren't always attracting the best gamers, and even some hardcore gamers can suck at platformers. I think most of the frustration is with what Strangelove was describing, the fact that lives exist means saving is kind of a pain in the ass. Rayman Legends is ideal, I play through each level, maybe I die a few times, I finish that level, turn the system off, no worries. Lives just don't need to be there anymore, they serve no purpose.
  24. THIS. YES! Rayman Origins and Legends don't have lives and those games are way better platformers than Mario. Mario games haven't required quarters being pumped into them in 30 years, so why are we still stuck on this whole "lives" thing? Super Mario Bros didn't have saving, it might have had 8 worlds but it was designed with shortcuts in mind so you could beat the thing in a single sitting if you knew what you were doing, and it was shortly after the arcade era where lives were, in a lot of instances, ways for getting more quarters in the game, but even then lives were acceptable because it added to the challenge of the a single play through in a sitting experience. This isn't the case for the New Super Mario games, these are long games with longer levels and 8+ worlds to grind through.... so why can't the challenge exist in the level design and not arbitrary difficulties added by the developer?
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