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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Welcome to the brotherhood. Not buying consoles at launch is for suckers!
  2. I will now rank the Marvel movies: 1. Avengers 2. Iron Man 3 3. Thor 4. Captain America 5. Incredible Hulk 6. Iron Man 7. Iron Man 2 Also here's a gif of Rocket Raccoon because every Marvel thread needs one:
  3. Oh man wish I could play TLoU for the first time again.
  4. TCP

    English vs English

    I always thought of second party as studios that are mostly but not entirely owned by a first party company. Example would be Game Freak who only puts out Nintendo stuff but they're not a part of Nintendo like Nintendo EAD studios or even Retro are. Maybe I'm just completely misinformed. There is a first time for everything, you know.
  5. Trade it in! Or give the 1000 to the wife. My lady got my old 3DS when I upgraded to the XL.
  6. Yeah. That'd be dope. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS4 had that ability considering it can do it the other way around. What would be cool would be a Vita-2000 with HDMI out and DS4 support. Also more memory card inputs.
  7. Once again TCP called it. IMHO this makes the Vita version the definitive Rayman Legends due to the portability nature of it AND having the touch screen benefits of the Wii U version. Plus, 35 dollars!
  8. I wonder how much that'll confuse viewers. There's already a ton of characters and names to remember, actors changing doesn't help.
  9. If you don't have a Vita but do have a Wii U (what's wrong with you?!?!) definitely get this on the Wii U.
  10. This game.... this game looks so good.
  11. TCP

    Xbox One

    Don't worry Ethan, I'm here to help. I'd get a PS4. I think if you look at Sony's first party studios, there's going to be a ton of great exclusive games, we don't know about anything Sony Worldwide Studios is doing for the PS4 past February, but they're all working on PS4 games. Outside of Halo, there's not a ton of Xbox exclusives (Titanfall but I doubt that remains exclusive, plus you have a PC). Not to mention all the Japanese games that are exclusive to PlayStation. Just saying, if you get a PS4 first, you can wait on the Xbone and let the exclusives like Halo and Fable (lol jk) pile up for when you're ready for an Xbone. Plus, as you mentioned, the Vita remote play sounds AWESOME. Also think of all the cross-buy and cross-save PS4/Vita games. Lastly, if you're doing Destiny on PS4, you'll be able to play with your good pal TCP, that's the greatest reason of all!
  12. Like I was saying in the Purchased Games thread, there's no reason that the Vita couldn't have this content, so I'm assuming they just ran out of time, hopefully these levels will be patched in. Also, I vaguely recall reading about Vita exclusive levels when they announced the thing, I'd have to do some digging. For the record, it looks and plays great on the Vita and I can't imagine using PS3/360 for those Murphy levels.
  13. Have you played the Castle Rock level yet? Probably the most fun platforming level I've ever done.
  14. TCP

    Xbox One

    This is what I expected. Watch Dogs was listed as a day one launch game, but it's not coming out till November 19, so obviously the Xbone isn't due till after that. Good on Sony for getting the weeks headstart, everything seems to be going their way, I'll be very interested in those sales numbers from both companies for the holiday season.
  15. Missing some levels, but.. I don't care, it's 35 dollars instead of 60, is the perfect game for handheld, and looks great on the OLED screen. Also I have the feeling that since this version was announced last minute, that those levels could be patched in since there's no reason the Vita couldn't handle them. Also, it's a great game. The Rayman games might be even better than the New Super Mario games for just straight up platforming.
  16. TCP


    I actually sort of like it.
  17. I've been playing this game as much as I can, which isn't often. I'm a level 16 lancer at the moment. Still Magnitude Poppop on the Cactuar server. Sucks that we won't be able to play at all tonight but something needed to be done, it's been getting worse, last week I could get on easily at 7am, not the case today. I don't get Square Enix at all. The preorder numbers were very high, add in a percentage of people who don't preorder... how could they not be expecting such heavy traffic at launch??
  18. I had a terrible dream that Bethesda was remaking Morrowind from the ground up on the Skyrim engine but keeping it as an Xbox One exclusive.

    1. Luftwaffles


      You have pretty lame dreams.

    2. TCP


      What's worse is I rarely ever remember my dreams, this is the first one in weeks I can actually recall. Hopefully my forgotten dreams are less lame.

    3. Mal


      And here I am looking at the new eastern span of the Bay Bridge and thinking it will be put to the test soon...

  19. TCP


    We're still really broken up about Parker passing away, but in the past few weeks, Sarah and I decided we wanted to adopt another dog, not a new puppy but a dog who's fully vaccinated (so we wouldn't have anything to worry about) but isn't too old. We applied to basset hound rescues, there were none here in BC (Canada's California) but we found a few next door in Alberta (Canada's Texas). However, on Tuesday, I looked up on Kijiji (Canada's Craigslist) for available basset's in my area and one popped up that looked a lot like Booker but almost completely white, except for the ears and a few patches on his body. I recognized this puppy immediately as when we first were looking at getting Booker we originally wanted the white puppy from his litter but that puppy was already spoken for, but a basset that is this white is pretty rare and in an area the size of this (we bought him from a near by town but there's not too many breeders in this region) chances are he was Booker's brother. So we called the owner and brought Booker over to visit and you could tell they instantly recognized each other. The owners are a really nice couple but they're moving to Mexico and aren't comfortable taking the dog there, for some reason. So, long story short, as of last night Hank moved in with us. They haven't stopped wrestling since. It's pretty cute!
  20. TCP


    Picture of Thursday Next:
  21. TCP


    Agreed. Sort of felt the same thing with the N64 near the end (ignoring that Rare produced Conker game), they realized they can't compete against the Metal Gear Solids and Final Fantasy games on PS1, so they went super kid focused. At least that's how it seemed to me in 1999 when I was a bad ass 12 year old who was way too cool for Pokemon Snap.
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