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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP


    I don't think this was in response to the 199 Vita. If this is coming out in October, obviously this has been in planning for a long time and has been in manufacturing for awhile as well. Nintendo is many things, but quick reacting they are not. I think this is a system for kids, even more so than the regular 3DS. At this point I think the 3DS and the Vita are going for two completely different crowds. It's ugly as sin but I guess if I had a kid I'd be more likely to buy this than the more expensive, eye wrecking, regular 3DS.
  2. TCP

    Wii U

    249 would be the sweet spot for this system. Wind Waker coming Sept 20 for eShop, October 4 retail. I'd be interested in getting the eShop version early but I'm way too hesitant to buy a 50 dollar game digitally from Nintendo.
  3. TCP


    Hahahhaahahahhaahahahahahhahahahaha thank you for making my day, Nintendo.
  4. That sucks. This entire "launch", which isn't really a launch but early access to a relaunch of an MMO, has been awful, it's only going to get worse now that people that can go to the stores to buy the game. My advice to you, Fred, is to try to build your character and get onto Cactaur at like 7am PST. I logged in yesterday morning and this morning at that time and had no issues, and the server was notably emptier than it had been.
  5. Mmmm PC version looks so good! I'll add you to my friends list tonight, assuming I can get on.
  6. I got in Cactuar pretty easily tonight, I'll be on for the next hour or so if you get in. If you want to get in and just play, apparently the Japanese servers are super reliable.
  7. Yeah I'm already on Cactuar and I'm playing PS3. I've got to go into work right for a bit tonight but I should be back around 8pm PST. However, problem is, I doubt you'll have any luck getting on any NA servers tonight. I've been trying to log on since 3:45, I got in the queue at one point with 41 players in front of me, and then I got kicked out. Apparently they've severely limited access to all the servers so they don't crash. :-\
  8. I still love booting up Skyrim every once in awhile and just exploring the world. Even 150 hrs in, there's places I've never been. Bethesda is second to none in world design, IMHO.
  9. Excellent! Cactuar is the greatest! Dooo it! Doooo it! I'm still fairly low level due to not being able to get on, so I've been hanging out in the Gridania area. Goh, one day I'm all "you know, I think I'll use a keyboard on my PS3" the next day I'm upgrading graphic cards and installing mods!
  10. Makes sense! I know MMO have rocky launches, I was hoping this weekend would go a little smoother since, A) this is a relaunch and B) it's not even the full launch, makes me worry about how tomorrow's going to go. I managed to get in OK on Saturday, but Sunday I couldn't get in at all. Also I need to get a keyboard, even if it's wired.
  11. Favourite gaming podcasts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil
    3. madbassman39


      I enjoy bombcast, and used to enjoy Podtoid. Lately thought I find Jim Sterling to be more about bashing things than anything else and lost interest

    4. TCP


      I don't mind Jim Sterling when he posts articles or even his Jimquisition videos, but I've tried listening to Podtroid a few times now and got about 30 minutes in each time, and they hadn't even spoke about gaming yet, which I wouldn't have a problem with but they were talking about eating shit. That's more gross than funny.


      Anyways, I like Retronauts, though sometimes they might discuss topics I have no interest in. Also the PlayStation Blogcast is good if you...

  12. Played this a lot today. Servers have been a little unreliable but other than that it's been pretty fun. As I mentioned earlier, this is my very first MMO, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but so far, it's basically a single player Final Fantasy with a bunch of other people running around in it. I'm playing as a lancer, working my way up to dragoon. I ended up on the Cactuar server with one of my friends, so if you guys are on there, keep an eye out for Magnitude Poppop. Now, kind of a noob question, is it normal for these types of games to not have voice acting?
  13. Star Trek Into Darkness. Benedict was great and it was nice seeing Mickey get some work.
  14. Rumour going around that there won't be trophies in the game.
  15. Frosted Mini-Wheats, I'll dig up my copy of Pokemon White when I got off work in 3hrs. How do we do this?!?!

    1. FMW


      I made a forum post! I was very thorough. I want this pokemon something desperate.

  16. Does anyone understand the difference between normal servers and "legacy" servers? I'm imagining legacy is from the first FFXIV but does that mean you can't play in it if you never played the 1.0?
  17. Maybe try purchasing them on the webbrowser store?
  18. I'll be a dragoon!
  19. TCP

    Wii U

    I played Nintendo Land for 20 minutes the day I got the Wii U. Has not been touched since. Not bad, just not great. ...KIND OF LIKE THE WII U! hahahaahhahahahahaaahahahaa
  20. Ok, Titanfall looks pretty cool. Still not convinced it stays a console exclusive to the Xbone though.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Who cares? PC master race for anything that fast

    2. TCP
  22. I assumed I already had you on my list. In fact, I did not. Friend request sent, friend!!
  23. I saw one of those at EB Games this weekend, so maybe there's more out in the wild.
  24. I'd rather pay a subscription than go F2P but 15 dollars is a little hefty. Same with FFXIV, IMHO. Also this should be moved to the multi-plat area. I'm going to play the hell out of this on PS4.
  25. Me and a guy from work are both picking it up, no server preferences though. Maybe we'll cross paths!
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