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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Then why even develop a PC version? They didn't for Red Dead and it worked out ok for them.
  2. Havana looks great, totally makes me nostalgic for the AC2/B/R days.
  3. I don't think that's correct, I don't see it coming out on PC in 2013, otherwise why wouldn't get just announce it already?
  4. We disagree on a lot of things. Can we at least agree the Captain Crunch is FREAKING AMAZING?! Seriously. So much from childhood has become utter crap but Cap'n Crunch remains awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Crap. You had to mention Frosted Mini-Wheats. Now I'm hungry again....magically.

    3. Mal


      Please explain to me how they are even appetizing?

    4. Strangelove


      Mini wheats have a certain texture that some find enjoyable. It's weird, but it's good.

  5. TCP

    Xbox One

    They're doing it right though. Not only do you get a bunch of free games and deals if you have the service, you can still use Netflix, group chat, etc if you don't have it. Yes it's a paywall but you don't have to look far to see it could be so much worse. Not much to complain about IMHO.
  6. TCP

    Xbox One

    I don't know, I'll still be dropping Xbox this gen. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. They tried to fuck us. They stopped at the last second, but the intention was there. Sony, meanwhile looks like they're actually learning from their mistakes. I'd be more likely to get into PC gaming, you know, for the mods and indie stuff. Between that and PlayStation, I feel like I'll have my basis covered.
  7. If Cherry Doctor Pepper isn't proof of god, I don't know what is!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. deanb


      don't care what you put in your food as long as it's not a toy. Then that's a ban.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      The problem with GMOs isn't the fact that they're genetically modified, it's stuff like monoculture (like FDS said) and other factors, for example making plants resistant to pesticides/herbicides means they use more pesticides/herbicides which mean more get into the water, etc.

    4. Baconrath


      oh man that crystal pepsi

  8. W&S, yes, that's the case with PS4 as well with PS3. It's my understanding that it does not void the warranty.
  9. Should have stated console/handheld, since most of the indie games to come to Vita in the past few months have been the definitive versions. Check out Hotline Miami and Limbo if you don't agree. And yes, FDS, it was! And Goh, no it's not, but I still didn't pay anything for Xcom.
  10. Yes because if I'm looking for a pro-consumer experience, I'm totally going to turn to a Windows based computer. I think $0 is better than whatever the lowest price your Steam sale got to. I also think that the PS3 version of Valkyria Chronicles is far superior to the non-existent PC version But I like I said, strategy games aren't my cup of tea.
  11. I don't even know what "DoW" is and I don't care about boring strategy games. If I wanted to play a Sega game I'd play Valkyria Chronicles, you know, on my PlayStation. Hell, if I get bored enough and actually wanted to do a strategy game, I'd play Xcom Enemy Unknown, which I didn't pay for thanks to PS+ The best part of PC gaming is in the indie games, but the best indie games most often end up on console anyways, usually improved. So... if you want to waste your time and money in the bullshit abyss that is PC gaming, you go ahead Dean. I don't get it, but if it makes you happy, that's good, I guess.
  12. Yeah! Just like current PC's are enjoying Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted, Halo, and the upcoming GTAV.
  13. TCP

    Wii U

    Interesting article courtesy of IGN. Or, Iwata, is the reason the deluxe sold better because people are not willing to buy a console with an 8 GB HD? Alternatively, because the only people who'd buy the Wii U at this point are hardcore Nintendo fans, they don't mind dropping the extra 50 dollars, but the reason no one else will buy either version is because they're both too expensive? You have next to no games in the horizon, and you're getting your butt handed to you buy 7 and 8 year old consoles. What are you going to do this time next year?
  14. TCP


    Mario Kart 7 is solid, probably my favourite in the series since 64, though to be fair, I didn't play Double Dash. Crashmo is a good puzzle game. Plus Zelda GBC games.
  15. TCP


    Yeah. Nintendo's 3DS storefront is bizarre. No Pokemon? Seriously? No SNES games? A lot of junk NES games. GBA being missing, as we were discussing in the status section, is major missed opportunity. How about downloadable DS games? Think of that back-catalog they could be exploiting. Instead it's crummy GB and NES games with a few (crummy) GBC games mixed in. Plus a few downloadable indie games but nothing to compete with the Vita indie scene. What Nintendo needs, as many many many people have stated before me, is a user account system and the ability to transfer my Virtual Console games between my platforms as well as a cross-buy system for smaller games similar to the PS3/Vita crossbuy games. Instead, they restrict purchases to each system, thinking we'll just buy everything twice, but instead it just causes me to hold off on purchasing a lot of games. I basically didn't purchase any VC games in the last few years of the Wii waiting to find out if they'll be transferable to the Wii U, now I'm going to have to wait years till I can get Donkey Kong Country 2 or Chrono Trigger of the Wii U VC. It's like they don't want our money.
  16. TCP

    Wii U

    I actually really liked the gameplay of Other M, just didn't need all "the baby" garbage.
  17. Was Strangelove76 taken? lololololol
  18. That was an unusually bad Nintendo Direct today. Oh really Luigi is going to be in Smash Bros? You don't say! Also it scares the crap out of me that they announced SMB3 is coming to the Wii U VC later this year. What about A Link to the Past? Super Mario Bros? Final Fantasy II and III? Yoshi's Island? Anything N64? I know I complain about this regularly but it just boggles my mind that they stagger these releases so much when they have so few retail games coming to their console at the moment. The new Wind Waker HD and A Link Between Worlds footage was great though.
  19. Can you play online with Vita players if you're on PS3 and vice versa?
  20. That George Harrison hair thing is eerie and accurate.
  21. August PS+ perks are in. Hitman seems cool, I'm excited for Machinarium, which was available for just PS3 a few months ago but I've been holding out for a Vita version.
  22. Coolest thing about the new Doctor? He use to be in a band with Craig Ferguson, also they did acid together: http://youtu.be/YD7Dz_1u2Jo
  23. He sort of looks like an older David Tennant.
  24. Interesting that the Fires of Pompeii had both Amelia Pond and 12th Doctor in it under other roles.
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