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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Happy Canada Day to all my fellow PXOD Canadians and anyone else who enjoys things such as: hockey, Neil Young, Bioware Edmonton/Ubisoft Montreal games.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      We Americans like our tea with salt water.

    3. TCP


      Plus we got to keep the royal family... so that's a win...... right??

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Dean's favorite episode of Time Squad: http://dai.ly/xi2mu7

  2. This game feels right at home on the Vita, which is quickly turning into a great platform for indie games. Dean: any way to get this thread moved to multiplat?
  3. Blink twice if it's time travel.
  4. TCP


    Best birthday present ever
  5. Downloaded this new Vita game called Hotline Miami!
  6. As big of a Marvel fanboy as I am, I plum don't care about Deadpool. At all. I try. But I just... can't.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      They didn't nail the Deadpool humour. They just have the "so randum XD" style writing of his recent years under Daniel Way which isn't really how the character is supposed to work. Daniel Way wrote the game's script.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
    4. Waldorf and Statler
  7. Yay, good to see the cup stay in the west, again. Also great to see Boston lose. Now let's look forward to an NHL season that actually starts on time, thank god.
  8. Chicago better fucking win it tonight. I can't believe it's June 24 and the Cup still hasn't been given out. It's almost CFL season for Christ's sake.
  9. TCP


    You mean you don't have to deal with her being awesomer? DOGS > CATS It's science, bitches.
  10. It's too hot out. I forgot about how awful it is when it's hot out. I miss winter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vecha


      Bikini girls in the snow is better. Imho.

    3. TCP
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Bikini girls in a hot tub in the snow.

  11. Is that the game that's a shameless knockoff of Enslaved?
  12. TCP


    That's a good tactic. When my sister was pregnant last year, I would refer to the baby as Ulysses because A) it's a cool name and B) no one knew the sex yet and I was hoping for a nephew. The name caught on to the point when even my mom would say "yeah, when Ulysses is born...". It was, if nothing else, a fantastic way to piss my sister off. The baby turned out a girl anyways so it was all for nothing
  13. TCP


    I like the way Ethan runs his house. "No hunny, don't clean the house, just strut around in your bikini while I get cat footage to post for my internet friends." It's a weird life, but it's Ethan's life, and I respect that.
  14. I had to google what a VHS rewinder looked like.
  15. TCP


    Five more days...!!!
  16. Eh I don't know, it's a lot of content for 20 dollars.
  17. Because Nintendo refuses to bring any good SNES games to the Wii U VC so what the fuck else am I going to play on Wii U?
  18. Oh I got a platinum trophy for her .......... my Skyrim platinum of course!!
  19. Sarah doesn't need better acting classes. I will provide for her!!
  20. Man, that was a good game. Game of the generation? PERHAPS!
  21. The Last of Us. There's been so many great games this generation. Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2, Super Mario Galaxy, Fallout 3/NV, Mass Effect 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, I'd even put Bioshock Infinite in that list, but I think, and this is really fresh, I need some time to digest it, but I think The Last of Us might be my favourite. It's really good. I was expecting climbing, shootouts, and puzzles like Uncharted, but it wasn't like that at all. In my opinion, the perfect review scores are completely justified. I'll post more thoughts in the TLoU thread. But this game is awesome, everyone should play it.
  22. IGN did a video slowing things down and zooming in for a closer look at the new UI. Plus, they find out what drink Sarah Greene is drinking in the diner. By the way, the more I watch this video, the more I think I am slowly falling in love with her. Seriously. I want to hold her hand. I want her to meet my mom. I want to cook her dinner. Oh, and have passionate, but tasteful, love making together. Uh, anyways, a closer look at the UI....:
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