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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Sony was offering 3 months free when you signed up for a year, awhile back.
  2. I just think it's too bad, how often do we get a black female lead in a game? Especially one as cool as Aveline? The character deserved better development, backstory, and quest than she got. It's a shame. Also: does anyone know how to play as Connor in Liberation? Supposedly you can either replay the mission they had together as Connor, or there's a totally unique mission you can play as either of them (I was never clear) if you have both games.
  3. Overall I liked it. However I did have some problems. Mechanically it felt like a full fledged Assassin's Creed. Sure there was no villa/homestead/boat to upgrade, or assassins to recruit but combat, overworld and mission structure was nailed completely. Though to be fair the missions were all pretty short, that probably worked out well for a handheld game. It was on the short side, those last few sequences felt like they only had one or two missions each. The game also had some technical issues... the game was plagued by glitches and everything felt very unpolished, it's too bad they didn't give it another 6 months and release it this summer instead of last winter (but Sony probably pushed for a holiday release). While they nailed a lot of bringing the real Assassin's Creed to a handheld, my biggest grievances wasn't on the mechanical and technical aspects of the game, it was the story. Assassin's Creed 2 spent most of the game setting up Ezio becoming an assassin, it was a revenge story, seeing him seek out the people who framed his family. Assassin's Creed 3 spent half the game setting up Connor's father, even spent a sequence on his childhood and showed him joining the brotherhood. This game though, didn't properly introduce anyone, set up any motivations, or have an interesting plot. It just kind of... was. Which is too bad because that's the one area the game wouldn't have been held back by hardware limitations.
  4. That's not really an issue. It'd be an issue if Ellie made a noise and got her or Joel killed, which would cause the last checkpoint to reload.
  5. I knew all of that! BUT IT'S ALL STILL AWESOME!
  6. You know, I'm starting to get a lot more optimistic about the Vita's future. The way they're going after indie games is smart. A lot of these games are available already on PS3 / PC, but Hotline Miami, Limbo, Guacamelee!, Sound Shapes, Thomas Was Alone, etc etc feel at home on the handheld. I'm eagerly awaiting Terraria, Flower, and Proteus. Proteus, oh god, oh sweet lord, looks amazing. I just don't know how someone can look at this library, factor in all the Uncharteds/Metal Gears/AC Liberations/etcetc and say this is a system without games. Not to mention Tearaway and Killzone on the way. I also have the sneaking suspicion that Minecraft, at least something similar to it's iOS version, is coming.
  7. Filch/Frey looks soo much like William Hartnell, they need to have the 12th Doctor meet him as the 1st Doctor at some point.
  8. Hopefully this allows games like Bastion, Fez, and Cube World to finally come to PS.
  9. Close to my neck of the woods! Whistler is super nice, enjoy!
  10. Canada in the winter, oh hell yeah!
  11. Watching a walk through of Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet, inFamous 2, or The Last of Us is not the same as playing them!!!
  12. Goddammit Wally, just man up and buy a used PS3 from EB Games. You can get 120 GB refurbished PS3 for $180. There is a crapton of exclusives you can get for next to nothing.
  13. I like how it's still "A Hideo Kojima Game"... it's like 7 games!! Too bad no similar collection came to the Vita. Peace Walker would be great on the Vita and at one point they had, at least part of MGS4 running on the Vita.
  14. Not me. I enjoy PlayStation where online play is free and always will be. LONG LIVE SHUHEI YOSHIDA!!!
  15. Basically, Dean and Ethan are an old married couple.
  16. Because... MOAR POWAAARRRR
  17. One of the characters is a red neck. If you've ever met a red neck, you know they hunt deers/moose/bears/etc. Sure, they could just go to the grocery store and get a steak, but they'd rather kill an animal with a high powered assault rifle.
  18. TCP


    Basically I went through my gaming collection and listed off names till Sarah found one she liked. Cole? No. Commander Shepherd? No. Drake? No. Luigi? No. THE LONE WANDERED?! No. Booker fit though. And it leaves the possibility open to one day getting a female dog named Lizzy. Though I don't think Sarah would go for that.
  19. TCP

    Cube World

    I'm really interested in this game. I've heard it described as Zelda x Minecraft x Skyrim which sounds.... amazing. Does anyone know how it runs on MacBooks and how far behind the Mac version is?
  20. TCP


    World's biggest sigh of relief. Just got Booker home. Fingers crossed, of course, but it looks like he's going to be ok. I tried to be positive and hopeful but with the luck we had, I was sure I was going to lose both my boys.
  21. TCP


    Hey guys, I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the support. Both dogs are essentially Sarah and I's children, and while I knew I'd lose Parker eventually one day, I didn't think it'd be 6 months and a week after we brought him home. It hurts a lot, every time I look into the backyard and see it's empty, or watch another dog walk down the street and don't hear anyone bark at him, it's the worst fucking feeling. Yesterday was a nightmare, I don't even remember a lot of it, but today was somber, awful, and just miserable. Friends and family help of course, but knowing you guys care helped too, we got a really great community here, and it's something I think we should be proud of. Ok no more mushy stuff. In the good news, Booker was looking REALLY good this afternoon, so fingers crossed, he might be able to come home tomorrow assuming he doesn't have any setbacks. Not trying to get my hopes up, as setbacks are apparently common, but this is really good news, we definitely need him healthy and at home helping us heal.
  22. TCP


    Left us as in passed away, yes. We got Parker when he was 7 weeks old just before Christmas. Booker we got last week.
  23. TCP


    Thanks guys... Parker left us probably just as I was typing that, got a call from the vet shortly after. Absolutely heartbreaking and brutal terrible day. Booker is still putting up a good fight though... fingers crossed.
  24. TCP


    So, this is fucking awful. On Sunday both pups seemed pretty sick, but it was very very hot out so we thought it might have just been the heat. On Monday it was equally hot, so we put them in the basement where it's way cooler and they slept all day but still didn't seem too OK. On Tuesday it cooled down so we took the pups into the vet, she said they probably got into something, which seemed unlikely for the younger one Booker, since he's 8 weeks old and we keep a very close eye on him. She did say it could have been parvo, but Parker has all of his shots and Booker has his first set, so we sort of dismissed it. She told us to give the dogs pepto bismal and keep them hydrated. Booker did well with the pepto, he was running around that evening, carrying around a stick and eating food, which had been a big concern since last time he ate was Sunday. Parker, meanwhile got worst as the night went on, so yesterday, Wednesday, we took Parker back in and they put him on an IV, and tested him for parvo, which came back positive. The vet said in her 12 years of being a veterinarian she has seen a two dogs with all their shots get parvo. We immediately got Booker tested and he has it too. I don't know how. There's never been animals in this house before we moved into it in March. They could have picked it up on a walk, maybe. I'm suspecting it came from the new puppies breeders, I texted her about it and she just said she hopes Booker is ok. When we took Booker in, he was doing a lot better and the doctor said this morning that we should be able to take him home "soon". Parker, meanwhile, is not doing as well, he's got a fever, low white cells, and a lack of energy. We've cleaned everything we can with bleach, washed all the clothing, the floors, their beds, bleached the backyard even. Now we wait. Booker's only 9 weeks old now and Parker's 8 months old, so if you guys can send some positive vibes/prayers/whatever your thing is, their way, we'd really appreciate it.
  25. I think the Lex Luthor choice is the guy who played Lex Luthor on Smallville. Anyways, way too much Whedon-people on that list. There's some good ideas on there, I do like Fassbender as Bruce Wayne, but I'd rather see him do the X-men movies instead.
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