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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah. PS+ is giving us games like Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex, Saints Row 3, and other games that have gome out in the past year or two. If someone owns a 360 and hasn't played AC2 or Halo 3 by now, they're probably not interested in those games.
  2. Opening a conference with a multiplatform game?
  3. TCP

    Xbox One

    CONFERENCE STARTING NOW! IMPENDING TRAIN WRECK. Nah, jk bros, I'm keeping an open mind.
  4. I just plum don't care about Dany or her storyline. A weak way to end a strong season.
  5. Lately, I've been wanting to play some Fallout but the DLC for New Vegas is still all 10 bones a pop on PSN, this was 20 for all plus the game, so I can trade in my original copy when I pick up The Last of Us, which I preordered.
  6. I'll be playing this game for the story, characters, setting, atmosphere, etc... as long as the AI is adequate, I'm happy.
  7. Final Fantasy X and X-2 will help but I really wish something like Ni No Kuni was on Vita.
  8. Sorry if I was too rough on Thursday Next. I don't know what those words mean!! EDIT: Ooops I accidentally originally posted that in the Thrones thread. I was so confused. I remembered typing it, but it wasn't here so I thought I imagined it. Turns out I'm just stupid.
  9. Oh yeah, look at that. Cray. He looks equally douchey without that long hair. EDIT: The rest of this was wrong topic. The good news: now Wally's reply doesn't make any sense.
  10. Crazy! Anyways, Thursday Next, if the Vancouver Canucks logo didn't tip you off, I'm not British, so your British insults aren't something I'd be saying, you daft pillock!
  11. His pants poof out. Poofy can mean homosexual?
  12. TCP


    My problem with First Class is I feel they wrapped things up too tightly. Did Xavier really need to be crippled? Watching him walk around, hitting on ladies, being a groooooovy dude was one of the best things about the movie, it would have been nice to have kept that going for the sequel. Wolvering and the X-men are a great way to describe Singer's Xmen films. Hopefully, since Wolverine will have just got his own film, DoFP will focus more on the rest of the X-men. Don't get me wrong, Wolverine is the coolest X-man, but Cyclops in particular got shafted in the original trilogy, even before his off-camera death.
  13. TCP

    Xbox One

    According to Kotaku, you can give a game to a friend, but they have to be on your friends list already for 30 days, and that game can only be transfered once. Also, games can be sold used, if the publisher allows it. I'm sure all publishers will be allow that.......
  14. TCP


    WE HAVE AN X-MEN TOPIC?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? Also it was great reading some of the old posts of people being skeptical of First Class. After rewatching all the X-men movies this winter, First Class is way ahead of the rest of the series. DoFP sounds great, but it does have a huge cast, I hope it doesn't end up too cramped. I wouldn't be opposed to splitting it into two movies, assuming the story is there.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Mal


      Hideo, thats why.

    3. TCP


      Yeah there's Metal Gear fans who think MGS2 was all just virtual reality training and didn't actually happen.

    4. Pojodin


      Kiefer Sutherland? *cues Kevin Butler voice* Well played, Bauer...

  16. I don't remember the XIII and XIII-2 writing being THAT bad. Maybe I'm just grumpy because I haven't had breakfast yet. Either way, it never bothered me in the first two games, so this game probably shouldn't either. Sucks that Noel is back, I hated that guy and his poofy pants (otherwise found XIII-2 to be a great game). Yeah the 3 month delay between Japan and NA is weird, I wonder if they're just worried about the game being lost in the west during new console launches, but feel the Final Fantasy brand is strong enough in Japan? Ideally, this game should be coming out this summer.
  17. Needs more Wolk King lololololoolololololololol
  18. I'd disagree that FFXIII is bad, in fact, I think it's one of the best Final Fantasy games. But holy fuck, that trailer... man... just stop. I don't think the voice acting was bad because it's Troy Baker as Snow, he did Booker in Bioshock Infinite and Joel in The Last of Us, he knows what he's doing, and the woman who does Lightning is Liara from Mass Effect, she also knows what she's doing, but that writing is terrible. Also I couldn't help but laugh out loud when she was wearing those glasses. BUT! On the other hand, FFXIII and FFXIII-2 had a great battle system, hopefully this does too.
  19. Unfortunately for the hardworking developers, any time a game is getting this much acclaim, it'll get a lot of backlash, especially since it's a first party exclusive. Yeah, FDS will come in here and argue with us, but it'd be nice if all these late PS3 games came with free access to PS4 versions that ran 60fps. But I guess that'd be a lot of work to port the game. :-\ Though it's Sony so we'll probably see collections of PS3 games for PS4 at some point in the future.
  20. No, given the fact that all the reviews went live at 7am today, the embargo was clearly up this morning. Naughty Dog usually lets reviews go up early, I remember them doing this with Uncharted 3. It shows faith in their games.
  21. Reviews coming in, 10/10 from IGN's Colin Moriarty. Another 10/10 from Destructoid's Jim Sterling. 5 stars from Giant Bomb.
  23. Here's some good news folks! Already own Limbo on PS3? BAM! Get it for free on the Vita.
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