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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I was on at midnight last night and again at 11 am this morning but I just tried a few minutes ago and it's "undergoing maintenance" again. What gives, Sony?!!?!?!?!?!?! EDIT: And now I'm on again. Weird. Honestly don't care about multiplayer, I just want the store to return. Final Fantasy V and VI are suppose to be coming soon! Plus I have DLC coupons for Dissidia 012 I need to collect!
  2. Seriously? This is the hockey the fans and Nashville have had to watch all year? Don't get me wrong, the Preds are a good team, but damn it is boring. Now hopefully the Wings can get past those Sharks.
  3. Caught up on two of the Oscar films from last year, The King's Speech and The Fighter. The King's Speech was the stronger of the two, but I liked them both. Both had great acting. Today my girlfriend and I are watching the extended Fellowship of the Ring. So long, but so, so, very good. She's never seen the complete trilogy, so I was thinking we'll Two Towers next Sunday and Return of the King the Sunday after.
  4. Ehh... maybe but there was already a lot of speculation that it was getting delay, because of the PS3's heavy release schedule this winter. I'd be betting that we get the HD collection this fall and The Last Guardian for spring 2012.
  5. I've been on a huge Final Fantasy kick thanks to my new Dissidia 012 obsession. I've never actually finished Final Fantasy IV before... I got to the part just after Cid joining your party on the DS version but I like the game a lot better with these improved SNES graphics.
  6. 2011 alone had Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country, Monster Hunter Tri, Other M (which I liked a lot), etc etc. I don't think MS or Sony came close. But then again, that's just my personal preference. Yeah, nothing really exciting out of that bunch IMO. Not bad games by any means. 2010 for Sony had 3D Dot Game Heroes, GoW3, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, and Mod Nation Racers. It was also when everyone discovered Demon's Souls though it actually came out in 2009. There's also multi-plats that Wii didn't get such as RDR, Mass Effect 2, SSF4, AC: B, GTA4 episodes, BFBC2, Vanquish, Just Cause 2, Fallout New Vegas, and Enslaved. That's the thing with the Wii, compared to 360 and PS3, exclusives are ALL that's on the platform whereas 360 and PS3 share some really incredible multi-plats ON TOP of their exclusives. I played all those games (minus GT5) and I don't think they're as solid as Nintendo's crop. GoW3 was about 3 years too late, and Mod Nation Racers really made me appreciate Mario Kart Wii, blue shells and all. And that was sort of my point, regarding RDR, ME2, etc. If Nintendo is serious about attracting 3rd party developers, which we know they can do (just look at the DS), then it could interesting to have both Mario and John Marston on one system. I'm expecting much more improved online functions, the 3DS was a good step forward (and I'm expecting more with future firmware updates). I don't think we'll see an achievement system, which, to be honest, I'm happy about. Achievements have a strange control over some gamers, I'd rather let the games speak for themselves.
  7. 2011 alone had Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country, Monster Hunter Tri, Other M (which I liked a lot), etc etc. I don't think MS or Sony came close. But then again, that's just my personal preference.
  8. Due to the large of amount of great exclusives, my Wii got a lot more attention this in the past two years compared to my 360 (though my PS3 gets played the most). Count me as excited. I believe that Nintendo is serious about recapturing the hardcore market, which makes sense, since they obviously realize the motion controller fad is done and that the Apple's iPad would be hard to compete with for casual gaming dollars. If I was Sony or Microsoft I'd be a little bit nervous... but I suppose we'll see in the next few years. Either way, Hyrule + HD
  9. Alright, but warning I'm a big Zelda and Final Fantasy fan. 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Super Mario Bros 3 3. Link's Awakening 4. Final Fantasy IV 5. Majora's Mask 6. Red Dead Redemption 7. Final Fantasy IX 8. Super Mario World 9. Donkey Kong Country 3 10. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood 11. Wind Waker 12. Final Fantasy XIII 13. Fallout 3 14. Mass Effect 2 15. Dissidia 012 I would have put in the original Dissidia but considering the new one contains all the originals content plus more, I'll substitute it in. The only position that I'm 100% on is Ocarina being my #1.
  10. I've put over 15 hours into it this past week, gotta say I like it a lot. I'm having trouble putting this one down. So far Lightning, Tifa, and Kain are my favorites of the new characters. I recommend checking out the $3 demo (not really a demo).
  11. I'd have been interested in a Go when I purchased my PSP but I wasn't ....BUT I'LL TELL YOU WHY! First, I want my handhelds bigger. Even the PSP-3000 cramps up my hands after a while. The DSi XL is the first handheld since the Game Boy that feels good in my hands. It is for this reason I am optimistic for the NGP. Also, I'm too much of a collector. CDs, DVDs, Blurays, vinyl records, and games, I like having a good collection and showing it off on my shelf. Having the games as list on a screen that's in my pocket wouldn't have the same feeling. That said, it would be nice to not have to decide on just one game when I leave the house.... or for that matter, not have to go and change UMDs when I'm playing PSP in the house, as I do most of the time (lazy, I know).
  12. That's strange that a few people have called them a "singles band". I always thought they were the one true American album band of the 00s, at least for mainstream music. I like all their records but nothing hits me like the raw blues of De Stijl. I give it 5 years till a reunion. Anyone else want to take bets?
  13. My first vinyl record was Nirvana's In Utero when I was about 14 or 15. This was a good find as it was brand new and also 2002.
  14. Also, here's what I've purchased in the past few months. It's definitely been a good time for handhelds.
  15. Are those PSP games special editions or is the casing just bigger in Europe??
  16. I'm predicting this will be announced for NoA release soon. Reggie has already said they will flesh out the 2011 Wii releases with some imports (which immediately bring to mind Xenoblade and The Last Story). Also it was showcased at E3 a few years ago. Now, I do hope this game takes awhile to come out through, as I have a shitload of RPGs to play through at the moment.
  17. From IGN: Cheat: How to get Zorua Easily, No Event or Celibi Needed In your Internet settings in the DS menu, keep everything the same as usual, but change your Primary DNS server setting to this address: You can leave the Secondary DNS setting alone. The DNS settings are a few tabs over when editing your Internet settings on the DSi. After this, be sure to save your settings (a test will occur as well). Enter the game and go to any Pokemon Center (you must have the ability to use the trading system on the upper level of the Pokemon Center, so you porbably need to be past the first Gym or so). Leave all but five Pokemon in your party so you have an empty slot for Zorua. Go to the upper levelof the Pokemon Center and Choose the girl on the far right to initiate a Global Wi-Fi Trade. Choose the setting called "GTS." You will automatically be taken to a screen where you recieve an egg. Quit out and check your party. Zorua should be in your sixth slot. Note: If Zorua remains an egg, you'll need to walk a bit with it in your party before it hatches.
  18. Since no one I know has a 3DS, it might be a good idea to exchange friend codes with you fine fellows. Mine is 5455 - 9396 - 5192 Feel free to add me, so far the game I have is Super Street Fighter IV. EDIT: I have more 3DS games at this point. I also have a Wii U... surprise surprise my username is the_cowboy_poet.
  19. I like the C-Gear, it's very handy if you're playing with someone else. Being able to trade any Pokemon you've caught at any time, without having to backtrack to a Pokecenter is fantastic. I only use it though when I'm playing with my girlfriend, when I'm on my own, I turn it off to save battery. It'd be great if, when it's off, instead of being an empty grid, they just put the menu down there, so you didn't need to press X.
  20. Infamous. Have I said that yet? Yes, Infamous. Never before have I played a game with a less likeable protagonist. Fuck you, Cole. Not to mention, the way he walks around all crunched over, really bugs me. And his friend!!! His friend!! God I almost hate him more than Cole.
  21. So what should I use my masterball on?
  22. Hopefully they give it the Dragon Age: Origins treatment and not the Mass Effect II style of one or two short DLC missions and some extra weapons and equipment.
  23. Does anyone know how to remove a Pokemon's nickname? Is it even possible?
  24. There's a few things... I really hate how "linear" is the new buzz word. "Oh I didn't like that game, it was too linear". 95% of the time, you ask these people what their favorite game of 2010 was and they'll tell you Mass Effect 2. Look at that God damn level design. Similarly, I hate how it's sooo cool now to hate on JRPGs. Yeah, Final Fantasy XIII was a very well received game last year, as were most of Square Enix's major releases, so shut your piehole and go back to Call of Duty or whatever you kids are into these days. But most importantly, this whole West vs Japan thing. Unless it's a very Japanese game, like Persona, I rarely think of where a game comes from. West games are so inspired by Japanese games (and vice versa) it's sort of a moot point these days. Except I do try to support Western Canadian developers, of course. B)
  25. Elder Scrolls V Mass Effect 3 Dragon Age II The Last Story Final Fantasy Type-0 Final Fantasy XIII-2 Dissidia 012 Uncharted 3 LA Noire Okamiden Ocarina of Time 3D Kid Icarius But most of all... Skyward Sword.
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