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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Props for Pavement. Probably one of my favorite bands ever, and they really don't get enough credit. They don't get enoug credit? How many music forums do you go to? I was thinking more of when people think of 90's bands they come always seem to come up with Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer, Soundgarden, Sublime, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, with Pavement rarely mentioned. To answer the question, though, pretty much zero. I love Pavement, Crooked Rain is one of my favorite albums of the 90s, but they get almost too much credit, behind maybe on the Pixies for "indie" 90s bands.
  2. Well, I was playing Skyrim, but I took a break for that and was hoping to beat the new Assassin's Creed in the 5 days before Zelda came out but it didn't consume my life like the last two ones did, so now I have to beat Zelda (about to start the 3rd dungeon), and Assassin's Creed, before i can comfortably go back to Skyrim... hopefully I can get that done before January because Final Fantasy XIII-2 comes out at the end of that month.
  3. Here's some games I got in the past week.
  4. Ok! Some spoilers/predictions from up to the end of the 2nd dungeon.
  5. Well, I'm not playing through a PS1 game, so I better read up on a Wiki before I pick this up.
  6. Really?? That controller is one of the reasons I never touch my 360 anymore. Nowhere near as comfortable as the PS3 controller, and moving the left stick to up me insane!
  7. I can't even remember what those songs sound like... Nintendo needs to hurry up and release Minish Cap on VC (along with the hundreds of other GBA greats)... especially since Skyward Sword takes a few cues from Minish Cap. I got through the first dungeon. I've read a few places that the first dungeon is the worst, which hey, that's good because it wasn't half bad, just your typical Zelda dungeon (minus block puzzles, thank god). The combat in this game is some of the best I've ever seen. Even the easier enemies take some planning to defeat.
  8. It's good! Worlds better than the Mario CD last year. The Orchestration is awesome and well recorded (it sounds so warm, you'd think it was vinyl), it's just a little short, there's so much more they could have done. The opening medley is the best, with theme's from most (all?) of the games... I forgot how good Spirit Track's theme song is. But the CD is not as good as but really, what is?It's too bad Nintendo hates Apple, they could record a lot of more of these and throw them on iTunes and they'd probably do pretty well.
  9. I'm not afraid to admit that I was a little disappointed with the difficulty, the original three games had a gradual increase in difficulty, this one basically assaults you after the first world. I love platformers but I'm just terrible at them.
  10. I hear you there. It snowed last night, now I have to drive my girlfriend to work at 12:15, which doesn't leave me with enough time to go to the only EB Games in town that opens before noon on Sundays (11) so now I'm stuck playing the waiting game (which is not as awesome as a Zelda game). The best part is she works till 5:30 so I have over 5 hours of uninterrupted gaming!!
  11. I just realized something... since I never owned a GameCube and I didn't get a Wii till two years after launch, so this is the first time a console Zelda has been released when I owned the system since Majora's Mask. I was excited then when I was 13, and holy crap am I excited now. Tomorrow!!!! Though I do really wish Nintendo would release games on Saturdays, if they wanted to do this whole weekend release thing, more time to play and EB Games is open earlier!
  12. After taking care of a group of bandits in Mistwatch, I headed north east, and soon came to a pond. Some saber cats attacked me, and I was surprised to find they were no longer difficult for my fire/sword welding nord to defeat. After swimming across the pond, I noticed a giant. In front of the giant was it's mammoth, laying dead in the shallow water. I approached the dead mammoth, took a tusk, and was surprised to find the giant to be non-aggressive. I walked directly up to it, it glanced at me briefly, and went back to mourning it's mammoth. My cold nord heart almost melted.
  13. Driving through heavy snow on the way to get Skyrim... my driver side windshield wiper flew off. I drove to the other side of town and back, with pretty much no visibility, for Skyrim. It was worth it.

  14. All this Skyward Sword excitement has almost made me forgot I need to go pick up Skyrim... impressive job Nintendo. Off to the only place that's open early on holidays... WALMART!
  15. A real great video review from IGN (I know it's IGN but there's a handful of editor's I trust there, Rich George being one of them). He's calling it the best Zelda of all time... which is saying a lot because, at least in my opinion, Ocarina of Time is the best game of all time, so if Skyward Sword is better than Ocarina then... yeah! But ignoring the "best Zelda of all time" it really looks like Nintendo has done something special here with the motion controls. It is a little peculiar that the 1UP reviewer gave the game a B+ (8.5?) and stated at the beginning of his article that it is not the best Zelda of all time. It's all subjective of course but it's pretty clear this is going to be a big debate for years to come.
  16. I only ask because it said "finish the game on crushing" not "play through the game". Doesn't matter, too many games coming out this month to replay something!
  17. Ok! So, now that I've unlocked Crushing, do I have to play the game from the beginning in crushing to get the trophy or can I just skip to chapter 22?? I'm assuming I have to start from the beginning, and that sounds pretty time consuming.
  18. This game better have a Deku Tree... or else. That was my one and only problem with Twilight Princess... (and the waggle... and wolf parts... and colour pallet).
  19. Just beat the story mode. I thought it was great. Honestly, if Naughty Dog were to just crank out an Uncharted game every two years, making minor tweaks and improvements like they did with the original to 2 and again to 3, I'd be one happy guy. Fortunately, I won't have to wait two years, as we get another Uncharted in a few months. (albeit, not a Naughty Dog Uncharted, but still). I am now ready to tackle some multiplayer. If anyone wants to play with me, I'm The_Cowboy_Poet. I'm not a huge multiplayer fan but I got really into the beta, so I'm going to give this one a try.
  20. So is the Action/Story/RPG mode going to be in the final version? If so I can't decide whether I want to Story or RPG this. Hmm.
  21. Oh man, I love that game... I love platformers in general, but I am terrible at them. I am still stuck in one of the third level words. Maybe after I get through all the 2011 fall releases I'll give it a second shot.
  22. Finished Batman on Thursday, Infamous: Festival of Blood on Friday, and just finished Ico (HD) just moments ago. I want to platinum Ico but I can't imagine playing that game in 2 hours. I played it, for the first time ever, in five hours, now granted that was with a bunch of exploring/farting around (and a few unsuccessful puzzle solving attempts).
  23. Rumour on the street is Final Fantasy X HD is a full remake using the engine from FFXIII and Versus, which means that Final Fantasy XII HD is probably pretty far away.. grr Next year is the 10th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts, so I'd imagine if they're ever going to do an HD collection, it'll be then.
  24. I meant when platforming buildings, he's not as precise as say, Ezio.
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