Assassin's Creed Valhalla
I have things to say! Long post warning! Minimal spoilers.
Hey look! I beat a game on my PS4. I think I did FF7R earlier this year, FFXV last year, and then before that RDR2 when it came out. I just haven't been feeling the PS4 even with the Pro. Yet somehow I put 117 hours into this one. No platinum trophy but I've done all the endings, killed all The Order, and did a bunch of the side quest stuff for some end game weapons. Not only that, this was the first Ass Creed game I've finished since Syndicate. That's a long gap for a series I was, up to and including Syndicate, a huge fan of. Origins, I just didn't care for the RPG-ification of it, especially since Syndicate nailed the AC2 style parkour in-a-city gameplay. I also didn't care for the setting of Origins. Egypt was beautiful but in the 5ish hours I played of it, it all sort of looked the same. I liked the setting of Odyssey, and had come around to the RPG aspect of it, but it came out just as I was moving cross country. I've tried to pick it up but I left off in a boss fight and I couldn't remember how to play it in that situation and didn't want to restart.
Before Christmas, I found myself with two weeks off, living in a city with a pretty severe lockdown. PlayStation put Valhalla on sale and I bit. Immediately I was into it. Far more than Cyberpunk which I tried but it failed to grab me. Cyberpunk is probably, almost certainly, a better game. But playing Valhalla was like catching up with an old friend. There's some comfort there, you know?
I was initially disappointed when I left Norway for England. Norway was really cool, maybe a little Skyrim-esque but the verticality of it worked with the setting. England, I assumed, was going to be rolling, empty hills, with sheep. And there is some of that but each region feels different with it's geography and nature. I don't know if that's how England actually is and on TV they just show the green hills with sheep, or if Ubisoft embellished to create a more interesting gameplay world.
While the forests, lakes, trees, hills, cliffs, etc feel unique the buildings themselves, outside of a few exceptions like Jorvik, feel extremely cookie cutter. A lot of buildings are just straight up reused. I'm not talking about small houses or anything like that, but major buildings feel like they get placed in three or four places (at least) with just minor changes made.
That brings me to the disappointment in the cities themselves. I feel like other rural Assassin's Creed games, like III and Black Flag, balanced things well with still having bustling cities to explore that were a delight to parkour in. Despite this game coming eight years and a generation after those games, not only have the cities not advanced, but they feel downgraded. They're just not as fun to explore, part of that is the similar architecture but part of that is just the lay out of the cities themselves.
In general I can't believe how regressive parkour feels. In some ways, it feels worse than AC2. I'm sure if I went back and played those games, I'd find ACV to be less frustrating. Eivor only seldomly jump to her death. But there's moves in AC2 that aren't present here. The series made a lot of progression in Unity and Syndicate and NONE of that is here. I can't for the life of me understand it. In loading screens, the game will tell you "you can climb every surface" which is not true. Most trees, in fact, can't be climbed which is a huge step down from III and Black Flag, which are, again, seven and eight year old games.
Also, while i'm nitpicking, I was excited for viking sea shanties in this game, but they're just subdued acoustic guitar songs soaked in reverb. No one on your boat is even playing these songs and they're recorded/mixed in a way where they don't sound like they're being performed in that environment either. You're essentially listening to viking radio.
Performance is pretty atrocious on PS4. The loading screens take so long, if you want to fast travel for somewhere around 1000m away, you might as well just walk or horse. A few side quests just don't work. During Yule Fest, every time you load a save, you'd start drunk which is REAL frustrating when the game crashes during a castle siege or a boss fight and you have to do a bunch of it drunk, both of which happened to me. Yep, the thing crashed more than any other PS4 game I've played. I can't believe people aren't more upset about it. Also, there's a glitch that limits your quiver to just 12 arrows, despite your upgrades.
Lastly for the negative stuff, shame on Ubisoft for using male Eivor in all the marketing. I won't explain but female Eivor is clearly the canon one (kind of, sort of) yet it's male Eivor on the cover, in the trailers, etc.
Lore wise, this game actually does stuff which I didn't really see in Black Flag, Rogue, Unity, or Syndicate. I can't comment on Origins or Odyssey. The present day stuff was never the most interesting but it was very frustrating when they killed off Lucy for no reason (because Kristin Bell got too expensive) and then killed off Desmond to set up a new bad guy that they immediately dropped. While the individual stories have usually been good the overall story between games has been meandering at best. This game appears to change that, hopefully they can stick with it. Assassin's Creed clearly needs some sort of series director guiding the entire series but I think Ubisoft just has too much internal movement for that, sadly.
Ultimately, levelling up Eivor, exploring the world, forging alliances, raiding monasteries, it's all VERY addicting. It does get a little sloggish at the end, there's a few arcs that have characters show up later and I had no recollection of who they are at first. But there's a lot of progression and momentum in the game, and for a 90ish hour campaign (with lots of exploring), they paced it pretty well. The world is full of interesting things to find. I think back to the Unity map just being filled with chests, this is NOT that, the map is filled but there's lots of different experiences to discover.
I may end up going back to Origins or Odyssey now.