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Everything posted by TCP

  1. That's the kind of thinking that leads to rushed, shitty movie tie-in games. Just patch it afterwards, everyone loves that!
  2. This is weird. I figured the game had to be pretty bad, which would explain why the game has 0 hype and they never bothered to move it out of MGSV. Like, even releasing next week would have made a huge difference for this game (or better yet, released it when the movie was in theatres.....).
  3. Same here. I started playing around 2:30pm yesterday, breaked for dinner and dog walking, but otherwise played straight through till 11:30pm. This game is the real deal, the critics were right. From a gameplay perspective this is the best Metal Gear has ever been. Outside of the opening hour or two the story seems to be sparse but that's fine, I just want to keep infiltrating bases and doing side-OPs. So basically: GOTY.
  4. Does anyone know how/where/when to find DD?? Need more wolves wearing eyepatches in my life.
  5. Spent a portion of today playing METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES again, to prepare for Tuesday and OH MY GOD. I forgot how well this game played. HYPE LEVEL: MAX!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      What are the chances that Konami just sells it's games division to someone more capable? Clearly they don't give a fuck about any of their IPs anymore.

    3. Mal


      MGS Pachinko. Coming Spring 2016.

    4. Pojodin


      ^Far too likely to even be funny... D:

  7. Uhm, you guys are missing the obvious thing, right when this trailer hit, Instagram 7.5 was released which allowed support for landscape and portrait pictures and video. Showing a 15 second minitrailer, in the new landscape format, for the highest profile movie of the year was clearly part of a deal, which for Instagram would have been a great way to show off the new format. I would imagine Instagram paid for it, but there could have been other workings we're not aware of.... who knows maybe R2D2 will post an Instagram of a Hoth sunset in The Force Awakens.
  8. CowboyPoet always get it.
  9. Constantly checking my Amazon tracking info will be my life today and Monday #ThePhantomPain #MGSV #pointlesshashtags

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Physical media was about 20 dollars cheaper than PSN/Steam, sooooo..........

    3. toxicitizen


      Physical media is preferable on consoles, anyway. Steam is likely to be around for the foreseeable future but my PS3 PSN purchases are already obsolete and useless.


      Even when I get around to buying a PS4 I don't see myself buying a console game digitally ever again unless it's either dirt cheap or exclusive and digital-only.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      It's true; console manufacturers hate their customers. Why people put up with their nonsense, I'll never understand.

  10. So many feels:

    #MGSV #RIPKonami
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      I'm questioning if any of that is a Raiden-level of Kojima-ry.

    3. toxicitizen


      If it's actually misdirection (which I don't really believe, I seriously don't get this obsession that everything Kojima does is a troll), then it seems kinda... I dunno, pointless? I thought that would've made for a pretty interesting twist, so this is a pretty stupid thing to put in a trailer any way you slice it.


      Either he just straight up spoiled it, or it turns out to not even be a thing and now he's kind of hinting at it and setting things up for disappoin...

    4. toxicitizen
  11. Wow I can't believe this.........

  12. The yearly price will remain the same which is the best value, so people should be using that anyways.
  13. I think we can all agree that lawyers are, without exception, complete and total scum. Yes?!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. toxicitizen
    3. Thursday Next
    4. Pojodin


      I work for a bar association. Does that mean I have to stop when the Oblivion guy says, Stop right there criminal scum!"?

  14. I'll give you 3 quid for it, but you have to pay for shipping.
  15. I literally just had to check the page that uploaded that to see if it was a real trailer. What the fuck? That's how you want to sell us the game? Random shots of your character walking, all from the same angle, cut together poorly, and then a boring battle where YOU LOSE?! This is what Square Enix thinks will increase hype?
  16. There's a lot of speculation/hope that since Fox is bargaining with Marvel for the rights to a live action X-Men TV show, the Fantastic Four rights could go back to Marvel. At this point, Fantastic Four are probably worthless for a dedicated film, but a lot of the enemies/support characters included could be good for The Avengers or the cosmic side of Marvel (Galactus, Silver Surfer, etc). Then maybe slowly introduce Reed Richards and co as support characters and build from there. Or do a Netflix series maybe... worked for Daredevil.
  17. I think we can all agree that cyclists are, without exception, complete and total scum. Yes?!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      So what you're really saying is assholes are complete and total scum, yes? Not cyclists.


      I do hate when they won't ride far enough over though, and don't follow traffic laws. But I also hate when people in cars do that so...

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Shush Hotty! (Also, it's not even "Road Tax" any more. But that's all technicalities).

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I have no problem skirting the law if I feel like it's going to make me safer. People who don't realize that this is what most people are doing really lack the basic skills of putting yourself in someone else's shoes. But of course, there are idiots who think they own the road just like how some people drive, and unfortunately they can learn their lessons the hard way.

  18. Sometimes (well most of the time) I get the feeling that Square Enix has no idea what the fuck they're doing.
  19. Oh Square, announcing a new FFXV trailer a day ahead of time and it's literally just text and a dad hugging a kid?! Oh and a random dog, can't forget the dog.

  20. I doubt Zelda U will move exclusively to the NX, since Nintendo was fairly adamant during E3 that it was still a Wii U game... if it wasn't going to come to Wii U they would have been a little more coy about it... "we have nothing to announce at this time", or something, ya know. It will definitely be cross-gen like Twilight Princess, assuming the NX is a normal gaming system and not a moderately powered portable with TV connection abilities. Though, I can guarantee you if it does come to both systems, the Wii U version will be impossible to find, again, like Twilight Princess Game Cube. TFG: Well, for PS4/XB1 they were both announced the spring before they came out. Nintendo announced the Wii U at E3 2011, showed it off again at E3 2012 before it was released that winter. But the rumours are all pointing that the NX could go into manufacturing soon, so we're probably looking at a 2016 release, which would line up nicely with Zelda.
  21. GOH and I are always on the same side. 100% of the time. We literally never disagree.
  22. Are you saying I don't speak for everyone??
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