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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP

    E3 2015

    This is the company that spent 15 minutes on Wonderbook one year, you can be sure they'll spend way too long on Morpheus.
  2. Yeah the original Metroid is pretty hard to go back to, I wouldn't mind trying Metroid Zero Mission if it ever came to Virtual Console.
  3. The payoff better end with Sansa marrying Stannis. Tyrion, too kind. Ramsey, too cruel. Stannis? Just right.
  4. The Keira storyline is pretty good, I recommend you guys go through it.
  5. Wow, wow, wow, wait. I haven't checked this thread in a few days. FLD:
  6. We can all agree: Triss Merigold > Yennefer ....right?!
  7. Watched the Supergirl pilot episode (thx internet). Some parts were pretty good, other parts were laughable, especially the last 30 seconds, the final sentence is suppose to be a big reveal and is said all dramatically... but they had already revealed the twist right before that.... sooo...?? Pacing felt weird and the whole thing with the military seemed really half baked and came out of nowhere. On the whole, I kept just thinking about how I've seen this chick naked before on Homeland.
  8. I never hear anyone complaining with films when there's scenes, dialog, or effects in the trailer that aren't in the final movie, why would you take a trailer from two years before a game comes out as a good representation of the final product? Maybe the gaming industry can use this as a reason to not show off games years a head of release. That'd be nice. Looking at you Final Fantasy Versus 13 and Last Guardian.
  9. Happy birthday to madbassman39! Keep slappin' dat bass!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Vecha


      Happy Happy Bday!

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Happy birthday, mbm!

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Mr. Mad B. Assman! Truly a fine legacy you carry through each birthday.

  10. Britain's #1 actor is Benedict Cumberbatch and I'll hear no one else, thank you very much!
  11. I don't mind if it's a game that isn't out yet, but yeah, watching your friends play games was always the worst in the SNES/N64 days, it would be even worse today through the internet with someone you don't even know.
  12. TCP

    Cube World

    Hmm... E3 a few weeks away... weren't there a few rumours about it being picked up by PlayStation awhile back?
  13. Played this for about 6 hours yesterday. Combat feels good, kind of like Assassin's Creed if Ass Creed's combat wasn't shit. You also have eagle vision / Batman's detective vision, so you spend a lot of time looking around for clues. I've never played a Witcher game before but you don't really need to for this one, which makes sense, that "III" in the logo for less prominent as development went on. The world is beautiful, it looks especially stunning on PS4. I can't recall a game where the trees move in the wind, the visuals work great with the top notch sound design, so when the wind's really blowing, the trees really move and you hear the wind howling too. I have yet to try it on Remote Play but a giant huge RPG like this is exactly the type of game you want RP for. Anyways: game of the year.
  14. Have you guys read the books? Both Jon and Cersei's storylines are interesting if you know where they're going. Danny's is 100% awful, I can't argue that. As a book reader, I'm enjoying Sansa's story since none of it happens in the books so you don't know where it's going, the unexpectedness is refreshing. Jamie's storyline is fucking awful, the Sand Snakes sucked in the books and they still suck on screen. Really wish we could see the Greyjoys instead of the Martells... oh well, maybe season 6...
  15. You guys just made some goddamn good decisions.
  16. Didn't they swear this game would never come to consoles? Or am I thinking of another game?
  17. Arthur Darvill playing a time traveler? I don't buy it! No but seriously, Legends of Tomorrow looks really, really good. Why is it a mid-season show?!??! Air it now CW! NOW!!!
  18. TCP

    E3 2015

    Like two peas in a pod. They really should collaborate more, they're perfect for each other.
  19. TCP

    E3 2015

    Wow, Nintendo and Square Enix both going at 9am on Tuesday is pretty great. Two formerly great Japanese game makers, now reduced to mere shells of their formerselves, duking it to be the top mediocre game company....
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