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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Story? No, I don't believe so. Bigger ships? Yes, you can upgrade and customize your ship, suit, weapons, etc. As for what you do, you mine, craft, explore, upgrade, trade, and fight. You can go to a planet, hunt, but if you hunt too much, that planet's guardians/police/sentinels will come after you. You can find a material in one solar system, go to another where it's very rare, and sell it for big $$$. Essentially, it's a like Minecraft in survival mode, but instead of building castles/buildings/whatever you build your ship, tools, suit, etc. Oh and, for reasons unexplained, the goal is to get to the centre of the galaxy, which will require a ton of resources. If what you liked about games like Skyrim, Red Dead, GTA, was the story, missions, etc, this game probably isn't for you. If what you like about those games and games like Minecraft, Terraria, etc is exploring, then this is totally your game.
  2. It's my understanding the Red Hood DLC is similar to the Harley DLC, but I'm under the impression the Batgirl DLC will be a bit more meaty. Especially since it has multiple trophies but the other DLC only has one each.
  3. So can we all agree the best part of the game is......
  4. I got a fever, a fever for more Arkham. Fortunately the PSN is having a super hero sale sooo... Time to reconnect with my old friend, the Vita.
  5. Batman: Arkham Knight I just 100% the story mode. I'm still a little sour that I didn't have the option to start the incomplete ending, as finding all the riddler trophies wasn't something I would have done. Regardless! I really like the game. I liked the tank combat. I liked the story. I like the way they handled the multiple characters, though I would have liked free roaming as Catwoman (like in AC), Robin, or Nightwing. In fact I wish I could have had more of that. I really hope they do a better job with the DLC in this game. I still have to complete the Harley Quinn mission, and I hope Red Hood comes to everyone soon, but the Batgirl DLC sounds promising. Just don't take too long and underwhelm like the Robin DLC in City. Here's a little secret: I suck at Arkham combat. This made Asylum and City kind of frustrating for me. So I played on easy, since it didn't affect trophies, and it made the game 100000% more enjoyable.
  6. Yeah I had issues with that track too, then I learned that playing in first person makes it infinitely easier. Spent about 30 minutes trying to get it in third person, switched to first and got it right away.
  7. You know this character you've only briefly used in battle?? Well, you better know exactly how her skills work right away or else you'll have to redo that annoying block puzzle!! Ok so, I've done some research, in fact I've seen videos of people starting the incomplete Knightfall Protocol. But I do not have that option for some reason. My theory is, at the end Batman says something along the lines of But I had already completed all the side quests except for The Riddler. So I think, if you go and arrest someone, then you can start the Knightfall Protocol. Unfortunately for me, I am fucked. Either that or my game is glitched. 161/243 riddles solved.... yay.......
  8. I can't believe there isn't more uproar about this! I still hear people complaining about the Wind Waker tri-force quest, this is much worse.
  9. Just got to the end of the game and....
  10. It's not so much that they're difficult, I just find the more Cobra Tanks, the more tedious and time consuming it gets, and generally not fun.
  11. I want to punch whoever designed those Cobra Tanks. I also want to punch the person who decided "so for this mission let's have 3 Cobra Tanks!! Now for the next.... what if... we put in 5?!" and so forth.
  12. Just upgraded my crappy old Wii Virtual Console version of Ocarina of Time to the Wii U version for a cool $2.... cause what the fuck else am I going to play on that system?!?!?
  13. HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      Yeah everyone I know who's a Leafs fan was very upset haha

    3. danielpholt


      They got robbed in that one. Not pretty. On the plus side, they got robbed in that one.

    4. TCP


      Toronto is great for that. Every time I feel down about the future of my Canucks (often these days), I look over at Toronto and I feel much better about myself and my team.

  14. Hey my copy finally showed up! A couple hours in. Pretty obvious who Arkham Knight might be. Batmobile controls well in both modes once you enable Battle Mode. Game runs very impressively on the PS4.
  15. Ethan's theory was that Jon = Robert's child. I've said some crazy things on here, but never THAT crazy.
  16. Whiplash I had a teacher in school who was intense like that. Nowhere near as bad, granted. But he'd push you. One second he was your best friend the next he's screaming at you for something small. So the whole movie gave me a lot of anxiety like I was in college again. Terrific performances though, fantastic ending too. Hopefully Reed Richards does a drum solo in Fantastic Four. But seriously...
  17. Your theory was wack, bro. Also good job on reading the books, proud of you.
  18. Yeah I feel if there was a sequencer in it, we would have heard something about it by now.... but it would be awesome!
  19. I hereby propose that we do away with both the Retro/Classic Games sub-forum and the Mobile Games sub-forum, and absorb them into the General Gaming Chat and Multi-Platform Games sub-forums. I recommend this because no one ever posts in those sub-forums, which make this place look deader than it is to any lurkers/possible new members. Also, when people do post in those sub-forums, no one notices because no one ever looks there. All the threads would fit well in the General Gaming Chat and Multi-Platform Games sub-forums. I would also recommend deleting the Minecraft Server sub-forum because it's been dead for 3+ years. Thank you.
  20. Rocksteady really should have followed Rockstars example and instead of pawning the PC port off to a crappy 3rd party, just held off and developed it after the console versions were released.
  21. Guys, guys, calm down! All Devil May Cry games suck equally.
  22. Can we all just agree that Super Mario Bros 3 is the best Super Mario Bros game?!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. TCP



      Nah fuck it I can't tell the difference in those games. I think U has Yoshi though so it wins the NSMB debate.

      Where does Yoshi's Island stand in all of this?! Because technically it's Super Mario World 2.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Screw you guys right in your collective pancreas. Galaxy was a fun, solid game you can totally play while only half sober. Kiss my star!

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Galaxy was a fun, solid game, but it was too easy to be ranked among the best Mario games.

  23. Am I the only one who thinks this game looks great? This might be the most promising looking Nintendo game in........ uhhhh.......... when did Wind Waker come out??
  24. ..Where the hell is The Witness?!??!?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Can I get a witness?!

    3. Strangelove
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Who put The Witness up his butt? That is cruel.

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