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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I totally missed that the best DC live action anything had a trailer online via Comicon: If you're not watching this show, give your head a shake.
  2. They'd have been smarter to focus on developing the console version first and not even announce the 3DS game, then do a separate 3DS game with the same team once the Wii U version ships. Course, on the other hand, the 3DS's line up is looking VERY thin this year, so they probably need the 3DS version out ASAP as well. Not a good situation to be in.
  3. Yeah, and I imagine once the PS4's library grows, we'll start getting 6-18 month old retail titles like Knack, Tomb Raider, Wolfenstien, Killzone, etc.
  4. Yeah that's an unfortunate environment Sony has created with the free games and the occasional good sales. I want Rogue Legacy but I just know it's either going to be free or super cheap in a few weeks/months, so I might as well wait.
  5. Smash Bros last gen sold 12 million copies. Mario Kart Wii sold 35 million. Meaning Mario Kart Wii sold almost 3x as many copies!!! So yeah, SSB might be a significant factor, but if Mario Kart 8 can't pull the Wii U out of it's tailspin, I don't see how Smash Bros can. Never mind the fact that two months before it comes to Wii U, it's coming out in a platform that people actually own. Since there's no cross-buy or anything, I don't see people wanting to buy the same game twice.
  6. You guys might not know this about me, but I'm a big fan of the PlayStation brand. However, I can tell you one thing, I will NEVER drop 15 dollars on a game to not own it forever.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Or rented the same game 3 times?

    3. TCP


      I haven't even been able to rent a video game in years.

      And yes, PS Now and their crazy prices. 4 dollars for 4 hours? Pfft.

      The point I'm trying to make is I wouldn't rent a 2 year old game for 15 dollars when I can buy it for that amount. If these were brand new PS4 games, that might be different and a better avenue than purchasing, but old PS3 games? No thanks. Especially when PS+ is such a better value.

    4. Vecha


      As long as idiots don't buy/rent at those prices...they'll come down.

  7. They're going the Nintendo strategy with the Wii U or the PlayStation strategy with the Vita.
  8. Supposedly this Assassins Creed Comet game, which is now apparently called Assassins Creed Rogue stars a templar in 1758 New York. It's still suppose to be coming out on the same day as Unity..?
  9. If you like aimlessly wandering around and taking in the sights in games like Red Dead and Skyrim, than Proteus will be your jam. Beautiful game. Kind of a weird game for PS+ because a lot of people are just plum not going to get it.
  10. Dragon's Crown is also free for PS3 too! Proteus is PS3 and FEZ is triple cross buy.
  11. X-Men footage?! GET IT OUT OF HERE!!! But it looks really good. This movie needs to happen.
  12. Harry sounds weird without his accent, but the movie looks cool. Could be our last chance to see him act before he takes the role of the 13th Doctor next year.
  13. I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that the UK still has magazines or the fact that they have a magazine named SEX.
  14. What can I say, my fiance is a brave woman. She should be Wonder Woman. (Tying it back to the original topic before we veer too off course).
  15. Still using my carts, still not pirating, still can use real controllers. AND SHUT UP YOU OWN AN XBOX ONE.
  16. I meant her armor BUT YEAH, I wouldn't mind showing her my warriors three.
  17. That still doesn't solve the problem of wanting to play actual carts. Never mind the legality of it. I may be many things, a cowboy, a poet, a scumbag, a hero, a vigilante, a chronic masturbator, a communist, a gang member, a black panther, a social liberal, fiscal conservative, a Canadian, a Canucks fan, a gnarly dude, a secret ninja, but I am NOT a pirate.
  18. This: looks SO much better. Jeeeeeze, DC!
  19. TCP

    Cube World

    Looks like quests have been added: Looks so good. I haven't heard anything about this game in ages, I sort of figured it was dead, good to see he's still working on it.
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