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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Haha someone's going to eat some crow. If, you know, FLD didn't scare them off.
  2. I want to put this game on a spoon, wrap a belt around my arm, inject it into my veins, and pass out in a bathroom. It looks that good.
    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      got room for one more in that bathroom bebbis?

    2. Eleven


      but when will it be free on PS Plus?

  3. Well, Sony absolutely killed it today.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      They sure did kill the Vita, TCP.

    2. TCP


      What? That happened a long time ago, GOH!

  4. I'm really hoping that Shawn Layden guy comes out again, talks like a nervous politician about PS Now and TV for 30 minutes.

    1. toxicitizen


      Then he suddenly reads the word "Vita" off the prompter and just awkwardly stops: "... what in the hell is a Vita?"

    2. TCP
  5. I whole heartedly agree with only half of you.

    1. Strangelove


      I dont agree with this at all.

    2. TCP


      I thought you'd half heartedly agree with it.

  6. Oh man, how foolish of me! I've edited my post so no one else falls into that trap.
  7. Fuck Tomb Raider! Journey and Unfinished Swan officially confirmed for PS4.
  8. Getting sick and tired of Microsoft/Sony paying to keep content off each other's systems. It's one thing when you help develop the game or help fund it like Bloodborne, Bayonetta 2, or all those PlayStation indie games, but paying to keep a game off your competitors system, just makes you and the publisher/developer look like assholes.
  9. I really don't want to derail this thread but... Oh and this one, where you defend your favourite website: Why would you list PItchfork but not Rolling Stone, NME, or any other publication/website? They all suck for the most part. Face it, FDS, you love yourself some Pitchfork. You're all "I wonder if Animal Collective has any new cassettes out?" but you also like knowing what Drake is up to, because you have a wide taste in music.
  10. A true Canadian with First Nation's blood. So if you make fun of me for being Canadian, you're actually being racist. The person below me smells their own farts. Ew.
  11. Haha Malicious is on tits, you guys... he's on tits!!! Hahahahahaha
  12. Final Fantasy X Man, I just want to punch Tidus in the face and I'm not that far into the game.
  13. It's FLD. He's the one holding folders back from us. Get him, Ethan!
  14. Which is too bad because Ronan was pretty cool during the Annihilation/Nova/Guardians/Conquest runs in the last decade....
  15. FDS, just because you read Pitchfork and listen to whatever they think is cool at the moment, doesn't make you knowledgeable on music... it just makes you kind of pompous .....and a bit of a hipster.
  16. Watch_Dogs, I just plum don't fucking care. This character looks like a pedo. He looks like what you'd get if you ask someone who's never been outside before to draw someone cool. Nothing in the game is fun. Hacking, is not fun. The shooting isn't fun. The driving is atrocious. The soundtrack IS REALLY BAD. We're living a year after GTA V gave us Rebel FM, and the best Ubisoft can do is a 1996 Weezer song?! And then about 15 crappy other songs? No thanks. Similarly, Child of Light. It's beautifully drawn, but someone forgot to put the fun in. The poetry writing is fun at first but after awhile it's kind of annoying. Donkey Kong Country Returns. The original DKC games were NOT about tough platforming, this is just too hard and it's not fun anymore. Also: any Souls game. I just don't have the patience for that.
  17. Supposedly this is the new PS4 UI update. Folders, mother fucking folders!! EDIT: POSSIBLY FAKE?!?!
  18. To be fair, I didn't realize that the comic was right from the middle of that episode. Quickly done by the artist! Another fantastic Korra episode. The stage is set for Bolin to lava bend.
  19. You know what would fit the aesthetic? Toon Link.
  20. Ew, that's gross. I make sculptures out of stranger's belly lint. The person below me looks up to me as a role model.
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