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Everything posted by TCP

  1. We need a poll! What will Bolin bend? Lava Metal Asami's Sweet Bod (sexually)
  2. TCP

    Your Rig

    I use Chrome on my Mac tower and MacBook and find it works great. Firefox sucks now though.
  3. TCP

    Your Rig

    It's the same model as the one I got in 2012. Still works like a champ. The greatest computer ever? Probably.
  4. I decided we haven't been posting enough lately. So this happened. http://i.imgur.com/pEWYPtQ.png I guess that makes me the coolest dude on here!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      How drunk were you?

    3. TCP


      Same as usual... very.

    4. TCP


      Hey Wally, can you tell Chewie that when he did it, yes, it WAS annoying.

  5. .... Dammit Wally, you scared off another one!
  6. TCP

    Xbox One

    All hail the undisputed Steam future! ...Go away, Origin.
  7. Even just the detail in his face, amazing. I'm surprised they didn't totally showboat with a ton of close ups.
  8. TCP

    Your Rig

    Hey! I can play Portal 2 on it!
  9. I've always been aware of possessing great power. The person below me, loves corgis, the ultimate hipster dog.
  10. Looks like the US is firing in Iraq again.
  11. So how are we going to organize some Destiny gaming? If you missed it: Ethan formed a clan.
  12. You'd think with the long delays they'd have been able to get more of these produced. Resellers are buying them for 130 dollars a pop and reselling them for over 300+. At this rate I might as well wait for the N64 patent to expire and just get the Retron 6.
  13. Some more screenshots I took. I thought this church was especially beautiful: And the detail in this shot of Joel vs some glass:
  14. TCP

    Your Rig

    My rig. ..Counts as a rig right?
  15. All these Hyrule Warrior trailers are making me really wish for a Zelda fighting game.
  16. TCP

    Xbox One

    So Microsoft games that end up on PC now that Games For Windows Live is dead... do they go on Steam? How does this work?
  17. From Software, forget Dark Souls and give me a sequel to 3D Dot Game Heroes with a level editor. Do it.

    1. toxicitizen


      You shut your damn mouth!


      Also, From didn't make 3D Dot Game Heroes, they only published the Japanese version. It was developed by Silicon Studio, the Bravely Default guys.

    2. TCP


      THOSE SONS OF BITCHES. I got confused because I thought Atlus published it, which I guess they did in NA?



      Silicon Studio, you sons of bitches, stop making shitty Sqeenix games and get back to work on 3D Dot Game Heroes 2.

    3. toxicitizen


      Yeah, I also thought From did it when it first came out. I was confused when I found out because I'd never even heard of Silicon Studio.


      And wasn't Bravely Default like... regarded as the best Squeenix game in years? Don't take it away from them, it's all they have left!

  18. Purchased this digitally last night. 10 bucks for each game isn't bad, though I would have rather just spent 10 dollars and just got FFX but whatever. Watch this be free on the PSN in the next few months....
  19. My boy, Casey Hudson, has left Bioware. He probably didn't want to live in Edmonton anymore. Can't blame him, the Oilers really suck.
  20. So is there any advantage now for Twitch over Ustream?
  21. I hope so. Supposedly Ubisoft has said you kill a major AC character in this game. We see Haythem's end in AC3, Edward would be already dead, and Connor wouldn't die till some period after this game..... which just leaves my bro Adewale. But yeah I don't think they'd give us 8 games of assassins acting heroic and then all of a sudden just have a game where we slaughter them, with no "I've made a huge mistake " moment at the end.
  22. More "screenshots" that I stole from another messageboard cause fuck 'em: The more I think about this game, the weirder it is. Assassins Creed 4 was a big hit on the new consoles... now they want us to go BACK and play the direct sequel on last-gen consoles? I wonder if they're planning some Kenway/New World PS4/Xbone compilation of AC3/ACL/ACRo for 2015? AC3 had some technical difficulties which could benefit from some polish on a new more powerful platform... plus since we'll clearly never get a new Connor game, they can maybe give his character some resolution.
  23. Hahaha. I can't believe we live in a world where a Batman AND Superman movie is scared of Captain America.
  24. Then I offer my second choice. Which I checked and either hasn't been posted or the link is dead.
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