My older brother had an NES, which he must have got when I was very young because I don't ever remember us not having it. I still have it, but I lost my power chord and controllers.
When I was 7, I got a SNES for Christmas. Mortal Kombat, Toy Story (??), Super Mario All-Stars (with SMW), and Donkey Kong Country 3 were the only games I ever owned, but I'd generally rent a game every weekend.
Around this time I was using my brothers original Gameboy fairly often. I beat Metroid 2 as my first game ever completed.
When I was 10ish, I got an N64 with Mario Kart 64 for Christmas. Also around that period came a Gameboy Colour with Pokemon Yellow. However by the time I was in high school, I started feeling a little burnt by Nintendo, as I felt they hadn't grown with me.
So at that point I sort of just gave up on gaming, not sure why, I got really into music though and at that point I tended to get really absorbed into one hobby and ignored the others. However I did briefly own a PS2, long enough to play and beat Vice City, and then I sold it to buy a Fender bass amp, the same Fender bass amp I sold to (partly) finance my PS4... theee ciiiiiiiircccle of liiiiife. The only gaming I did after that was playing through Minish Cap via an emulator. I never owned a Gamecube, GBA, or Xbox.
So fastforward to 2008, I'm done schooling, dating a really hot girl whom I spend most of my time with. However, I knew that wasn't going to last, so I got an Xbox 360, then we broke up a few days later, mostly because she was cray-cray, as the young folks say, also she just kind of starfished in bed, not fun. Anyways, I picked up Fable 2 and got really into it, from there gaming sucked me back in.
I saw my brother in law playing Twilight Princess on a Wii, and I remember being really impressed with how Link climbed on vines (??) so I got a Wii from Walmart right after that.
One night in 2010 I watched the trailers for The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus 13. Those two games got me really stoked for PlayStation 3. Trailers like that and LittleBigPlanet and Heavy Rain made me realize that PlayStation had the kind of games I wanted, so soon after that I got a PS3. Within a month or two the PS3 quickly became my main console, to the point where I didn't even have my 360 plugged in anymore.
Also within this period I got a DS Lite and a PSP-3000. The PSP remains my favourite handheld of that generation.
However, I got the best handheld of all time, the PlayStation Vita, a few weeks before launch thanks to an fuck up. Since then after my PS3/4 Vita has always been my secondary console. I play a lot of it at home on the couch while my fiance watches bad TV.
I bought a Wii U at launch, don't know why, it sat there unused up until recently.
I sold my 360 to (also) (partly) finance my PS4, which I got at launch.
So in summary: I've never owned anything Sega.