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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Wish this was on PS4 so I could remote play it on Vita.
  2. Yeah it was an OK DLC. Gave you new areas to explore, unlike other Ass Creed DLC.
  3. A PlayStation gamer? Welcome, brother.
  4. Back To The Future 3 is the thinking man's Back To The Future, and I won't sit here and listen to people like Strangelove slander it. GET OUT OF HERE, STRANGELOVE!
  5. A decent sale coming up on the PSN tomorrow: Might grab Ass Creed Liberation HD, since I've been itching for some Ass Creed to play since the Unity trailer. Apparently it's an easy platinum! I can't remember what prevented me from platinuming the Vita version, but I remember the game running like pooh ruining my fun.
  6. Board games?!?!?!?! Take that Twister and Clue trash, and get it out of here, you pickle hating SOB!
  7. As a kid I always preferred part 2 over 3, but as I've aged, I've come to appreciate 3 for the classic western it is. The original will always be best, but as a trilogy, it's fantastic. Can't believe they haven't done a 4th film or a remake or something like that. Especially with 2015 just a year away...
  8. Subs without pickles?! Go to hell and die.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart


    3. TCP



    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart


  9. Why didn't anyone tell me how good Orphan Black is?!?!?!?!
  10. Yeah, also considering Neil and Bruce are doing this game, and they did UC2, I'd imagine, if anything, this would be more of a UC2 sequel than a UC3 sequel. But none of the games really rely on the plots from the previous games. Besides what Dean mentioned probably the most important part of UC3 was giving clarity to Drake and Sully's relationship. If there's not PS4 versions in the works, you can bet these will be on PSNow, and assuming the prices aren't completely out of wack and the lag isn't awful, you could probably stream these games not half bad.
  11. Nova (Richard Rider) is the best Marvel character, according to me. I want this to be true, but I just don't see it happening.
  12. Super Mario World via Wii U's VC. I never beat this growing up, for reasons unknown?! Anyways, I SMB3 will always be the best Mario, but this is a close second. It's crazy how much better this game looks than the New Super Mario games.
  13. I got a $20 off coupon at shop.ca, so I got myself some Watch underscore Dogs.
  14. MaliciousH, good job on reaching 1/4th of a century!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Happy Birthday mal

    3. Mal


      Thanks all. As a geologist, it's making me understand the deepness of Deep Time.

    4. TheMightyEthan
  15. That was nice of them to give you the code! Maybe FEZ was the same deal?
  16. MK8 has it's problems, dumb roster, no voice chat, gamepad/split screen, but it really is the best Wii U game, period. If they released some new tracks/characters via DLC I'd definitely purchase.
  17. It was in NA when I got it at launch last month, PS4, PS3, and Vita. EDIT: I don't see any mention of cross buy on the NA store anymore either. You might want to be careful, Sony's been sneaky lately and having things only be cross-buy when it launched. For instance, Limbo was cross-buy on Vita when it launched, but I don't think it is anymore, at least it wasn't when it was on free PS+.
  18. You're just jealous we won Olympic gold in both men's and women's ice hockey this year.And you've got 7 fantastic NHL teams that are always fighting for championships... Shut yo' mouth! We take solace in the fact that the majority of NHLers are Canadian. Still #1!
  19. You're just jealous we won Olympic gold in both men's and women's ice hockey this year.
  20. Preordered one of these sexy things:
  21. Never has owning a home (non-VR) console caused people so much shame.
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