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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I had no idea that was a thing. The era of me saying "solid dick from TCP" has begun! Reminds me of my favourite Marvel character, the original Nova. I don't think we'll ever see a movie with Richard Rider... or Dick Rider, as his friends would call him.
  2. It's official, PlayStation gamers are the greatest: http://i.imgur.com/5R7fpuU.jpg and if you're not playing on PlayStation, you're a goddamn baby.

    1. TCP
    2. Eleven


      I am SO PROUD to be a PlayStation gamer right now! As the saying goes, the three most important things in life are love, health, and PlayStation.

  3. Yep 550 of my coins expire on June 30th. Hopefully the store gets some new items before then because there's basically nothing there.
  4. Club Nintendo coins fucking EXPIRE?! How am I suppose to spend 550 in a month? Hopefully we get some good VC games next time they switch them out. Jesus.
  5. I'm waiting for a Vita with all it's insides stripped which can only do remote play for $100. That'll be a sad day.
  6. This was just shy of $5 on the PSN, so I picked up the Vita version:
  7. Damn, that's some bold predictions.
  8. Safe bets (What will probably happen): Sony -Last Guardian PS4 (I can feel it in my blood, Ethan!) -Very little Vita news -The Last of Us HD "coming this week!!!" -DS4s in colours other than black (COME ON NOW, SONY!) -Project Beast actually known as Demon Souls 2, PS4 exclusive Nintendo -Zelda will be teased but it'll be how Skyward Sword was teased, with just a poster and/or some vague discussion. -Smash Bros, more Smash Bros, even more Smash Bros -3DS garbage. -Pokemon remakes. -Mario Kart DLC 3rd Party -Mass Effect trilogy PS4/Xbone -Skyrim HD PS4/Xbone Long shots (what I hope will happen): Sony -Guerrilla RPG trailer -Vita TV in North America Nintendo -Twilight Princess HD (because fuck Hyrule Warriors) -Crossbuy 3DS/Wii U VC games -N64/GCN coming to VC 3rd Party Red Dead Redemption 2 (does Rockstar ever introduce things at E3?) EDIT: Oh and Final Fantasy XV will be a no-show.
  9. That episode was mind blowing. Oberyn in the books never stuck out for me, but the actor portraying him in the show was great. Next episode spoilers:
  10. A couple thoughts on the new Mario Kart 8. So far my fiance and I are enjoying it, though the option to automatically drift from the Wii version seems to be gone, which was a big help for her (I've tried to explain drifting to her but she just doesn't get it, keep in mind outside of this and Pokemon she does not game). The fake ? block seems to be gone, which is good, I don't think anyone has ever been fooled by that. Blue shells don't seem as common in the Wii version, but they're still there, the horn is nice but the amount of times you actually get a horn in first place are few and far between. Voice chat between friends during online races would have been great. I don't understand what they were thinking getting rid of battle arenas, that was dumb. The character roster also sort of sucks, it's half babies and Bowsers kids. Do we really need Rosalina AND Baby Rosalina? No, no we do not. Seems like this would have been a good opportunity to have some other Nintendo characters in the game, like 'toon Link. Oh, and they totally fucked the N64 version of Rainbow Road. The race starts, I go down the hill, and jump off the side to land on the far part of the track, and as soon as I'm off the track I get carried back on to where I started from. I don't know if jumping off the track there was an intentional shortcut or not on N64 but everyone did it, and now it's gone. I would have tried again on the second lap but they set it so you only have to do one lap, because god forbid a race be more than 3 minutes nowadays. My biggest disappointment is that if you're playing two player (couch, not online), and one person has the gamepad, you can't set it so one player uses the gamepad and one uses the TV. This seems like a huge wasted opportunity, and finally a reason to some what, sort of, justify the gamepad.
  11. So I totally forgot about the Wii U Deluxe Digital Promotion, but since I got Pikmin 3 digitally for free last night, that 60 dollars still counted towards my points total. I wouldn't have even thought about it but I saw a thread about it on another message board, and lo and behold, the 599 points from Pikmin bumped me past the 500 and 1000 point barriers. Basically meaning I got two 5 dollar activation points. So I used that money, and the remaining credit on my account to buy:
  12. I love all these vague or obvious E3 rumours. An exclusive game from Microsoft?! Oh shit no way! A new Red Dead? Woah!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I honestly don't see a meaningful difference between first party games and paid-for third party exclusives. Either way you're paying for a game to be exclusive to your platform.

    3. toxicitizen


      Imho, the difference lies in whether they're paying for the game to be made or paying for the game to not release on the competing platform. For example, Capcom probably would've made Dead Rising 3 at some point, regardless of Microsoft throwing money at them. It's "make this for us" (think Nintendo bankrolling Bayonetta 2, a game that would otherwise never have happened) vs "fuck the other guy's customers".


      Basically, I take issue when their money c...

    4. toxicitizen


      ... causes a game that should've otherwise been multiplat to become exclusive.

  13. Yeah he really does look like a sex offender. Some of those problems should be fixed with patches, maybe. Hopefully Ubi will do to Watch Dogs with Watch Dogs 2 what they did to Assassins Creed with AC2.
  14. PS+ in June: Trine 2 (PS4), Pixeljunk Shooter (PS4), NBA2K14 (PS3), Sly 4 (PS3/Vita), Terraria (Vita), Mutant Mudds Deluxe (Vita)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      I am so bummed out that PJ Shooter isn't cross-buy. Would've loved to get the Vita version from this. :(


      Terraria is cool, though. I didn't care for the controls in the demo so I was never going to buy it. But free? Sure, I'll play it.

    3. toxicitizen


      Nvm, looks like it is!

    4. TCP


      Good catch, FLD. Damn, that's FOUR Vita games. The age of Vita truly has begun!

  15. Watch Dog reviews aren't as bad as I thought. The nerds are still pissed off though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      Yeah, I had a feeling it was being treated way too optimistically for a game that showed very little evidence of doing anything that special. "Good" is fine with me though. I'm early in, but it seems solid enough with the exception of some horrendous AI in public areas.

    3. Strangelove


      From what Ive heard it has a lot of content, so at least itll last you a while. I just find it hard to be excited about open world/sandbox games. I know people love them, but they all feel too samey for me. Honestly, no one can top GTA5 so I feel like its a waste to even try. Thats why I don't mind stuff like Infamous, Assassin's Creed or even RDR. Theyre kind of trying the same thing, but their gameplay focus is entirely different. On the other hand, GTA, Far Cry, Just Cause and Sain...

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I would still play it, but I dunno if I want to drop 60 bones on it.

  16. TCP


    Now is their chance
  17. TCP


  18. Another problem with DoFP is BDH: I keep meaning to watch that! Good to hear you enjoyed it.
  19. TCP


    I will now rank the X-Men films. My ranking is fact, not opinion. 1) Days of Future Past 2) First Class 3) X2 4) The Wolverine 5) X1 6) X3 7) Wolverine Origins (even though my best friend from college was a pretty notable extra, the tall blonde guy Wolverine rescued at the end of the film, that still can't save the film from being garbage)
  20. Yeah I suppose. Hopefully we get some sort of continuation from the future timeline as well. EDIT: Apparently Apocalypse will have both past and future again, according to writer Simon Kinberg: Source
  21. X-Men Days of Future Past Aweeee fuck that was the X-Men movie I always wanted. I didn't stay for the post-credits scene, this theatre always turns it's lights on and brings in the cleaning people, not matter how many people are sitting waiting for the post-credits scenes. But I caught it via YouTube. That was OK but probably meaningless to normal folks.
  22. Is the post credits scene a true post credits scene or is it a mid-credits scene? Cause I'll stick around for a mid-credits scene but fuck waiting till the end of the credits. Hopefully I'll see this tomorrow.... hopefully. EDIT: Talking X-men, of course.
  23. Today is/way eleven's 29th birthday. Happy birthday!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pojodin


      Happy Belated Birthday!

    3. deanb


      Happy Birthday! Lots of them lately.

    4. MetalCaveman


      Happy birthday! \m/ \m/

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