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Everything posted by TCP

  1. That's bullshit, Ethan. BULLSHIT! Personally, I hope for a spinoff movie featuring Katniss' spunky sister. Book 3 spoilers:
  2. Is it ever a good sign to be a day away from release and still have no reviews??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TCP


      Exactly, Thief was a day early and didn't get good reviews, and SE obviously knew it wasn't going to be an 8 or 9.

      Just saying, the fact that it's a release day embargo and the fact it should have come out in 2012, is making me a little nervous. I would love to be wrong though!!

    3. toxicitizen


      Why? Did you pre-order it or something?


      It's Obsidian, they tend to make good games. And if anything, the delay should finally show whether their games' bugginess should be attributed to publisher rushing them or not. So suck or not, it should be interesting.

    4. deanb


      I'm thinking Ubisoft haven't realised what they picked up when they got South Park game given the recent censorship fuckup.

  3. The Hunger Games Catching Fire She's no Clint Barton or Oliver Queen, that's for certain.
  4. I'm totally late to the party on this one but I finally saw The Cabin in the Woods this past weekend.
  5. I'd say the same but let's be honest, we were never friends.
  6. Peace Walker seems to be a love it or hate it thing, I'll probably just get really excited for a new PS4 game and skip ahead to Ground Zeroes. This entire MGS order fiasco isn't the first time I've been bamboozeled like this, when I was 8 years old my sister rented me Star Wars and played Return of the Jedi first.
  7. I can't remember, it was summer 2012 when I played through MGS3. I want to say it was one of the guys I work with but it could have been someone online. I'm just going to blame Ethan. Ignoring the story, even just from a gameplay perspective, MGS and MGS2 have not aged well, control wise. It would have been nice to work my way up to a controllable camera and then proper aiming/shooting mechanics from MGS4. Now the question is, do I try to beat Peace Walker before I play Ground Zeroes?!
  8. This is my first playthrough. Someone told me to do it chronologically, which now I realize was probably not great advice. But I have a good sense of what's going on, but I probably would have appreciated parts of MGS3 better if I had played the others first.
  9. Metal Gear Solid 2 I think I prefer Metal Gear Solid 3, but 2 was pretty good as well. But man, I really hate Raiden. Onwards to Metal Gear Solid 4!
  10. TCP


    1.2 is coming to consoles "soon".
  11. Forma.8 is coming to PS4 and Vita. It looks awesome.
  12. Have any of you nerds ever seen a woman naked? Hahaha didn't think so... NERDS!

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Does the internet count?

    2. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Does having sex half dressed count? I hope it does!

  13. But where does one train fictional creatures?! Unless.... Silver is the MOTHER OF DRAGONS?!
  14. Teslagrad is coming to the Vita. But how is that possible when the Vita has no games?!?
  15. Do any of you nerds watch Arrow?!?!

    1. deanb


      It's sort of on my radar, but then so are other shows. I just kind of struggle to get in the habit of watching TV shows.

    2. TheRevanchist


      I tried, but it reminded me of Gossip Girl in too many ways. I do hope the show got better after the first season.

    3. TCP


      I can't recommend it enough. Everyone knows I'm a Marvel fanboy and hate on DC all the time, but goddamn, Arrow is some good TV. The first half of the first season is a little rocky, but the second season definitely makes up for it.

  16. I've been on a vinyl buying spree lately... I've picked up: Beck - Morning Phase Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans Iron & Wine and Calexico - In the Reins (the last good Iron & Wine record) Uncle Tupelo - March 16 - 20 The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour The Beatles - Past Masters The White Stripes - Elephant
  17. Happy 3rd birthday 3DS! Three years of bad 3D, no right stick, more Nintendo rehashes, and abysmal western 3rd party support.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Coincidentally I can't say punk-ass bitch without making a super sweet pimp voice

    3. TCP


      Face it, Wally, you play a baby system, made for babies!!!!

    4. toxicitizen


      Yeah, if you're into indies and weird japanese games, then the Vita has a very decent library. I mean, I've owned the system for only 3 months and I've already managed to build myself a bit of a backlog.

  18. According to reviews, W&S is not Jesus, but in fact, a punkhead.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      According to reviews, Cowboy Poet is actually a Nintendo fan

    2. TCP



  19. Dammit Sony, it's been three months, why can't I buy a Dualshock 4 in white?!

    1. TheRevanchist


      For greasy, orange Cheetos hands covered with moisture condensation from a bottle of Molsen Ice, I recommend sticking with black or orange paisley.

  20. Once again, Sony is doing Steam-like sales this week. There's two, in fact! Back to 2013: PS Vita Anniversary Sale:
  21. I guess this means no Ghostbusters 3 :-\

  22. Terraria on Vita. Well, for now, once that 1.2 update hits consoles there'll be more bosses, but for now I beat the Wall of Flesh, unlocked hardmore, beat the three prime bosses (twice each actually, for a gold trophy), and then beat Ocram, the final console boss. I really want to platinum the game but finding all 6 pets is being quite a challenge.
  23. Marvel has already said numerous times that they aren't afraid to recast roles. Look at Ed Norton.
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