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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. To be quite honest, silk spectre 2 just wasnt a very interesting character in the comic either. Shes probably the most barebones character compared to the rest. She has an important history but in the present shes pretty boring and doesnt really do anything important. At least thats how i felt when i read it.
  2. Sounds like you have really high standards. What superhero movies do you actually like?
  3. I think it should be left up to the owners of each business whether theyll allow people to smoke, not the government. It just isnt right.
  4. How old are you? Its only been a few years here in texas. It was never like that.
  5. Smoking and bars just go together. They always have. thats like going to a strip joint and being offended by seeing bare titties. thats how its supposed to be.
  6. I loved watchmen. Specifically the directors cut. Im also glad they changed the ending. The fucking squid alien thing was retarded.
  7. I smoke about a pack every 2 days. Im not quitting any time soon and i really dont care to. I enjoy the habit. Only thing that sucks is the ban of smoking indoors at bars and restaurants. People are such pussies. Not being able to smoke in a bar is the gayest shit ever. America is so fucking faggy for being cool with having that little piece of freedom taken away. Man, that was a lot of homophobic slurs...even for me. But i hope it gets the message across. Or edit it if it bothers anyone. I dont care.
  8. Sorry, posted in the wrong place. For me its super mario bros 3. I dont plan it but i somehow end up replaying it once every single year.
  9. Kind of REALLY grindy. Grinding is ok if the story and characters are captivating. They were not. Zero emotion bullshit.
  10. Man, i hated digital devil saga. Such a boring piece of poo. It looked so good too.
  11. Is that really cheating? He let other people play games with his account so he could get more points. Im seriously asking. I dont know how seriously people and ms take gamerscore and achievements.
  12. I like the shotgun in killzone 2. Best shotgun in any fps ive ever played. It just looks feels and sounds great. Its just fine.
  13. New bright eyes album leaked this week. Its great. This is supposed to be their last album. Means i can kill myself now with no regrets. Yay!
  14. The remake is actually more faithful to the book than the john waybe version. Its how its supposed to be. I liked mattie a lot in this one. Very talented actress.
  15. You ever plan on just shaving your head once your hair is too thin?
  16. So lets get into it. Anyone here balding? Im never going to go bald, but thinking about it really freaks me out. I also find that not a lot of people can truly sport the bald look, were not all bruce willis. Tell me your thoughts losing your hair.
  17. Its a little about the money.....
  18. I hug a pillow when i sleep. Its sad. Im so lonely............
  19. Blitzball is fun once you accept the fact that youre not playing blitzball or some other similar fun sports game, youre really playing a nerdy strategy game based entirely on statistics. Sad but true.
  20. I actually dont remember the music of ff12. It sounded like generic orchestra filler. Just something to have because it has to be there. Like ominous tones in crime drama tv shows. And yeah, the grinding would be a lot better to digest if there were dialogue and story inbetween. The fact that you can go hours in a dungeon without one single character speaking or something important storywise happening really makes it feel like a dull mmo. It doesnt do anything wrong, but it doesnt do anything right either because....it just doesnt do anything. I found the game after 30 hours of playing it to be pointless. Just nothingness. The story goes nowhere and the gameplay never changes either. I was playing it for that long and the game wasnt even over. Its a complete haze to me. Thats my opinion though. There was defi itely something there because no way i would play a bad game for that long, but i never felt fulfilled. It felt like a game that would only get better and deeper, but it never did. The license board does suck though. Ill say that. Bad idea.
  21. Ive just never been a fan of adding features that arent needed. I like refining things that are there or adding things people actually wanted, like the movable camera in subsistence. Anyways, here my top 5 favorite ps2 games in no particular order: Mgs2 xenosaga 3 resident evil 4 devil may cry 3 shadow hearts covenant Ahhh, back when japanese game creators had creativity running through their veins......... Honorable mention to ffx, ffx-2, kh2, and odin sphere.
  22. I bought my exgirlfriend final fantasy 9 since she had and liked ff8. I also bought her resident evil 2. I dont remember why. she only had a ps1 and a handful of games. Only games she had were ff8 and umjammer lammy. she was pretty cool. Too bad she turned out to be such a bitch. Stupid bitch.
  23. But would you buy it day one?
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