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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I wonder if there's anyone who has actually read every single email, ebook and newspaper in Deus EX: HR...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I read everything I come across too.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I broke into EVERYONE'S office. I am chief of security. I need to see everything!

    4. deanb


      I hack everything even if I have their password. Though I make sure to close doors and vents on the way out. Spray some Febreeze too. Then slightly rearrange the desk.

  2. I found all the boss fights in Origins to be flashy and cool looking, but bland and repetitive. Its all the same shit really. Even the last boss fight tries to be like another boss fight in City that was awesome, but it pales in comparison in Origins.
  3. Whenever Sony releases the 64GB Vita memory card outside Japan, itll probably be $100, wont it? Im wondering if I should just order one off Ebay from Japan. Its about $120 on there and I really want one. Hmm...

    1. TCP


      Yeah I'll probably do the same after the PS4 launch. Might as well order a Vita TV too, but I'll wait and hear exactly how well it works over here.

    2. Strangelove


      Well, the memory card will work in any Vita, despite what region. Does the Vita TV work anywhere too?

    3. TCP


      Speculation is yes, but it's not out for 2 more weeks in Japan so we won't know for sure on how compatible it is till someone brings one over to NA.

  4. Wii U Fit Meter. I have a Wii U, I already had a balance board and this thing is $20. Not only that, but if you own the Fit Meter and sync it with your Wii U, you can download Wii Fit U for free. The whole fucking game. Not bad. Most importantly, I need to lose weight and I lost quite a bit of weight using the original Wii Fit. Not so much the Wii Fit, but it was kind of fun keeping record of what I was doing. Its entertaining in itself.
  5. South Park delayed again. I want to be upset, but I'm happy I don't have another game to play/buy this year. I got enough.

    1. Mal


      God damn it Kyle. My body was ready.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      An Obsidian game that doesn't have to be delayed over and over again is one that doesn't exist. Their Kickstarter product will probably get pushed back over and over again as well.

    3. TheRevanchist
  6. Only time i ever listened to music on my PS3 was while playing Wipeout, but I do that on my Vita now. And sadly, Liverpool Studio is no more, so no future PS4 Wipeout to speak of either.
  7. Apparently you cant play mp3s on the PS4. And apparently people on the internet are losing their shit about it. Hmm.
  8. I like a girl. That hasnt happened in a long time. I think Im fucked.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ChiltonGaines


      Show her a little strange love.


    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I haven't fallen in love in a while. Like ever. But man do I stare at D-D-D-D-D-D-DAT ASS

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^You might want to get that sorted out.

  9. So no one mentioned Lou Reed dying on Sunday. No Lou Reed/VU fans here? That's disappointing.
  10. People remember the Hives? Thats fucking weird.
  11. Yeah, the upgrade system was also changed for the worse.
  12. Im not upset about it or anything, but you think theyd try a little harder to connect the Arkham name with the other 2 games. Just a little detail they should have added, god knows they tried hard to make things canonical in silly ways, mostly -
  13. I really hate the knife dodge myself. I suck at it and it's so different from all the other counters. I used to hate the baton people, but I only ran into 2 or 3 of them...throughout the entire game. Yet theres a special upgrade just to deal with these guys. Weird. The new enemy ninjas were pretty lame. Also, did anyone else suck at doing the ground takedowns? It wouldnt work about half the time or more. It just wouldnt register. I hated it.
  14. Well, AC4 is getting good reviews, so that probably means Ill like it. The AC series is one of the rare series I tend to agree with critics' scores more than with gamers.

    1. TCP


      Agreed. AC3 got good reviews, and it was a good game. Some bugs and pacing problems, but overall pretty good. I'll pick this up on PS4 launch day.

    2. Strangelove


      Same here. I already paid it off at GS. So Ill get my Killzone 4 bundle int he mail from Amazon, then go pick up AC4 later that day. My body is ready.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I think I'll still wait for a sale of some sort or for it to get cheaper. As much as I wanted this, I don't think I have the time to invest in it. I've almost lost interest for the last slew of current gen games in anticipation for the next year next gen titles.

  15. I just finished Batman: Arkham Oranges. Origins. Kind of....bleh. The story was cool, but its definitely the weakest of the franchise. I dunno. Felt like an expansion of the first. Same gameplay, lots of reused assets, the new gadgets you get kind of suck, or at the very most are useless. I shouldnt have paid full price. Or I should have gone with Blackgate instead since I hear thats a good Metroidvania. If you dont have it, wait til its under $30.
  16. Thats exactly what I thought too. Weird.
  17. Crisis on Two Earths might be my favorite, second or third favorite superhero film ever. The exchange between Owlman and Batman near the end just gets to me every time I see it. James Woods was such an awesome choice for Owlman. Fuck.
  18. I just used the batclaw to drag him and clothesline him when I was too bored waiting for him to get his "counter" prompt. Thats all that was. It didnt even really do any significant damage. It was worthless. The whole point of the fight is just to get him to counter into a multihit combo. Which also gets ridiculous when he has his sword but your gauntlets still block every hit. I dont know. Maybe Im missing something. As long as you do what the button prompts say, youll be fine. the only thing this fight tests is your patience.
  19. It looks cool, but the fight was just a qte fest, which I don't mind. Just call it what it is. You never dodge or jump or anything. You can't even really hit him unless the counter symbol pops up first.
  20. Well, the Deathstroke fight was stupid.
  21. Dont care much for the new blue and white/gray suit. Other than that it looks good. If anything, its a bit too vague to judge the story.
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