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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. "Bomba". I get what it means, but where the fuck did it come from? It annoys me for some reason.
  2. Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon? I approve.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Damn it, I wanted H. Jon Benjamin.

    3. toxicitizen


      I don't think I could've heard anything other than Archer if it had been him.

    4. TCP


      Yeah it'd be like trying to watch Bob's Burgers.

  3. Definitely getting this day on launch. Looks amazing.
  4. Even $50 is a bit of a ripoff, though Im not counting the "Nintendo Premium". Since its first party, itll be full priced forever, so you might as well get it when it comes out since itll be years before you find it on sale anywhere. Though Ive noticed that pretty much doesnt exist on the Wii U. I was able to get a Mario game for $40 used. A game that came out last year. Thats fucking rough.
  5. The Welcome Park game? Thats the only time I used it. And general 3DS/DS question: Is there a logical reason why the screens are different sizes instead of the same?
  6. and still no second analog... anyways, I kind of like it. Seems more like a tablet, shape anyways. Plus, the 3D sucks anyways. Should have also removed both cameras and reduced the price even more. Ive personally never used them. Honestly, the only camera I use is the one on my phone. 3DS, Vita, Kindle....nah.
  7. The timeline confused me the first time I saw it. Actually, Im still not 100% on it.
  8. Super late to the party, but I just started Limbo on my Vita and I already got stuck. Im stuck at the part int he very beginning where theres a box in the water and I guess I have to push it then get on it or something. I dunno. Pretty cool game though. Plays/controls better than half the "indie" pc crap that gets ported to the Vita/PS3.
  9. I get that, but its just really...boring. I dont want a Robin side story in my pretty good Batman movie when the movie is 3 hours long. It just fucks the movie up. The movie moves way too fast too accommodate it and its still too long as far as running time goes. Id rather wish theyd spend that entire time on being more indepth with Batman, Bane and Catwoman. Or shit, maybe Talia. She's such a noncharacter in the movie. Didnt care for her being the main villain at all, even after Bruce fucked her brains out(probably).
  10. It really should be it's own topic...
  11. Ben Affleck...really? Ok.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. danielpholt


      To be totally honest. He's playing Batman, he doesn't need to do too much.

    3. TCP


      Yeah but I'd have said the same thing about Daredevil...

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Afleck is at his worst when he's acting in his own films.

  12. I thought the Deluxe Bundle had Nintendoland...
  13. I'm not as gullible as most people when it comes to stuff like this, but i really can't believe the Vita can run Killzone Mercenary as well as it does. It looks amazing. Plays pretty well too.

    1. madbassman39


      You know... Gullible isn't in the dictionary

  14. And I also downloaded the Killzone Mercenary beta....goddamn PS Plus. Oh, and I also went ahead and preordered a PS4 on Amazon. Might as well.
  15. Borderlands 2 is awesome news and I guess the price cut is ok, but they gotta come out with bigger memory cards.
  16. I gave up on that game quickly. The driving was really stiff, at least on the Wii U version.
  17. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. Im divided on it. I think people judged it too harshly, even after they went back and tried to fix it. It feels like a real NG game now, but a lot of stuff in it annoys the hell out of me. Mostly 2 things - the QTEs are really awful. I dont care if theyre in there or not, but theyre just not done very well. The other problem is the bosses. They are total assholes. I know NG games tend to have difficult bosses, but the difference between regular enemies and bosses is ridiculous. I can play the game just fine on normal, its hard but not too hard. Its what it should be....but the bosses? Ive had to lower the difficulty for all of them. They are just ridiculous.
  18. P4A as a fighting game is fantastic in almost every way. It plays great and looks great, the story was just...ugh....unnecessary. Im still waiting on my Vita port...
  19. The Mexican werewolf is the most dangerous werewolf.

    1. madbassman39


      I heard the Australian Dracula is one to fear.

  20. Every theme song from any 90s comic cartoon is just one really long guitar solo...eesh.

    1. TCP


      Probably because Nirvana and the grunge movement killed the guitar wanking of the 80s, so those guitarists had nowhere to go except cartoons.

    2. TheRevanchist


      For what it's worth, the theme to X-Men was pretty cool back then (still is).

    3. TCP


      Unlike the theme to the 90's Spider-Man cartoon.

  21. Yeah, Im not quite sure why I rebought Arkham City. I guess cus it was $15 and I was curious about how it used the gamepad. Anyways, I need to get Zombi U.
  22. I wouldnt say that. Sonic Generations and both Sonic racing games are fantastic. Do they even make anything else?
  23. Im not sure if this is really an internet pet peeve, but Im kind of annoyed by the people who post about their what if scenarios of Sega making a console again. I get that you loved your Dreamcast, but shut up already. Go dream your crazy impossible dreams somewhere else. Off the top of my head, theres almost a new "What if Sega returned to the console business" post on neogaf every other day. Ugh. What if you go suck a penis.
  24. I just saw JL: Doom and Now Imw atching Batman Year One and the art styles are so different, YO is miles better than Doom. Not to mention that Superman looks like such a gayboy in it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Baconrath


      I can vouch for New Frontier.

    3. deanb


      Flashpoint was alright. Kinda does the whole "it's an alt universe so we can kill everyone!" stuff a bit too much mind. And it was resolved way too fast n cleanly at the end. But worth a watch.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Watching most of the DC movies available on Netflix, I feel JL: Doom is average. It's not bad, but it's not that memorable with the lower tier villains. Haven't seen Flashpoint yet because I'm not really into Flash. Batman Year One is pretty good, but it feels like Gordon's side takes 70% of it all.

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