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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. This Is The End. Its actually quite fantastic as just an apocalyptic film. Though itd be like 45 minutes long. The movie strikes a balance between the Apatow humor and the disaster genre. I liked it a lot.
  2. So basically Kingdom Hearts gameplay? Understandable since it's by the same team. If its like Birth By Sleep or KH2, I cant complain.
  3. FF7-9 have prerendered backgrounds, theyre either all still images or short fmv videos. Theyd have to redo them at a higher res, theres nothing you can do to the pre-existing backgrounds except "smooth" them out like Capcom does with their 2D fighter ports. So if theyre going to redo the backgrounds over again, you might as well just remake the entire game.
  4. Im glad the PS Eye isnt packaged in. I dont want them to try to shoehorn it in to everything. I like the thing as an accessory, not a necessity.
  5. I'm actually glad TLoU didnt come out today, as much as I want to play it, I wouldnt miss E3. It would have distracted me. Im also still in hype mode. I need to get back in TLoU mode. It should be fine by friday.

    1. Strangelove


      Survival Edition, bitches!

    2. Dee


      I feel like I should be way more excited than I am right now about The Last of Us coming out in three days; however, I think that's just the pre-shock talking. I can just imagine how I'll feel going to GameStop to pick it up and freaking out. :333 ERMAGHERD, THREE DAYS!

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yx12ERdQdw8 Ahh, the memories....I wish this was coming out soon, like tomorrow or next week. I REALLY want to replay these on my Vita.
  7. Looks fantastic. The fire.smoke powers work really great. I like how stubborn Sony can be sometimes, i they werent I probably wouldnt be getting a third Infamous since they dont sell very well. Or a Killzone 4.
  8. Umm, GZ is a prologue before The Phantom Pain. Its the same game.
  9. I think it might be Liquid...just cuz. Also, I dont mind Kiefer Sutherland's voice, it kind of sounds like Big Boss in MGS4, which I liked enough. Im a hardcore MGS fanboy, but Im over the voice change. It was eventually going to happen anyways. Also, MGS5 is going to be released on PS3, PS4, 360, and Xbone. Fuck you, Wii U!
  10. Red band trailer is out. It is uhh...red band. Besides the gore, this game is seriously somber and depressing. Its just dark as fuck. Moreso than any MGS game before it.
  11. Id say $250. I dont think its unreasonable.
  12. There HAS to be a price cut, right? Now that the PS4 is $400 and theyre $350, they cant expect better sales. Theyre fucking up if they dont drop the price soon. Like, real soon. Not during the holidays or anything like that, but now.
  13. Yeah, they played it incredibly safe. Im not sure what theyre thinking anymore.
  14. Super Mario 3D World looks amazing. It actually looks like someone at Nintendo actually gave a shit and tried. And the cat powerup isnt a reskin of a previous powerup. Damn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      I don't know, it doesn't look as creative as Galaxy. Looks like a sequel of a 3DS game for Wii U. Great.

    3. Strangelove


      Thats exactly what I said. Dont get me wrong, this should have been a 3DS game and the Wii U should have gotten a new Mario, one that creative and usually moves platforming forward like every previous console Mario game used to do. But nope.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Yeah not a 3DS game no thx

  15. The PS4 is going to be the first system I ever buy at launch, mostly because of Infamous and Killzone. Also that I will hopefully have the money for it.
  16. The Arkham name is for dumb people.
  17. Is Mirror's Edge on a list of your top ten games EVER? This is kind of weird, but Im not that huge of a fan of Mirror's Edge. Its alright. I mostly support wanting a sequel because it's so different from everything else. These are the types of games that deserve a sequel. I think thats what makes people excited, not because the first was one of the greatest games of all time, but because we "won" and got a sequel we wanted. Or maybe it's just me.
  18. They should have left out Kinect and dropped the price to $400. I wish they werent so stubborn about that shit.
  19. Jesus, drop the whole "RDR on pc" already....
  20. It has the best jrpg ever made, so who cares. Quality over quantity. Though quality AND quantity would be cool. Too bad the Japanese game industry doesnt like taking chances and will stick to the most popular platform at the time.
  21. I didnt know Dishonored was placed in some old timey alternate timeline. Thats very disappointing since I thought it took place in the present or near future. Im tired of old timey bullshit. We need more games like Deus Ex HR instead of Assassin's Creed or Mass Effect. Not too far back or too forward and NOT a huge lifeless city like GTA.
  22. Well, the new Lords of Shadow 2 trailer was cool....yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      I just hope that they figured out how to pace and shorten a game. Maybe get rid of doing the same puzzles 2 or 3 times. Maybe have monsters die with less than 10 hits. Jesus, that game was long for all the wrong reasons.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      That trailer was fucking epic, great music choice. I'm sad that it's the final tale, but hey it was nice to see Alucard especially after you [easily] figure out who he is in the 3DS game. I'm glad it takes place in some future but sad there'll be no Simon.

    4. toxicitizen


      Looking forward to playing the original when it comes out on PC. Been meaning to grab it on PS3 for years but never got around to it.

  23. I dont see anything worse than anything else from the first 2 games. Its just crap dialogue. I think the voiceacting has always been pretty good in these games. Anyways, it sucks that it got delayed to next year when the Japanese version comes out in November. Im not sure I will ever fully grasp that. Cant Japanese companies record english voice overs and translate all the text at the same time as the Japanese stuff? It cant be fucking rocket science. Also, I kind of really like FF13-2. I think its one of the best FF games and one of the funnest rpgs. Its just goddamn fun and the story is ridiculous enough to amuse me.
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