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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Awesome. Im really going to enjoy the week or 2 after the game comes out and people beat it. Its going to be a mindfuck and the "loud minority" are going to go shitballs insane about how awful it was. Gamers hate fucking everything no matter how good it is, but something like this is guaranteed to get nerds raging. Good times.
  2. Nintendo is japanese, not white trying to be black. Sheesh.
  3. No, Uncharted GA wasnt bad. It was pretty good actually. Only seriously bad review it got was from Kotaku. Its not as good as U2 or U3, but its still a good Uncharted game. The only thing shit about Uncharted GA is that it couldnt sell Vitas like Mario could sell 3DSs. And it probably never will. And I wasnt pointing out which were sequels or not, but the fact that there are better counterparts of Nintendo franchises on other systems. Theyre just better games. And I wouldn't call NEW Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario Kart 7 and KH3D "new content." I just personally wouldnt. The gameplay is almost unchanged from the previous game and a lot of the same assets were reused. Compared to sequels/prequels like Uncharted GA or AC3 Liberation which at most used a lot of the same animations, yet the locations were completely new, the stories were new, and it added quite a bit of new gameplay aspects. The people who made those games actually had a drawing board, they actually worked hard on every single detail of those games, they had to think of new things to put in there. No fucking reused Organization 13 coats, Koopa Kids, or Mario karts. And Ive always been a fan of ports, specifically console to portable, especially when theyre almost exactly the same in quality. I KNOW those games are good, so I like those. Not like it fucking matters anyways, Persona 4 Golden is still the best game on both portables, and thats a PS2 game. So fuck it.
  4. 3DS got all the high profile sequels. Thats the main reason. The 3DS has a new Mario(2 actually), Mario Kart, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and now a new Zelda. People love lists and Nintendo gave them a huge list to be proud about. Sadly, most if not all the 3DS games were mediocre or beaten by better games on other consoles(Mario Kart 7 < Sonic Transformed, NEW SMB2 < Guacamelee, FF Theatrwhatever < Lumines, fuck KH.) For my money, SM3DL is STILL the only original great game on the 3DS. I would have added RE Revelations, but now that its ported, I cant. Compare that to a new Uncharted, Resistance and Wipeout? Its no competition. The Vita's best games are new downloadable IPs(Dokuro, Mutant Blobs, Sound Shapes) or really fantastic console ports(P4G, Oddworld, UMvC3). Im not saying one approach is better than the other, but I know where my preferences lie.
  5. Oh look, another Zelda game....totally did not see that coming....so exciting...yeah.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Me and my two friends are part of the latter.

    3. FMW


      Eh, everyone is apathetic about some entertainment properties. That Zelda is not your cup of tea has been previously noted. Do feel free to continue reminding everyone every time anything related to the IP is announced though.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      FMW: You mad. Personally I enjoy Zelda games. I just think this is an easy cash grab because that's what Nintendo does these days.

  6. Eww, now it all makes complete sense. Though I dont remember her posting such awful things here as she does on Kotaku now. She is seriously ridiculous. With all the info she knows about how many of us detest the website, youd think she would have tried to change it and make it better, but she's actually made it even worse. I think she is a bigger troll than Luke ever was. I just really dont like the stuff she posts on there. Its all bait.
  7. Bioshock 1 graphically has aged pretty well. The shooting is off though. Its...not great. It's good enough, but its not going to win any awards. Actually none of the gameplay is spectacular. It has a lot of variety, so thats how it makes it up. Shitloads of minigames. And no, its not scary, its just disturbing and dark. It has a very dreadful atmosphere.
  8. Bioshock 2 was never offered in the us for psn plus. I mostly got it because it comes with all the dlc on the disc. And it'll look nice to Infinite on my shelf.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      How is that even blasphemy?

    3. CorgiShinobi


      If someone couldn't get past the baptism into Columbia, I can only imagine their reaction at EVERYTHING else.

    4. Mal


      As a non-Christian, I sort of went "Oh, so this is sorta how getting a baptism is/was like... 'What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger'".

  9. Any conspiracy theories, guys? Come on. Lay it on me.

  10. Switching characters automatically was ass. Your Pokemon are ass. The free flow thing, while it looked cool, was also ass. Its just a bunch of dumbass new gameplay gimmicks on top of a very good system. Its just half assed.
  11. Yeah, I feel the same way. using the CCP is actually more difficult than the triggers. The game plays like a real full fledged KH game, but theres something about it that makes it really dull. Birth By Sleep was so much better, even if theyre both almost identical gameplaywise.
  12. The official artbook is almost 200 pages long, so theres quite a bit more compared to the 20 page premium edition book.
  13. Sheena eats at Fuddruckers, Sheena eats at Fuddruckers noooooow...

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      NO NO NO she's a punk roc.. o wait you're kidding. i geddit

  14. That ending is a big fucking spoiler. You should probably warn people. Though if you havent played and beaten it by now, you suck and deserve to die. And i hope you burn in hell.
  15. They added folders, but the capacity for apps is still 100. Its not a problem to most of us now, but if this thing takes off and we get more games and bigger cards, it definitely will be.
  16. Same here. At the time the show came out, I didnt have internet and I didnt read comics, so a cartoon based on comic book characters about a teenager having bad shit happen to his family, wanting revenge, gaining some type of power(whether supernatural or technological) to get his revenge, but not going through with it because he's better than that, and then finally fighting crime from there on out was all Spider-man stuff to me.
  17. I liked Batman Beyond, but I always felt it was a ripoff of Spider-man. But I really can't explain why.
  18. I just want bigger capacity cards. I'm tired of deleting shit to fit in other shit.
  19. I got NSMB2 and Guacamelee this week and Guacamelee is the better game easily. Fuckin' Nintendo.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Strangelove


      Well, Im only creeped out if theyre ugly. If not, I just fantasize.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Is Guacamelee PS3 and Vita? I remember seeing videos of it at PAX but I didn't play it.

    4. Strangelove


      Yeah, it's a crossbuy title.

  20. Is Vgleaks credible? First they said FFXHD would have addons, now this. It just seems off.
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