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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I always played as Femshep through both ME2 and ME3 and I chose Ashley over Kaiden. I tried to play ME3 as male shepard and I went with kaiden, but it was really fucking weird. It seemed really...dull compared to being a female and picking the female party member over the male one. Also, Renegade on ME3 is badass. The game actually does change drastically if youre an asshole.
  2. I played around with the XL, but while it might be a bit more comfortable and have more battery power, it is ugly as shit. It just looks cheap and super kiddy. The original 3DS is sexy as fuck in comparison.
  3. I figured it stretched the image and makes it more apparent that the resolution isnt that great. Is that the case? Im also upset that theres only 3 colors and theyre all awful. I wonder if there are vinyl skins or something for the XL.
  4. 3DS XL is $159.99 and the 3DS is $129.99 at Target this week. If I can get a ride over there Im getting one. THough Im not sure which one to get. I actually like portables to be...portable and Id like to save a little money, but I hear the XL has quite a bit of improvements. I dunno.
  5. I think I almost got laid last night. But im awful with women so naturally I blew it. Im so awful with women that i can almost appreciate it as a phenomenon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      If it helps I've had like 2 times I was really nervous and drunk I couldn't get it up. So it turned into me laughing and saying "Soooo.. this is awkward"

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Almost? Did you bring this chick back home? Lack of details here.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      He probably means that the girl was really into him and/or drunk and was making it obvious she wanted to sleep with him but his awkwardness prevented him from going for it or ruined the chance

  6. The PSP is the best(aside from PC) to emulate systems. Its almost flawless. I still own my PSP Go just for emulating.
  7. This thing is doing pretty bad. Price cut incoming Im sure. I figure Ill get it when I can get the deluxe set for $200-$250 bucks. There is seriously no real reason aside from bayonetta 2 that makes me want this thing. Maybe the next Wii Fit and REAL Mario games. Mostly Im just compelled to own it for the sake of saying I have one. And seriously, fuck the hardcore. Idiots on game forums think theyre what makes or breaks game companies, but youre not. The Wii U needs another Wii Fit and Wii sports. They need that phenomenon again. Sadly, I think people arent going to be wowed this time. The gimmick this time around isnt nearly as strong. Its a Wii with a tablet connected to it. And after owning a Kindle Fire HD, an Iphone 4 and a Vita, the screen on the tablet controller is disappointing.
  8. Metal Gear Rising. Great game, insane story, short as fuck. I recommend it at the $20-30 pricepoint.
  9. Yeah, I just posted that in the Walking Dead thread. Also, they REALLY need to make a 64GB memory card or bigger. I fucking hate deleting games to download other ones. I want all my games on the thing. I will pay the ridiculously overinflated price for it.
  10. Well as long as its optional. Not to mention Im also into short games. Hows the story? Ive always found the AC series' story interesting.
  11. I usually always skip AC side stuff. All the optional stuff and minigames always seem to suck in those games.
  12. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/22/telltales-the-walking-dead-coming-to-playstation-vita?utm_campaign=ign+main+twitter&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social Vita version. Nice.
  13. Well, I finally caved. $24 bucks on Amazon. Ive been holding off because of all the mixed scores from not only the media, but friends too. But Ive played all the other ones, so I might as well play this one.
  14. For some reason, this is happening -
  15. I really really really really doubt theyll be crossbuy. Thats not how Square Enix rolls. Have any games besides Sony published games been crossbuy? Even still, Square Enix wont do it. They dont really need to either. This will sell no matter what. They dont need any extra incentive. Also, FF12 sucks, but im sure itll come out. Since it doesnt have a "real" sequel, itll probably be download only. I cant imagine releasing just one HD game at retail.
  16. http://www.finalfantasyxhd.com/ It should be out this year.
  17. FFX-2 on a handheld....thank you, technology.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mal


      Are we discussing about power levels here?

    3. Mal


      Also, I would totally play a Sailor Moon game with FFX-2 battle system. ITS PERFECT.

    4. Eleven


      lol u girls. stop.


      I'm with FMW. But then FDS is right about the battle system. I did cringe a lot though while playing this game. Hey I played it enough to get 99%, I beat Trema and everything, but missed 1 scene i didn't know about after beating that 100-something level dungeon. :(

  18. How dare you ACCUSE ME OF SUCH THINGS?!?! Youre still wrong though.
  19. You could not be more wrong. I was going to make a quip about being in Bizarro world, but its not Bizarro world, its retardland. LET'S FIGHTING LOVE!!!!!!
  20. I just started ni no Kuni....goddamn you studio ghibli.
  21. The parry system in RGR is retarded. The fight music is also awful as fuck. I dont mind the music, but stop putting lyrics into the songs, Japan. You ALWAYS do this! And Sonic Generations didnt need songs with lyrics either, dickwads. LET'S FIGHTING LOVE!!!!!!!
  22. I dont think Lara ever dressed like a slut. Compared to this new one, the only difference is that the old Lara wore shorts and had big tits. Only one of those is her fault.
  23. Tomb Raider. I thought it was fantastic. A lot more like the last two Batman games than the Uncharted series. Id say its 70% Batman and 30% Uncharted. I also feel like all the characters are one dimensional aside from Lara. None of them need to be brought back for the sequel. I did dislike that there are no unlockables. Not only just like costumes, but near the end
  24. It's my day off. I've been meaning to murder Garrison Keillor for a while, so might as well.

    1. TheRevanchist


      He's 70. You don't have much time. And be sure to tell him I want my money back. I'm still pissed that my book was misprinted.

  25. Ive been having the same problems on FB.
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