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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. It hasnt come out yet, I just preordered it. Its going to release the same day as DS3.
  2. I did my taxes yesterday and Im going to get a decent return, which Im probably going to use to buy a couch...adult shit.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Strangelove


      Same here actually. Im getting a cheap couch and sticking the rest of it in my account. I just really need a couch for my place.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Not a fan of thrift shops/CL?

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      agree with FDS, better to buy decent second hand than cheap new. You'll end up with back ache after a year when the cheap one's gone to shit. Though I guess you didn't actually say you're buying new.

  3. The 4 films and 2 discs of special features. All 4 films include the theatrical cut and either a director's or "special" edition version.
  4. Holy shit, they made another episode of this.
  5. Is the website different or am I just drunk as fuck?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      All is good with the world!

    3. Mercurial


      Really need a night theme

    4. TCP


      I like it. It's sunnier, less gloomy.

  6. Kindle Fire HD 7" I kind of love it.
  7. Its strange when you feel like the only rational person around...

    1. TheRevanchist


      We aren't that bad... Are we?

    2. TCP
    3. Mal


      Do you have a stout on tap so I can forget how odd I am?

  8. Yeah, its being developed by Visceral(Dead Space devs), so I might have to get it...ugh.
  9. I just hate the fact that I have to get it at GS. The Grey Fox skin nor the artbook itself would have made me pick GS, but both of them together is hard to resist. Only way I wont get it from GS is if Amazon does a $20 credit for it. In that case, fuck Grey Fox and fuck the art book.
  10. Same thing with Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3.
  11. Yeah, JSR was free, but that was a while ago, maybe he wasnt a member yet. I got Unfinished Swan and House of The Dead. I havent used my Move controller in a while, so this will give me an excuse. It really sucks that it got abandoned. I would have liked to use it for RE6 and Dead Space 3.
  12. Big haul incoming: Philips soundbar with subwoofer. Its very nice. Ive never seen it, so im looking forward to it arriving in the mail. Probably Burton's best film. Upgrade from dvd. I saw it at Target for 20 bucks and I couldnt resist. I need to start a Disney bluray collection. I need Finding Nemo next. Guitar Tuner. Journey tshirt. Eastbound & Down tshirt.
  13. Well that girl I like has a boyfriend, but I still got her number. Told her I didn't give a shit.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Vecha
    3. WTF


      @Ethan this sounds like your situation (minus the ending) I hope you guys sung it out :P

    4. TheMightyEthan


      It was long enough after the fact that we were both basically "oh, how weird".

  14. Last night I made $200, tonight I'm lucky to make even $30. The difference between barback and bartender is humongous.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      FDS, have you thought of Accounting as a profession? We do all of those things on a daily basis.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I know you can drink at work as an accountant but the whole 8-5 thing sucks! I've been doing it for almost a year now and I still hate it.

    4. TheRevanchist


      8 to 5 sounds nice, but that just isn't the reality. More like 10 hour days. Clerks work 8 to 5, and that is fine, but they don't get to be assholes. They must put up with us. :)

  15. It's been known since day one. I admit it's stupid, but I doubt many people have over 100 apps. Even with a 32gb, that thing will fill up fast unless all you have are ps minis.
  16. I already own the other 2, so might as well.
  17. I already have it on dvd, but I figure it would look tons better on bluray. I also own this on dvd, but I hear the bluray looks great. I always liked Sleepy Hollow a lot and these 2 movies come packed in together, but I hear the bluray of this is subpar. Oh well. I dont own it on dvd, so whatever.
  18. I don't remember last night, but I woke up drunk. Must have been good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Burn your house down and migrate to Latin America. Its the only way to be sure.

    3. Luftwaffles
    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      There's only one thing to do if you wake up drunk: Keep drinking.

  19. The dating system in P4G is severely disappointing after having played Bioware games. After you start a relationship with a person, especially one thats in your party, there is absolutely no mention of that relationship throughout the rest of the game. If anything, there are a lot of inconsistencies. Its just completely meaningless.
  20. Why are Persona games so long? Im enjoying every minute of P4G, but I got a backlog. This game would have been perfect when I was in school, broke as hell. Still, this might be the most addictive game Ive ever played.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      My first P4G playthrough (true golden ending) clocked in at 72 hours.

    3. SkyGriever


      I'm currently at 40 hours, saved Rise. This game's crack... help me.

    4. Strangelove


      It is ridiculously addictive. Im at 52 hours right now.

  21. $17.49 at the WB shop. Couldnt pass that up.
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