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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Beat Sound Shapes. Fun was had by all.
  2. Well shit, I just filled up my 16gb card. I need to upgrade to a 32gb. If anyone wants to buy a 16gb card, let me know. Ill make you a deal that you might refuse.
  3. I finally caved like a cheap hooker. Im in the mood for a classic FF game right now. Also, Sound Shapes is awesome. Just ridiculously awesome.
  4. They add tons of dialogue between fights. Im not much of a fan of that, but it works in adding story.
  5. I can't help but feel that it would have been nice to have P4 Golden come out before or at the same time as P4 Arena. Or have P4 Arena come out on the Vita. From what I know, Arena is a straight up sequel to P4. I haven played P4 yet, I'm waiting on Golden to do so. Then again, Ill probably wait for a Vita port or for a 2nd or 3rd version of Arena. Im not the type to equate longevity with value, but 12 fighters for 60 bucks is just too much for me. I understand the work it takes to make HD 2D hand drawn fighters, but still. Eesh. I think 60 dollar fighting games should have at least 18+ characters.
  6. Holding back something feels a lot more petty than outright buying it. I often wonder how many people are dissuaded from buying Elder Scrolls, Fallout, or CoD games on the PS3 because the 360 will get all the dlc first. A month is a long fucking time to wait for something you really want. And it stings that a lot of people are enjoying it while you wait. Then add on the fact that the internet moves so fast that by the time you get the dlc or game, no one is talking about it anymore. Not only are you late to the party, but you missed it completely.
  7. I've never actually held a dildo or a vibrator before in my life. I've seen them, but I've never actually touched one. It's weird when you think about it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. excel_excel


      I haven't either....but.....WHY?

    3. deanb


      Because you haven't been to an ann summers party?

    4. TheRevanchist


      On a related note, my local Groupon has half off a "Colon-Hydrotherapy Session at The Added Touch". First thing wrong: Hydrating my ass. Second thing wrong: The name The Added Touch. Sounds way too kinky for my tastes.

  8. I stopped worrying about this sort of thing in 2007/2008, when Microsoft went on a "please Japan, love us!" rampage and bought exclusivity to every jrpg that was coming out at the time. Thank God that most of them sucked or were eventually ported years later. And honestly, 30 day exclusive dlc pisses me off more. Bethesda and Activision are assholes.
  9. Preordered yesterday so I could get the free xmb theme.
  10. Puddle is pretty cool. I only played the demo. Ive been thinking of getting the entire game soon. Maybe after Sound Shapes, which I already preordered. The free xmb theme is neat too.
  11. If ive learned anything from exclusives, its that theyre usually not instrumental to the entire game and often times just arent very good at all. The Joker challenge maps kind of sucked.
  12. Which games are they? I got strangers wrath for my ps3, but never finished it. It was good though. I doubt I'd get the vita version retroactively though. It'd be nice, but I doubt it.
  13. John Waters does commentary on "Homer's Phobia." Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strangelove


      The Minecraft review is hilarious.

    3. TCP


      Well, he's better than Kotaku... am I right?!?!!?!

    4. Johnny


      Everyone's better than Kotaku.

      Except maybe RPS. They've fallen far recently.

  14. I am always the death of the party.

  15. I've been drinking Murphy's Irish Stout all week. I love it.
  16. She thinks she's people!
  17. Don't arrive half an hour late on your first day of work.
  18. Lookin' cute and feelin' cute.

  19. I think it's impossible to smother yourself with a pillow. I need a friend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      Also please don't die, you are the only other person who truly understand the magic that is PlayStation Vita.

    3. VicariousShaner


      I'm totally on the not killing yourself train. Even if you did convince me to try orange juice ice cubes that one time. Not fair retribution.

    4. TheRevanchist


      If you have a friend do it, what will that perv do with you when you are dead? It won't be like Weekend At Bernie's! Then, you will truly be strangeloved.

  20. Monster Power® PS3 Charging Station 400: TRON EDITION Refurbished http://www.ebay.com/itm/110929260920?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 $6. There's still more on ebay if anyone is interested. Ive been wanting a stand and a usb charger for a long time, so this is perfect. It's not a hub though, so it doesnt actually connect to your PS3. Just to clear things up.
  21. Shut up-ah your mouth!

    1. Baconrath


      Shut up-ah your face!

    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      Hey, shut up-ah with the shut up-ah!

    3. TCP


      You all better shut up-ah your mouths before I shut up-ah them for you!

  22. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/e86050c415/kfc-loves-gays-with-john-goodman Hell, I don't actually give a shit. Gay or not, you're all just a bunch of big ol' money mouths, walking around, talking, eating...
  23. Gohastings.com was having a 30% off sale I couldnt pass up. I hate these stupid plastic boxes, but it was cheaper than the regular box. Probably because no one wants these.
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