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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Are you talking about the "Japanese hamburger" comment that the director of Ninja Gaiden 3 made? I agree. I LOVED Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and Im not the type of person that finds "challenge" fun. But the game was made with a lot of care and a contains a lot of nuances. Its fun and it's deep. From what I remember, the NG games sell well, but they never sold THAT well. As a new sequel comes along, the publisher wants more people to buy it. Thats the point of a sequel. To keep their longtime fans and entertain the living rooms of new fans. I personally dont find that mindset wrong. The problem is that they changed what NG did best - basically all the gameplay. The thought was that appealing to the lowest common denominator would get them tons of new fans. But they broke what didnt need fixing. They didnt even streamline it or dumb it down, they completely broke it. Even the stuff that needed fixing, like the camera, they didnt bother with. They made it into something the longtime fans hated and the "casual" fans, despite what people think, dont like to play crappy games either. NG3 turned into a crappy game. It was a misguided attempt. Even if they made the game harder and added more weapons and ninpo techniques, it wouldnt fix everything wrong with it. I really think they just reached a point where they didnt know what to do with it anymore, but they need to make a third one. So they tried to be "different" and change things around and thought that would give the franchise some fresh air. But change for the sake of change is not always a good idea. Just being different to be different is bad. I hope they fix it with the Wii U version. Im doubtful though.
  2. I understand that. Its obviously what hes doing, but how is this making him richer? Lots of people left after the last redesign and I feel this will have a bigger impact. Hes going to lose page views.
  3. Im still confused how Denton thinks making commenting more difficult. He doesnt hide his disdain for commenters at all. How does this help him? Dont commenting help page views, which is what makes him money? I really dont know how this business works I guess.
  4. Im more excited about the forest areas. Jumping around trees and stuff sounds awesome. Maybe forest areas like MGS3 had with the smoothness of AC or inFamous would be great.
  5. Radical Entertainment is no more. I cant say Im too sad about it since I never liked Protoype. Supposedly the people who worked there are getting relocated to other Activision studios, so that's good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bmc811


      I always felt like Prototype was (rightly) overshadowed by Infamous. Radical had a decent idea but poor execution/timing.

    3. deanb


      Sucker Punch made better fanart too.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I found Prototype's gameplay far more fun and refined. inFAMOUS was a very different game though, bit of a clumsy TPS, but the presentation and story and everything else was loads better.

  6. http://www.gamingcap...aming-industry/ "personally, 80% of the games I play at the moment are not Japanese. Skyrim, Batman… games like that are more interesting to me right now. Japan need to make more good games to make people think otherwise." -Shinji Mikami “One thing about Japan – and this isn’t just games – is that things that are made in Japan are very much targeted at Japan, whether it’s games, movies or novels. It’s the curse of Japan. My generation is now being exposed to a wide range of influences, that’s why what I want to make is a little bit more in tune with what the people in the west would like”. He went on to say, “I really like the things that are being made in the west. When I come to shows like E3 and see the announcements and go to Comic-Con, I love all the presentations, so really I’ve been thinking maybe I was born in the wrong country!” -Hideo Kojima I know this has probably been beaten to death, but I don't believe it's been beaten to death HERE. So let's make orphans of it's children, shall we? If I look at my PS3 collection, 80% of my games are also nonJapanese. Outside of Nintendo and third party PSP games, I feel there's been a big drought of good games from Japan in the last 10 years really. Even if I were to put the best DS and PSP game and compare it to the best PS3 or 360 game,I feel the home consoles would dominate. Im at the point where I dont demand inventiveness anymore. I dont care if youre original or not, just make it good. I dont care if the story makes sense or if your characters look like anime characters and have shitty voiceacting and dialogue, or that theres j-pop playing in the title screen. Im not bothered by that like I used to be. My standards for the aesthetics of Japan's games are at an all-time low. I just want it to play really well. Just fun and deep gameplay. But I truly think that overall, they havent noticed that things have changed. That games are made with a lot of precision and care, that if something is a bit off, were all going to notice. You cant throw a bone at us and expect us to run to it. Were not that starved anymore. I feel like theyre stuck in the past and any time they try to stay current, they sacrifice what they did right and fuck it up. Another thing people bring up is that japan tries really hard to appeal to western gamers this generation, but they fuck it up. Every time they try to make something like Americans, Canadians or Europeans, they never do it as well. So people just say that Japan should make Japanese games. I agree....but that still doesn't solve the problem. Their games still fall short. Its not a problem of stealing or inspiring because some great things can come from it like Vanqiush or Dragon's Dogma. Both games that were made with the West in mind, and they were pulled off pretty well, Vanquish especially. So it can do good stuff. I really just think Japan needs new blood. They cant stick to what used to work because it doesnt work anymore and they cant just apply Western mechanics to their games because they cant do it as well. They need to do their own thing and take inspiration from the great games that have come before, no matter where theyre from. All the best Japanese games have been kind of their own things this generation. Catherine immediately comes to mind. So does TWEWY and Gravity Rush. Its like nothing else and it works. Short main point of my rant: People are adamant that this is a myth propagated by western gamers, that we want Japan to fail, but why? Who wants shitty games? Who cares where they come from as long as theyre good? I dont see how an entire community can come together and lie about something that doesn't benefit them in any way. A lot of us, most of us, grew up on Japanese games. We love the shit out of them. Were not going to call shit shit because it wasnt made on our land. That's ridiculous. I think it's time they admit they have a problem. It's the first step, or so Ive heard.
  7. I heard Mutant Blobs Attack is supposed to be amazing, but I havent taken the plunge yet.
  8. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/355865/playstation-ceo-a-good-raft-of-ps-vita-projects-are-underway/ I certainly fucking hope so.
  9. Youve probably all discussed this already, but when is DD going to be more convenient than buying retail? For every step forward, there are 1 or 2 steps back. The availability is getting there, but the resources to do it aren't. I always thought it would be in less than 5 years till DD would be the main way to get games, but im not so sure anymore. I bring this up again because Square Enix said that a game using their new Luminous engine would probably be too big for even a 50gb bluray. Currently, I will NEVER download a game that size. it would take me about a week to do it. My connection is shitty and my cap is slow. That's a big chunk. Online for the average joe needs to change. We need faster speeds and bigger caps, or just no cap at all. Even if streaming is the new big thing, when I had Netflix I always came dangerously close to going over my cap. Now add downloading or streaming a large game and it's impossible to me. Not to mention that really huge harddrives would have to go down in price. I have a 160gb in my PS3 and about 500GB in my laptop. It really isnt enough, and I only have about 2 or 3 games installed. Maybe its just something really rich people with fast awesome uncapped internet will enjoy. Cus it sure wont be me. I understand gaming itself is a luxury, but it shouldnt be THAT much of a luxury.
  10. It's two story missions and 2 challenge missions. Every dlc is like that.
  11. The commenting system is getting a serious downgrade in the next couple of days. If you want to check out a "preview", go to Gawker. It's ridiculously bad.
  12. Well, I just finished the new dlc. It was really easy. I still havent finished the military dlc though. I still cant find water towers fast enough and my aiming is awful. I also cant seem to pick up more than one item, even though Im up to level 4 or 5 on my stasis power.
  13. http://andriasang.com/con1pd/3ds_circle_pad_expansion/?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed I can't wait to see how big the entire thing is going to be.
  14. http://www.pixelitis...-vita-end-month It's a bit late for end of June, but maybe beginning of July would be nice. Then again, The Walking Dead episode 2 is being released on friday on PSN. Maybe? By the way, I just noticed that AC3: Liberation, Persona 4 Golden, Street Fighter X Tekken, and the new Silent Hill game are all coming out in October. Jesus.
  15. Ok. That makes more sense. I never really noticed that.
  16. I don't even see how that relates to what I wrote...
  17. "So the children learned how to function as a society, and eventually they were rescued by, oh, let's say...Moe."

    1. deanb


      25 minute long cartoon.

    2. Strangelove


      22 minutes actually. Stupid commercials. But no, Im actually poking fun at myself. I guess thats how people saw the ending. I could see how that would suck. Especially because it wasnt a comedy narrated by James Earl Jones.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      That's actually a really good analogy.


      Love that episode.

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