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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I dont think so. Very few games can save to the actual cart.
  2. Finally got in a few hours of Gravity Rush and I am having a blast. It's fan-fucking-tastic. This seems like one of those games im going to try to do everything in.
  3. Awwww yeah. (Im testing out flickr.)
  4. Playing MGS HD Vita. MGS2 specifically. Its not exactly like the console HD versions, which is kind of a bummer. MGS2 fluctuates between 30 and 60 fps compared to the PS2 and PS3's version which is always 60fps. It not native resolution either. That being said, its still looks and plays great. Just not as great as the consoles.
  5. For Vita people, Disgaea 3, Dynasty Warriors and Ninja Gaiden Sigma have dropped in price at GS to 30 bucks and 28 bucks used. Im pretty sure theyll drop to that price at Amazon soon, if not already.
  6. Or they could say they update the store on wednesdays and just pull what they pulled yesterday.
  7. I think FFT: WoTL is 10 bucks in the store. If youve never heard of it, it's an enhanced PSP port of FFT with new animated cutscenes, more jobs and FF12 characters that you can recruit. So you can have Cloud AND Vaan in your party! Yay! But it has one drawback - it has a bit of slowdown when you cast magic. It's still the best version though. But if you want the regular PSone version, you can get that too for 10 bucks and wait til PSone support gets added. Even to this day though, I cant get into FFT. I always preferred FFTA. Im a heathen. Make sure to check the PSP section when you get the Vita. Theres some good stuff in there if youve never owned a PSP before.
  8. Well, I hope you enjoyed Uncharted 1. Its very similar. Well, it plays better and has a few different mechanics, it plays more like 2, but it doesnt have a lot of the "holy crap" moments that 2 or 3 had. It honestly has like 1 or 2. But I think it makes up for it with solid dialogue, solid gameplay, and Sully. Also, the difficulty is easier all around. Normal is easy and hard is normal and so on. I was able to beat the highest difficulty, "Crushing" easily. I beat Uncharted 2 on crushing, but it was a pain in the ass. Ive never played a Disgaea game. Ive tried, but I lose interest fast. Probably because the one on the PSP didnt have any voiceacting. As far as I remember. That really bugs me nowadays. Its ok if its not supposed to because the game doesnt have a lot of narrative or the company that published it doesnt have a lot of money to hire voice actors, but if it is and it doesnt do it, it feels like im missing out.
  9. So I need some technical help - why does my PS3 show up as a wireless connection when Im using my pc or Vita? Not only that, but it messes up my wifi. I have to reset my router a lot.

    1. fuchikoma


      If it appears even when it's turned off, it's because you have RemotePlay set to allow you to turn it on remotely.

    2. Strangelove


      THAT makes a lot of sense. I recently turned that on. Thanks.

    3. fuchikoma


      No prob... I don't see why it should mess up your wi-fi (uses the same channel as everything, but... it's pretty normal) I turned mine off though because to thieves with a little tech knowhow, it goes "PS3 in here! Come an' get it!"

  10. I left both of them downloading overnight and MGS HD hasnt finished. 2 more and a half hours left. Ahhh, slow innernet. I love you.
  11. Cool. Nice case. I need to get one myself. Ive been using a Nintendo pouch I got from Club Nintendo. Its more a screen protector than a case. Thank God I havent dropped it yet.
  12. 32gb? I hate you. But welcome to the handheld master race.
  13. I love Amazon credit. BTW, this update is taking forever. Its past 7 already and the store hasnt updated. Ugh. Fuck my life.
  14. You know your game is good when people troll the metacritic page for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Johnny


      That's practically every game ever made.

    3. RockyRan


      Then every game is good!

    4. Eleven


      Every game is good! they score above 5/10 anyway. And people don't troll the 3/10 games. They just don't care!

  15. What he said. Its hard to argue with how amazing the handheld itself is. Its definitely worth the money. And its mostly the little things that I like about it: every game comes with a digital manual you can access before you access the game or during it, you can open most apps while still being in a game, you can play your own music while playing a game, it has party chat, and its really customizable. The buttons and the analog sticks are also solid. The dpad is one of the best dpads ever, better than the 360 PS3's and the 3DS's. Its big enough for me to not get a hand cramp, but not big enough to be unwieldy. The screen is beautiful.The thing is just a masterpiece. Its what God plays when he's on the toilet. But its all about the games. If you know whats out and whats going to be released and you cant find at least 5 or 6 games, then Id wait. But I also have to say that a lot of the games that have come out are actually pretty damn good. It had a good launch. I only have UMvC3, Uncharted, and Super Stardust Delta, which are all excellent. But stuff like Wipeout 2048, Hot Shots Golf and Mutant Blobs are supposed to be amazing. Later on we'll get Persona 4, Sly 4, that Smash Bros thing, and AC3. And god knows what other unannounced things. The holidays are coming and each company really has to try their hardest to release their best stuff. Im confident some good stuff will come out by the end of this year. But if youre not too sure and you dont want to risk it, wait.
  16. in-store for Gamestop, Target and Best Buy. Online for Amazon obviously. You have a lot of choices here. For gamestop you have to be a PUR member, but thats a free card anyways, so it doesnt matter.
  17. Fuck you, man. Just buy it, goddammit. Also, this:
  18. Discuss, ask for help, share screenshots and artwork, beg!!!! http://blog.us.plays...de-scoop-on-dlc if you purchase Gravity Rush for the first week on PSN for $35.99, you’ll also receive the Military DLC Pack for free (this promotion will run from 6/12 to 6/19).
  19. Hello chief, let's talk why not.

  20. New firmware update. Its optional and doesn't have PS1 support. Its supposedly to block some kind of hack/exploit/whatever.
  21. I'm still unsure about it. And to be honest, even if it doesnt do that many things new, Id like it. Maybe Im a total AC fanboy, but if they released AC2 or Brotherhood on the Vita, id buy it again. Mostly im concerned a to whether this game is going to truly be open world or not. Im not saying its impossible since the Vita has the power and screen to do it, but i dunno. I can see Ubisoft screwing this up. Theyll probably split the map into sections and have it load every time you wanted to go somewhere. Then again, AC2 also had 3 separate sections and that game was awesome and each section was still pretty big. Its just hard to trust Ubisoft based on their track record with both the PSP and DS AC games. If this was Rockstar, I wouldnt doubt it being open world, but Ubisoft is something else entirely. But I cant really compare GTA from the PS2 days(which both PSP games were based on) and Assassin's Creed. AC also had a way more livelier and detailed world. I have no idea. I need to see more of it.
  22. http://wanderson75.net/archives/10165 Hey, look! A rumor from a website ive never heard of! Im not a Diablo fan(then again, ive never played any of them so I cant really judge it), but Id probably give it a shot on the Vita. Thats the good thing about a console with few "good" games is that if you release a giant like Diablo 3, i could sell like crazy. I dont think Black Ops and AC3 is going to pull it out of it's rut. From what I hear though, playing with touch controls would actually be beneficial compared to just a controller for Diablo 3.
  23. Link's Awakening DX. Its the best game on the Gameboy. The decade after really fucked up Link when compared to this. Especially those DS games.
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