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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. "I wholeheartedly agree." Fuck you. Stop saying that. And I know Thursday Next already mentioned it, but I HATE when people blame publishers for a crappy game or a game they just don't agree with. And yes, this is about EA. Publishers buy/hire developers because their previous games sold a lot and they want a cut of it. They have no reason to change a formula that worked. And yes, this is also about Bioware. Yeah, I agree about Dragon Age 2 to a certain extent, but despite the crappy ending, ME3 was a great game. If Bioware fails, its all on Bioware. EA has nothing to do with the quality of it. Maybe EA force them to push out DA2 and thats why it reused so many dungeons, but everything else was Bioware's artistic choice, which a lot of people disliked. The backlash againt Bioware and EA as a whole has just been ridiculous. Maybe I dont see it because Im not an old school elitist PC gamer that cummed every time I played Baldur's Gate. Time goes on, get with it or move on to something else. Shit, theres even people that hate Dragon Age Origins because it's not like Bioware's old stuff. Fuck those guys. Fucking hipsters. As far as Im concerned, EA has supported stuff like Dead Space, Rock Band, Battlefield, Alice MR and Mirror's Edge, so I really appreciate EA a lot. I also dont game online, so I dont give a shit about an online pass. So many gamers just act like such little bitches nowadays. Its sad. And yet the swallow the jizz that is Diablo 3's always online crap and try to defend it at every chance they get. Hypocrites.
  2. Well, I think they thought they didn't have to since you can create a kart racing game in LBP 2. Im still not quite sure why theres an LBP kart game. I just figured theyd keep refining/fixing/ Modnation. I was never a fan of it. It always felt a bit rough to me. Maybe LBP Karting will be better. As it stands Sonic All Star Racing has been the best kart racing game this generation. Yeah, the hell with Mario Kart Wii and it's stupid plastic wheel.
  3. El Shaddai: Ascension of The Metatron. Nothing Square Enix has made beats it as far as retarded names go.
  4. Yeah. ANY kind of racing game needs online. Honestly, its rough around the edges(crappy as hell) because they probably pushed it out quickly for the Vita launch. People who have it seem to like it though. It plays well, just does a bunch of shit wrong. I think SONY have pushed away the franchise so LBP Karting can replace it. They probably dont care about Modnation's quality anymore. We probably wont see a sequel either. Especially if LBP Karting turns out to be critically acclaimed like theyre hoping.
  5. Yeah I thought that was the reason too, but LBP for the PSP works just fine and there's an LBP Vita version coming out in a few months. Plus, Modnation is a mess on both versions. Ugly graphics, long load times, and no online.
  6. Mod nation racers doesn't transfer. And honestly, I think they randomly pick which ones to make compatible. There's quite a few good ones that don't work.
  7. Yeah, its supposed to work. A lot of people have said it does, so I think its pretty safe. Its also about 25 bucks with all the dlc. Yet by itself its 40. Yeah...
  8. I don't mind the watermarks because I do have a problem with seeing screenshots online and not knowing where the fuck theyre from. Plus, I never use screenshots of any game as a wallpaper, so it doesnt bother me.
  9. A Valkyria Chronicles port of 1, 2 or 3 would be amazing on the Vita. It doesnt have a lot of fans, but the ones it does have are hardcore about it. From what I remember, people were mad that 2 was on the PSP not because it was on a portable, but because it was ugly compared to the first one. On the Vita it wouldnt be a problem.
  10. It's strange that out of all the witty and intelligent jokes in this series, I pick possibly the stupidest one. But this is probably the most I ever laughed when watching AD.
  11. I don think it counts since I've beaten MGS2 probably over 20 times over the years, but I just beat the Vita version. Im skipping MGS3. Im tired of that game. Maybe some day Ill give it a shot. Probably gonna go back and collect dogtags in MGS2 or collect trophies in Gravity Rush.
  12. Ive been playing MGS2 since it came out in 2001 and Ive never once noticed this spelling error. Weird.
  13. I love taking screenshots with this thing.
  14. The keyboard is fucking awesome. Its kind of difficult, but its a lot of fun. The only thing I didnt like was that the keys arent pressure sensitive, but other than that it's well built and worth the full price I paid on it.
  15. I hate screen protectors. They're like the condom of the mobile world. It just doesn't feel right. I'd rather not use one and just deal with the consequences later. Screen protectors that is.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fuchikoma


      The biggest scratcher for me is from fog + shirt buffing on plastic screens (well, or a DS stylus,) but glass screens are way tougher than that. If you're careful, modern smartphones are even great for liquid resistance - I used my iPhone to listen to podcasts while changing the oil in my motorbike; got a bunch on the screen, but afterwards I wiped a thin layer of liquid soap onto it, and then wiped it off with a moist cloth, being careful not to let water seep into the home button... squ...

    3. fuchikoma


      ...squeaky clean and no issues. Actually I've damaged knives on glass bottles before so knowing the relative hardnesses, when people used to ask about screen protectors for iPhones, I'd take mine out, set it down and flick coins at the screen... never damaged it with that (though I don't carry it in a pocket with keys, personally...)

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Well and I do try to keep it so that the screen side is against my leg and the keys are on the back of the phone, which has a rubber cover.

  16. I really hated Sucker Punch, but Im probably going to love LC. I loved the premise to SP, but when I saw it I was just really bored and numb to it. Kind of like when something passes by you too fast. I do see the simiarities though. Good bundle.
  17. $11.70. I cant get seasons 8, 9, or 10 for less than $10 on Amazon like I did with the rest of them. Oh well.
  18. Well, I just finished this today. Took me exactly 9 hours without doing any side stuff. Got about 30% of the trophies, most story related. Probably the best game Ive played this year so far. Definitely going to go back to it and get more trophies. Spoilers maybe? Not sure. The game is meaty and worth the 40 bucks easily though. Huge world, lots of challenges, hidden bosses, and I wasnt even close to leveling up all my skills. I cant recommend Gravity Rush enough. If I have to rate it, its a definite 9/10 for me. On an unrelated note, this game kind of reminded me the inFamous games. More than the gem/shard collecting and huge cities, it just has that same kind of feel to me. Not at all a bad thing either.
  19. Who has the bigger douchebags: Neogaf or Gamefaqs?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      We have a bigger percentage of douches in this forum seeing how the current community is so small :P

    3. Alex Heat
    4. TCP


      Alex wins.

  20. I hope you have a high leveled gravity kick. I find that's probably what I use the most.
  21. The Gravity Rush Military dlc is tough, but the costume is fabulous!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TCP


      Yeah, on my MacBook I have a program, I think I had to download it from Sony?? It should say in the instructions. Anyways, you can use it to transfer games back and forth, and even create a backup of your system incase you lose it or damage your card.

    3. Strangelove
    4. fuchikoma


      Yeah, you can at least run backups to the PC (kinda wish you could turn off the screen; I don't want it burned in...) but I'm not sure how that would fare for restoring single purchased apps.

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