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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Fuck you, FF13-2. Im not collecting 160 fragments for a trophy and an extra ending cutscene I can watch on Youtube.

  2. I didn't encounter one single glitch in inFamous 2. Also, Ezio plays like a 60 year old man(before he became a 60 year old man in Revelations) compared to Cole when it comes to climbing, running, and just navigation in general. Cole moves a lot better, faster, and more precise. Its almost effortless.
  3. Well, I have $202 in credit at GS and I haven't even sold my 3DS yet. I think I'm good. Now to wait for E3.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      Well, people on Amazon are complaining about needing a memory card for the Vita even to work since it needs to save the settings on it. I should do more research. Maybe they're just being dumb.

    3. TCP


      It has no internal memory, but some games can save right on their cart.

      I don't think they need to lower the price of the system, at $250, for what it can do, and the power of it, is a fair deal. But including a memory card, or just lowering all the card prices, would be a wise move.

    4. Strangelove


      I feel the same way. I think 250 is a good price for the hardware. Uncharted GA is 50 bucks though. I think thats crazy.

  4. Ive never gotten into any mmo. Ive tried stuff like dcuo and free realms, but fantasy like wow has never appealed to me. I just don't think mmos are worth the time or money. It just doesn't appeal to me in the least.
  5. I need some opinions from 3DS/Vita owners. I want to sell my 3DS and get a Vita.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Sounds good. I'm keeping my 3DS because it's worth so much less now and I can afford to, but while 3D is sorta novel, the rest disappoints. FWIW the Vita can sleep waaaaay longer, and I believe the battery tends to last longer, though it's tough to say because the sweet remaining charge timer from the PSP is gone now.

    3. FMW


      Wait for E3. I don't think there's any good reason to buy any hardware this close to E3.

    4. Strangelove


      True. I'll definitely wait.

  6. Just came back from GS. I went to return MK. They were out of Dragon's Dogma. It was a passing fancy, so I probably wont be getting it anytime soon.

    1. TCP


      Dragon's Dogma strikes me as a game that'll be 30 dollars in a month, and will probably have some glitches patched as well. So I'll be waiting.

    2. Strangelove


      Yeah, thats exactly how I feel. Im just in a need for something new to play right now. I need to just chill and wait for the price drop. Id get it for 40. So that's what Ill wait for.

    3. excel_excel


      I feel exactly the same way. Its happened with all of Capcom's games.

  7. Anarchy Reigns has a story mode. All of a sudden Im interested in it again.
    1. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Oh hey, what do you know! I'm suddenly interested in it again too!

    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Hey story's been announced for a while! I just want an explanation for why is Rin Rin around and why "Blacker" Baron exists. I want my old The Black (Motherfuckin') Baron back. Wait that didn't come out good...

  8. Why do Japanese developers insist on adding lyrics to their game soundtracks? Unless Im playing a sports game, music game or im watching the end credits, I dont want lyrics while Im playing my game. It's annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Anime does the same thing, and I don't fucking understand. I'd prefer they not even be in the end credits.


      It works in Sonic, but not most games.

    3. Strangelove


      Oh, Sonic Generations...you were doing so well til the Sonic Adventure phase.

    4. Strangelove



      That's seriously what all those songs sound like.

  9. Kotaku making weaboos angry is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    1. TCP


      Are you talking about the "HOW PISSED OFF DOES CAPCOM SELLING DAY 1 DLC MAKE YOU!?!?! ROAR! plz comment" article?

  10. $6.70 for a "like new" copy off Amazon. Now I just need seasons 8 & 9 so I can end this silly game.
  11. The special worlds are part of the main game. Theyre all different, theyre not the same as the main worlds. If you havent done them, then youve only played half the game.
  12. http://gawker.com/5912001/the-anchorman-2-teaser-trailer-will-rock-your-world Id link to the two trailers, but one is embedded on their page.
  13. Maybe I'm crazy(I know I am), but why hasn't Rock Band 3 gone digital on PSN/XBL? Id rebuy it for 20 bucks just to not have to use a disc. Id play 100 times more if I didnt have to take out my current game for RB3.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      But if you leave it in it will spin up every time you boot the console, even if you're not going to play the game. Taking it out means it only spins up when you actually want to use it limiting your risk.


      Not that I think that's true. I had heard that 360's can ruin discs when the console is stood on end, but I don't know if that's true either.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      All I know is there was that 'whirr' from the disc tray you got when you turn on an old 360 and because it could be temperamental, there was a chance it could damage the disc. Put together a friend saying that someone else's disc had been damaged by that, my own experience with a disc becoming wrecked that way, all the horror stories about early 360 technical problems and my own cautious OCD nature and that is what you get.

    4. fuchikoma


      It was absolutely proven by a Dutch TV show that tested 360s on a solid, level surface - discs were scratched in long circular tracks. Then, 360s have at least 3 brands of drive in them. FWIW my Elite (Jasper I think) has always been vertical with 0 problems so far.

  14. Im not digging MK. It feels too random and mashy. I think Im going to return it. I might pick it up later for 15 bucks. Now I need to think about what to get instead.

  15. It was 40 bucks at Gamestop. I hope I didnt overpay. I havent played an MK game since Deadly Alliance. Im not even really an MK fan. I just picked it up because I heard it had a good solid single player. Only other thing that looked interesting was KoF13, which was 30 bucks. I think KoF is ok personally. I like it, but i dont love it either.
  16. I think developers skip boss fights because theyre hard to do in shooting games, which most games are nowadays. The only thing bosses can be are targets. Big overpowered high health point bosses you shoot in specific places or you just go through waves of enemies. THAT'S what bosses in shooting games always are, and people tend to hate them. ME2, both Dead Space games, all 3 Uncharted games, Deus Ex HR, Bioshock, etc. I personally cant say I know of a better way to do them besides using melee in some way, but we all know shooting games seem to have crappy barebones melee. Not to mention that people still hate them, as Uncharted 2 proves. There just aren't many mechanics to mix it up with in shooters. You dont tend to level, get new moves or combos, or anything like that. I thought Bioshock did it right by having you use different elements, but people hated that too. I will say that I thought Killzone 2 did it right too. You fight one guy, Radec, and he can teleport and all he has is a rifle and a knife and he uses both equally. In turn, you also have to use guns and your knife equally. Hes your size too. Its just a very cool one on one fight. Except I think he can call on allies every once in a while.
  17. I dont mind people being stupid, but I mind when they get paid for it. Or maybe im just jealous.
  18. I agree with everything you said. The dlc is truly only 2 fights and tons of cutscenes. I also expected to run around Valhalla or something. And yeah, no extra trophies. I dont think Ive ever played a Japanese game that had dlc withe extra trophies in them. I could be wrong though.
  19. Its good. The story stuff is fluff though. I personally dont think it makes anything more clearer. I think it actually made things more confusing, but there is more of it if that's what you want. Id say the dlc is about 2 hours long. You have to keep fighting one single fight over and over til you level up enough to defeat Caius and Chaos Bahamut. Overall its a cakewalk though if you figure out the pattern to beat them easily. You can level up enough where you can mop the floor with them too. Its still fun though. My favorite fights in FF13-2 are the ones that require split second paradigm shifts. This battle is full of that. Plus, having overpowered Valkyrie Lightning in your party is just kind of badass.
  20. http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-worst-marketing-failures-in-history-video-games/ Most of us already knew of these, but it's still a fantastic list.
    1. VicariousShaner


      That crazy Japanese one from yesterday was interesting as well.

    2. FredEffinChopin


      Seanbaby is one of my favorite writers. Good to see him still doing his thing. I'm also happy that I was half-way through the article before I suspected who I was reading and decided to see if "Seanbaby" was written on top. Style, baby.

  21. I feel like im opening a can of worms here, but whatever - so how come its awful when Assassin's Creed and the Witcher have always online DRM, but its ok for Diablo 3 to do it? Is there a difference?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Just because it has a well integrated multiplayer experience, that doesn't preclude the option to include an offline mode. I think that's the only real problem.

    3. Johnny


      Well, quoting myself:

      "I'd rather they have a separate offline mode where you can't use your online characters because other people want it. But to me, personally, they are removing a feature I NEVER used in Diablo II so I don't really care."


      I don't know why people keep thinking I don't agree about an optional offline mode being an improvement.

    4. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I know what you said. I was just summarising what the main solution would have been regardless of personal preference.

  22. iPhone case from Amazon. It's a great case. I tried going to stores to get a case, but most cases are really really awful looking and really expensive. Or theyre cheap and useless as protection. The Amazon case is perfect. I tried to put on the screen protector, but I fucked it up and threw it away instead. I hate those things. Oh, and I also got a $20 PSN card for myself and a XBL card for my friend with that $38 giftcard from Radioshack since I couldnt find a damn thing to spend it on.
  23. Well, the new Lightning DLC for FF13-2 breaks the game if you get it at the beginning. You can probably breeze through most of the game now with her in your party. While Serah and Noel walk around with 40ish hp at the beginning, she has about 5,000. And thats without leveling her up. And yes, as soon as you get to the Historia Crux, you can get her. Im just kind of shocked that they let you get her this early. Sounds like they didnt think it through very well.
  24. People on the innernet who play games analyst. Theyre always worst than actual games analysts.

    1. SomTervo


      I'm an games analyst on the Innernette

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