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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I had a $10 off coupon from Radioshack. Somehow the card ended up being $9.17. I dunno. Now I'm ready for Gravity Rush and MGS HD.
  2. All 4 One is actually one of the lesser R&C games. It was made for 4 players and you can feel it. The regular one person games are a lot tighter and the levels are a lot more intricate. Dont get me wrong, All 4 One is still a really good game, but I cant say its a good way to judge all the other R&C games. Especially if you prefer single player over multiplayer. Im assuming youre going to play it by yourself though. If you play it with 3 other people, it'll be a blast.
  3. Movies you saw on tv really shouldnt count. Commercials butcher good films most of the time. They fuck up the pacing and cut out content. Lame.
    1. Eleven


      249.99? That's how much I got my vita, without a bundle...

  4. Your shemale penis, show me it.

    1. fuchikoma


      Only after you show your Penis Inspector badge...

    2. fuchikoma


      Also, way to live up to your name. :P

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDXusH0XX4s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDXusH0XX4s I dont know where or when this is from, but it's funny.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      I picture it like Charlie Brown.


      "Go down there."


      "No, Lucy, I know you are going to pull that football out. What makes you think I don't know what you are planning?"


      "Ethan Brown, do you really think I'm going to queef in your face like the last time?"

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Haha, not like that, no.

    4. TheRevanchist


      Of course. I just keep seeing this scene in my head and laughing. Too many years of Peanuts cartoons.

  6. Yeah. RE5 is a perfect example of how awful AI partners can be. Ugh.
  7. I don't get why people think it's entirely scripted. Maybe a lot of people didn't play Uncharted 3, but they did a lot of the stuff they did here in that game. If you were close to a table or a chair, Nathan would smash them against it instead of punching them. Ellie probably helps Joel when he's caught in some sort of "grab". That would explain the brick throwing. Sensing the empty gun? I doubt that would be hard to program. I think a lot of people are just traumatized by past AI partners.
  8. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/07/e3-2012-going-hands-on-with-psone-classics-on-vita?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ign%2Farticles+%28IGN+All+Articles%29 "Every game currently available in the PSone Classics catalog will be available for play on Vita with no exceptions."
  9. I dont know if anyone with a Vita here knows this or not, but you can use transparent wallpapers. The moving background will show through and it looks really cool.
  10. Now I... I finally have time to do what I've always wanted: write the great American novel. Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."

  11. I hear inFamous 2 is like 14gb, so I think youre better off.
  12. Will Smith is a fucking idiot for turning this down.
  13. I love the cameos, but im actually more excited about the voice cast. The trailer looks good. I hope the movie is good too.
  14. I dont mind the battery life, but im kind of confused why its that short. its about the same as the 3DS and the Vita, but those are consoles being powered up, as far as I know the WiiU gamepad is just streamed data. Its like watching a streamed movie. Im sure the display size and brightness matter, but its not running an entire console or anything.

    1. Baconrath


      Is mayonnaise and instrument?

  16. A lot of things just seem gimmicky. Itll be cool to do it a few times, then it'll become tiresome and youll wonder why you cant just play it with a regular controller. Games that add a lot "variety" for the sake of variety or showing off features are hard to balance. Some of the gameplay will be good, some of it will be bad, but the game will mix it all in together and the bad will get in the way of the good. I really hate minigames inside a "real" game. Bioshocks's hacking comes to mind. If you liked those kind of puzzles im sure you loved it, but I thought it was annoying as fuck. Or when No More Heroes came out and you had to shake the controller like youre jacking off to power your sword up. Funny and cool the first couple of times, annoying every time afterwards.
  17. The gameplay looked pretty cool. Cant say Ive seen anything similar before. Thats really all I have to say about it.
  18. I dont think Nintendo wants that kind of connectivity between the Wii U and the 3DS...yet. If they were too closely linked people would demand all sorts of crazy things, like Virtual Console games to be playable on the 3DS without having to rebuy them. No, they have to sell their own version of the same thing for each console so people can double dip. Gameboy Kirby port...in 3D!!!!! ONLY FIVE BUCKS! What a steal!
  19. Jesus, Im trying not to be so negative, but it seemed like the Mario/last gen third party machine to me. I thought the WiiU was supposed to be more graphically powerful than the 360/PS3? I didnt see that at all. It got some good 3rd party support right now, but what happens when third parties start making games for the next PS/Xbox? Nintendo will be left in the dust again. I will say that they had the best conference as far as being entertaining. Very few awkward or annoying moments. The games though? The 3DS stuff was good, but.....I dunno.
  20. I think it would do Watching Dogs and The Last of Us a great service if there wasnt any extra ammo. When you find a gun, you only have the ammo thats in the gun and once you use that, thats it. And guns should only come from other people with guns, there wouldnt be guns lying around everywhere. You have to find another way to kill/disable people.
  21. I dont know how it is in EU, but in the US theres only a 3 month and yearly subscription, theres no monthly. You have to get at least 3 months. As far as I know.
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