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Everything posted by diedan

  1. Aaaaand added Aftermath! Somehow haven't heard of it. Sounds...interesting. And dear god if someone out there somehow hasn't seen it yet, go watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog! I'd feel remiss if I didn't at least throw that out there once.
  2. Just a heads up as it's been marketed as an action movie, Valhalla Rising is anything but. The only thing I can think to compare it to is it's as though Werner Herzog directed a movie on acid. It's so strange and quiet and I loved it. And, yeah, Secret of Kells was fantastic.
  3. Uhh...I have like 230ish movies on my queue, but mostly I've used it to watch all of Doctor Who, all of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 1 of Archer, and I'm currently working through Buffy (in Season 6) and Pysch. That, and now that BSG is on there, I'm totally going to rewatch it. My latest mistake was adding and watching The Human Centipede. My latest successes were watching The Secret of Kells and Valhalla Rising. In terms of lesser known, or smaller budget stuff, I really recommend Ink (sci-fi/fantasy), Lo (horror stage play?), House of the Devil (70's/80's style horror), Antichrist (creepy as anything I've ever seen), and everyone should watch Tetsuo The Iron Man. Not sure if all of those are still on there. Probably? (I also just added Blood to Wine!)
  4. I may or may not be drunk right now.. You decide.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Have you been drinking Schrödinger's beer?

    3. diedan


      I wish! Then I wouldn't know if I were drunk unless I observed myself...

    4. diedan


      ...I think at this point, I may be beyond observation = conclusion stage.

  5. Downloading lilt line...

  6. Seriously. Once I was working from home, listening to the entire OST. Suddenly in the middle of a spreadsheet I found myself feeling inexplicably sad. It took me a while to realize that Aeris' theme was playing. Weird, weird emotional embedding in my psyche. This is what happens when you play these games when you're 15.
  7. Nice! I'll give it a listen post-work. I've always been partial to their earlier stuff (seeing as that's when I got into metal in the first place). The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation, Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest and Peace, and Liberate Te Ex Infiris. Man, I saw them in 99 or 00. That must have been the most killer show I've ever been to. Okay...back to work! This forum is distracting!
  8. It's still so excellent. I haven't listened to anything past Self Titled (and I only liked a few of those tracks). Is it worth it? Also, what the hell someone else listens to Zao still!? HOORAY!
  9. Well then sir, you can join my Inane Comments Pajama Party anytime. That's exactly the response I was fishing for! Thanks!
  10. But I like making inane comments! I'm good at them. Case in point. Also, HI!
  11. Rocking this at work, simply because I can't work to music with lyrics. And it's awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KyYtPb30Wg&feature=player_embedded And this will be for my snowy, snowy drive home.
  12. Otik is so strange. Seemed a bit more early Jeunet than Jackson to me (especially with movies like Delicatessan), but I can see the comparison. It's actually been years since I've watched either of those filmmakers, but I really want to go watch some of Svankmajer's other stuff. I've yet to see Faust, Conspirators of Pleasure, or Lunacy. I've mostly watched his short films. Speaking of which, if you do watch anything from the Quay Brothers, skip out on their features. They're sooooo boring. The shorts are where it's at.
  13. I...I...think I may be in love. I haven't seen The Fall yet (it's in my Netflix Queue), but I love all those other movies. Well, I prefer Mulholland Drive or INLAND EMPIRE to Blue Velvet, but all of those movies are fantastic. The fact that you've seen Tetsuo The Iron Man is alone a wonderful thing. That movie is ridiculous and awesome. also, death by mechanical penis. even if the rest of the movie were complete shit there is death by mechanical penis. Hell yes there was! That was so fucked up and great. How do you feel about Svankmajer or the Quay Brothers? Little Otik is pure brilliance, as is Street of Crocodiles.
  14. I...I...think I may be in love. I haven't seen The Fall yet (it's in my Netflix Queue), but I love all those other movies. Well, I prefer Mulholland Drive or INLAND EMPIRE to Blue Velvet, but all of those movies are fantastic. The fact that you've seen Tetsuo The Iron Man is alone a wonderful thing. That movie is ridiculous and awesome.
  15. OHSHI- I have to wake up for work in 4 and a half hours. Ummm...whoops?

  16. if it makes you feel better, they're not the Islanders. Oh wow. I just looked at the standings. Eeesh.
  17. This is why Minnesota sucks. Yeah, but at least we have that awesome Metrodo- Uhhh...nevermind. And Brett Fav...... Well maybe not. EDIT: Ooooo, yellow-ish gold. Well, at least the Wild are doing oka- Damnit! Why do we have to suck at everything right now!? Wait, wait, I've got this...at least I can drink Surly? Hell yes! (Just polished off a Surly Wet. They really do make the best. beer. ever.) Edit: now I'm just mesmerized by all the boxes...
  18. This is why Minnesota sucks. Yeah, but at least we have that awesome Metrodo- Uhhh...nevermind.
  19. This is why we have huge coats! And hats and gloves and scarves... I was just out there. It's not warm, that's for sure, but as long as it's only for a few minutes, you wouldn't die, die. Just feel a bit dead inside.
  20. Sweeeeet! We're down to -14F with windchill. And the plows finally came through my street...at 12:30am. Awesome. Here's hoping I can get my car out of the alleyway tomorrow morning. Oh good, I just read it's still supposed to drop to -6F tomorrow night without windchill (it's currently 0F).
  21. That's really the suggested layout!? Ugh. That sincerely disappoints me. I need myself some #speakup to get through work.
  22. It's strange, and I'm suddenly getting all the email notifications that didn't go out throughout the day. I think Kotaku is haunted. Best steer clear until the ectoplasm is cleared out methinks.
  23. Well...now it looks like #speakup is completely fucked right now too. AWESOME! That's where I spend all my time...on the Internet.
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