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Everything posted by diedan

  1. Dude! Your hair. It was long. I didn't go to prom but as long as we're posting embarrassing pictures from high school, this one is circa 1999ish: HAHAHAHA! It's hilarious even for me to look at. Edit: I can't believe I just posted that. NO TAKE BACKS!
  2. I once had an idea to write a book or story about a kid who sticks around in his small town after high school to become a crop duster but the research aspect kind of killed off the project before I started it. I'm not good at research. But I'm really fascinated with that job and the idea of making a living by spreading toxins, etc.
  3. Oh how it feels nice to be on a computer that wasn't built shortly after y2k

  4. This is sooooo true! I'm back on my normal computer. It feels wonderful Remember my cord tonight. Remember my cord tonight. Remember my cord tonight...
  5. This entire weekend can go to hell. Preferably in a hand basket. What does that even mean?

    1. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      It's like when you get a fruit basket for your birthday/Xmas gift, but it's full of all the fruits that you hate or are allergic too. I don't know where I was going with this, so yeah.

    2. diedan


      Gotcha. To summarize: It's like a fruit basket filled with fruit that you hate and/or are allergic to and someone has forced you to ride in it all the way to hell. Yes?

    3. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Yes, and you have the middle seat, while sandwiched between two morbidly obese people who have not bathed for a questionable period of time, and the in-transit movie is Twilight.

  6. I just cleared through Donkey Kong Country Returns. Damn does that game get hard at the end. I'm going to be going back through it to clear through all the temples, but I'm pretty sure I lost like 30 lives on the first one alone. This may take me forever...
  7. Ugh...but I don't want to go to racist work tomorrow...
  8. Oh and I'd watch that video but this computer doesn't so much have any speakers. And my headphones are also at work. Yup. Good job all around dan.
  9. I am planning a night of epic diedan being an idiot. First, I will go see my friends' band play and begin drinking. They're actually p great so it should be fun. After, around midnight or so, I am planning on going to a friend's birthday party, at the house where the two girls from my absurd story in the drinking thread live. It should be awkward, filled with drunkenness, and who the hell knows by like 3 am or something. It should be interesting and/or a blast.
  10. Holy fuck you posted a ton last night! Sad I missed out on it. I am totes excited to watch the Pusher movies, you know, when I stop being lame and actually watch the movies I keep intending to watch.
  11. So I found this ancient computer in my basement and got it online. Don't wory, it almost has enough memory to run IE6.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. diedan


      Well, I knew it was down there, I just wasn't sure if it would still work. I mean, it's been sitting in a basement for a loooong time.

    3. Mudkip3DS


      AKA He left his old porno stash on his old computer. :P

    4. diedan


      Well, it was mostly because I forgot my power cord at work and my laptop died. Who keeps porn on their computer!? That's what the internet is for. Porn. And forums.

  12. Noooo! I forgot my power cord at work so I am going to be without internet all weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves


    3. deanb


      Ha I took my PS3 home over xmas n forgot the power cord. Luckily it's the same type as in my brothers PC :D

    4. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      and for serious, you can't do this again. i miss u too much. it's UNFAIR dan.

  13. I am rather excessive in all my writing lately (see above). It's insane. I just can't write simply anymore.
  14. Hahaha! That poem is great! I love little simple things like that that manage to pack in a lot anyhow.
  15. This is my new favorite thing. This thread. So I dug a bit through my Longer Work (which will never be finished), and I found a chunk that could fit here. The Thing Itself is a large, messy book with lots and lots of stream of consciousness sections, seemingly randomly. They aren't, but they definitely seem that way sometimes. This bit is a paragraph from when the character is about to embark on an existential walk around the city where he'll experience every aspect of life before his ultimate...um, transmutation?: And this bit is much, much longer, but I really like it so I'm posting it anyhow. It's basically him in the heart of the city transitioning through young adulthood into adulthood and all the angst that goes with it:
  16. So, this was originally written as a poem, but I feel it fits better here: Twin Oracles I'm digging through my Longer Work to see if any excerpts would work here or if we need to start a new thread for such things.
  17. Okay, so I got a chance to read them and digest them a little bit more and I looooove them! What's so fun/nice about short pieces is how particular you have to be when choosing words so that you can paint a picture/emotion/etc. in such a small space. All of yours are incredibly descriptive in such the right way. I like revision b the most, but I like the idea of revision a being paired with it rather than one needing to exist over the other. It's been a while (read: years and years and years), since I've done formal criticism, so all you gets is praise!
  18. Fuuuuuun! I'll give them more time when I'm not at work so I can give better feedback than one word. But, I do love this style of writing, the free flowing don't really need to bother with form short pieces. I have a few that kind of fit this structure. And I probably have some excerpts from the Large Writing Piece that would fit here better than other places.
  19. I'm working through all three Portishead albums right now. I just finished up Portishead and going to move on to Third. Dummy is still my favorite though.
  20. diedan


    And one more! I was reading a lot of haiku at the time and liked the simplicity of the structure mixed with the peaceful or harrowing references to nature, so I attempted to write something that would be about that simplicity crescendoing into awe and disbelief at something so wondrous and terrifying at the same time. Again, this one is from college (so probably 2002 or 2003).
  21. diedan


    Well, I guess I may as well post more! The sestina is got to be the hardest form of poetry to write, ever. I wrote this in 2002 for a class and then slowly worked it over until I felt I had created some kind of narrative. I don't I've read it for years. It's...okay, but like I said, the sestina is damn near impossible to write without it sounding disjointed. (Spoiler tags because it's long.)
  22. diedan


    The second one I wanted to post has some rather specific formatting I can't seem to duplicate here, so here's a link to it: http://diedan.tumblr.com/post/2068539739/c-p01 I have a few others I can drop off here later as well as some excerpts from some longer work. Feel free to love/hate on it. I really don't take it personally anymore (unless you love it...then it's soooooo personal).
  23. diedan


    So, I'll post a few little poems I wrote, uhhhh...like years ago but still think are decent. Most were originally for classes and then I shaped them up a bit more later. So, here's the first: We walk to the river— and we sit, while gazing at the stars. No sound but our breath and the waves of the water beside us. The fish jump, laughing—we see ourselves as sunfish, side by side. Then we talk of all things— naming gods, and shapes in the dark sky.
  24. I haven't watched Pusher yet, but that's kind of how I felt after watching Bronson. NWR is great at creating emotions or conjuring up some interesting visuals to engage the viewer, but kind of leaves narrative or cohesiveness at the door a lot of times. In a film like VR, I was completely okay with it because it was such a trippy film to begin with. In Bronson, the film is a biopic about a violent criminal and sometimes it works (the stage play scenes, etc. are incredible), but at other times I was just completely lost. This would be one thing if he were attempting to create a environment where being lost or confused was appropriate (a la VR), but in a Bronson it was just muddled. Still excited to watch the Pusher films, it'll just take me forever to actually get around to it.
  25. :sleepface: ...finally

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