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Everything posted by diedan

  1. 8 hours of sleep feels kind of strange.

    1. diedan


      I mean, I like have energy and stuff?

    2. RadiantViper


      I sleep to little and I'm tired ... I sleep too much and I'm tired ... I CAN'T WIN

    3. diedan


      Solution, make tired = awake.

  2. It actually took me a few seconds in Adam's Apples to realize that it was him (but I guess I've only seen him in the two movies now). Now I need to see this abomination that is Clash of the Titans for more badassery.
  3. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz srsly.

  4. Bahahaha! Those were all great quotes. Overall a really enjoyable film. I really had no idea what to expect after you two had talked about it, but the beginning was soooooo quirky and hilarious. And then it just got weirder and weirder, but in the best way possible. Mostly, I am impressed with the range that MM has displayed in my viewings thus far. Seeing him be so badass in VR and then so skinny, eccentric, and talkative in this was really quite the trip. I'll have to try to check out the others in the near future. Tonight, sadly, I'm going to have to actually go to sleep before 2am. I can't believe I'm still awake as it stands.
  5. I am going to watch it right now!!
  6. 3 hours of sleep, 10.25 hours of work, 1.5 hour commute, 3 status updates. I am awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. diedan


      Oh yeah, I have to get off the internet to watch movies...

    3. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      or watch movies ON the Internet.

    4. diedan


      OMG! The future is now. I think I'll use the internet to watch movies on my TV. Science is totally like magic these days.

  7. I only wear glasses at work or when I'm reading, so as to keep eye strain to a minimum. I can see fairly well all around, everything is just slightly off when I'm not wearing them, but to such a little degree that if people try on my glasses they tend to think there's no prescription. I can tell, but not enough to want to wear them all the time.
  8. Coffee is food now, right? Yes? Coffee, then. Lots and lots of coffee.
  9. Hmmm...not sure if that was aired over here. Or, if it was, it was on some channel I don't have access to. I'll have to try to dig it up online. As much as I love seeing him in movies and TV, I really miss it when he was focused on stand-up. All of those specials are brilliant. I still need to watch Believe. I see what you did there. I amuse myself.
  10. Everyone should be happy to know that I'm on my fifth cup of coffee today so far. 3 more hours at work. 3 more hours at work.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Tiffany


      I want some coffee. :( 45 more minutes until I'm home and I can have some!

    3. diedan


      I've had six cups today. I think I need to stop.

    4. diedan


      Oh good! Now I'm going to be working late! /death

  11. Don't worry. I'm considering making another pot of coffee in about an hour. Although I kind of gave up on that report for today. So now I need a new contest and new prizes!?
  12. I had delirious half dreams that somehow involved a mashup of Donkey Kong Country + NSMBWii and it all played to the beat of a song off the new Kanye West album. I think there was a volcano involved somewhere. And a swing or large building or something or other? Who the hell knows. My dreams make no sense ever.
  13. I'm already incredibly shaky from all the caffeine. If I drink any more coffee I may start having seizures. Or slow down all of time. Or, god, who knows. But maybe it's all worth it for some better prize ideas.
  14. Ugh. Fine. I'll think of something else. Like :tweeter: :piggie: :UFO: :heart: :heart: :cheese: ...that's really not that much better. Utmost respect and admiration? My prize-giving abilities are clearly being affected by my inability to function as a normal human being.
  15. Fortunately I don't put my name on it, so there's no chance there. But I do have the year right! YESSSS! It's more the 80 slides of data analysis that I'm likely to screw up. This is going to be great! Now if only the employee drama would go away so I could actually focus on this thing! And you win...um, this? :burger:
  16. I am holding both of you 100% responsible for my firing. So, that's like 200% right? 200% responsible for my firing. And there's no way I'm actually watching the movie at work. I have a giant report to put together! It'll be a fun game of let's see how many mistakes can Dan make in one report in one day.
  17. Hey! I said I was a nice boss, but I'm not that nice. Somebody has to get all this work done. And it sure as hell isn't going to be me... Ugh. This fourth cup of coffee is getting to my head. I think the only thing to remedy that will likely be a fifth...
  18. I think that'd go over great. "Hey everyone! I'm just going to be over here watching this movie. Let me know if my boss is coming over so I can make it look like I'm working. You people just keep doing your job and leave me alone." Actually, this is sounding better and better. It's not like they don't notice that I'm online constantly...
  19. I said nothing of the story! I don't even remember the story, so I guess that speaks to how much I cared about it. I can see a lot of people who dug FFX being disappointed that their emotional story became a girlie jpop extravaganza. Fortunately, I kind of hated FFX so that didn't bother me. I'm not trying to say that people should like it. I'm just totes down with the dress sphere for inexplicable reasons. EDIT: I totally said something about the story. Whoops. Who knows why I wrote that?
  20. I DON'T HAVE AN OFFICE! I share a big workspace with two of my employees! The other one is elsewhere. Maybe I should steal someone's office. My boss totes doesn't need his, right?
  21. Well it's too goddamnned bad that I'm at work then! And if I weren't at work, I'd be sleeping. Sleeeeeep sounds soooooo great. I really need to stop posting. I'm starting to make less and less sense.
  22. I also loved FFXII. And as for the girlie outfits/story/etc. in FFX-2. I kind of liked it? I mean, it was fun having a lighthearted RPG for once and it was a really clever play on the job system found in the older games. What's sad is the constant total reinvention of the battle system when there are definitely elements that should remain if they're working as well as they were. And who doesn't love dresses!? Uhhh...
  23. I am fully on board with this sentiment. I love that battle system so much.
  24. None of these things are my fault! Ok, ok, they totes are. Kind of. FICKLE! I think I'm going to start hallucinating in a few hours.
  25. Everything Izzard has done ever. I got to see him live a few years ago and it was glorious. Everything Mitch Hedberg ever did as well. I also managed to see his show before he died (with Stephen Lynch!). Later, I will likely find links to Bill Hicks, Louis C. K., Mike Birbiglia, Stephen Lynch, etc. but I'm too tired right now...
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