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Everything posted by diedan

  1. This sounds like a glorious idea. Hopefully I can make this happen in not too terribly long.

  2. Duuuude! I'm like years behind in my videogame systems. I have a Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, and Wii. Soooo...uhhhh...completely inaccessible by way of internets p much. Depending on my bonus situation in a month or two though, I should be getting a PS3.

  3. Wow. I love a good low-budget/indie horror film. This looks super fun. Congrats to your sister/brother-in-law and friends!
  4. Oooooh my god this couch is comfy! Success!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Enervation


      diedan uses: Fart of Death.


      Deals 200,000 damage to Couch of Steel.


      Couch of Steel was poisoned!


      Couch of Steel dies.

    3. deanb


      No no. VBefore it died, Diedans vision flickers every foostep he makes. As the posion kills off Couch of Steel and it approaches death a shrill DUN-UN DUN-UN DUN-UN pierces the air.

    4. diedan


      This is all so tragic. My poor couch.

  5. Drinking song! This is now fulfilling my wishes of making every thread a drinking thread.
  6. Last night was kind of chaos, so once I get the new furniture moved in to the place tonight, I plan on sitting on it and doing nothing and then going to sleep. It's going to be great.
  7. I may or may not have a tendency to make every thread a drinking thread.
  8. Can I go back to sleep now? Please? PLEASE!?

    1. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      you apparently made your bed young man and now may not sleep in it.

    2. diedan


      I'm so irresponsible...

  9. At first I read Duvel and I was like, oooooh fancy beer, then I read it for what it was and I was like, oooooh comfy. I love blankets. A lot. Edit: I was also trying to figure out why you had beer on your lap.
  10. Use away! At that point we weren't really well set up for people to work from home. Now we're sooooo much better.
  11. No thirty feet of snow incoming like in NY? One time there was a snowstorm so bad that I only made it a mile in 45 minutes (and I work 22 miles away). I turned around and went home, but I still had to go in in the afternoon when the roads were "cleared up." Fortunately my company has gotten a lot better at that lately, but still...come on!
  12. I wish I could work from home tomorrow. People here are driving me insane. Alas, unless there's some sort of massive natural disaster, I'm pretty sure we're expected to come in.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzdEEzxYwD0&feature=&p=0F46D086344634F8&index=0&playnext=1 The Milky Pie Mix from 16bit. Holy shit! An hour of pure awesomeness.
  14. WE ALL MISSED IT! But I'm sure it was hilarious.
  15. This is so true. 40F is suddenly like driving with the windows down weather.
  16. Rocking it in Saint Paul! I lived up here for, well, a loooong time (10 years now?). Fortunately with the snow, it also means it's warm. It's like 20F right now. I think it's supposed to drop to below 0 lows over the weekend though. I'm already sick of Winter. It's sad when I start looking forward to when it hits 30F.
  17. Snowed all night. It wasn't a ton of snow, but apparently we've blown through pretty much our entire snow removal budget for the year, so the roads were still shit this morning. Commute took me nearly an hour. FUN!
  18. It's STILL Monday!? Seriously Monday, gtfo, bring on Tuesday already. We love Tuesday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diedan


      Goddamnit. Stupid Tuesday starting in 12 minutes. How about Wednesdays? Do we like Wednesdays? I'm getting new furniture on Wednesday so I think I'll like this Wednesday.

    3. staySICK


      sheesh granpa, get excited about furniture :P

    4. diedan


      I'M SO OLD! Seriously though, new couch, loveseat, and chair. It's going to kick ass! ...so old...

  19. HIiiiiii everybody! Welcome. Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Uhhhh...we don't have servers here, sadly. And, I think we're out of the special. But, still, WELCOME! That'll be $20.
  20. Bummer about the bill, but I'm still proud of you, and that's got to count for something, right?
  21. It's snowing here now too and will likely snow more tomorrow. Ugh. I'm already sick of winter and it's only January.
  22. Writing my department's 2011 vision is booooooring...

    1. Mudkip3DS


      Can't you just write, "We're going… to the FUTURE!!" every time and, bam, done.

    2. diedan


      WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT!? Hours, wasted!

  23. OMG coffee beer. I want this all the time. Always. Forever.

    1. TheForgetfulBrain


      But... coffee is what most stouts taste like to me.

    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      But... coffee is what most stouts taste like to me.

    3. diedan


      Technically, what I'm drinking is a steam ale, but brewed with coffee. It's delicious. Bitter coffee but easy to drink. I WANT MORE.

  24. HUGFEST 2011!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. diedan


      Oooooooh! I do love being the center of attention! Carry on then.

    3. TheForgetfulBrain


      I'm the late one this time! HUGGGG.

    4. diedan



  25. Do Flash games count? Because I totally just got 100% on K.O.L.M., although it took me 37:17 and I died enough times my score was only 4160.
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