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Everything posted by TheRevanchist

  1. Staying hydrated means peeing a lot.

  2. I like TME's ranking, with a few minor changes.
  3. If it weren't for bathrooms, I wouldn't get sucked into these shitty mobile games.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. deanb


      Hmm, not sure wrestling is up my street.

    3. TheRevanchist


      I will assume that is a dirty joke of some sort.  I approve.

    4. deanb


      Nah, it's just not really my thing. As a kid you had the lads into wrestling, n I was in the group that was into marbles.

  4. "Dad, I want Need 4 Speed." "No! Your getting fucking Ruby and Sapphire and you are fucking gonna like it!"

    1. TheRevanchist


      And then he asked for Sun and Moon.

    2. FMW


      You should get him the Aaron Paul movie. That's the Dad solution to the problem. He asks for Need 4 Speed, he gets a terrible movie!

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Need *for* Speed. And the Aaron Paul movie was the best Fast and the Furious movie since the first Fast and the Furious movie.

  5. Levar Burton? Levar Burton!

    1. deanb


      That's Captain Levar Burton to you!

    2. TheRevanchist


      Aye Aye, Admiral Dean!

  6. I need to quit casual games on my phone. They are ruining my sleep.

    1. deanb


      But it's Whacking Day! (I've not touched that in ages mind)

    2. Eleven


      Speaking of ruining sleep, night shift/F.lux does work, I read stuff on my phone at night but I find that I actually get sleepy while now using night shift.

  7. Got a replacement 360. A much newer model than my fat, early model 360. So much quieter and smaller. I feel like a Kennedy.

  8. 360 took a crap. Surprise it lasted this long.

    1. TCP


      RIP Revan-family 360.

  9. Of those left, for me, the top two are Sanders and then Clinton. No one else is worth looking at, except Kasich. I think Kasich has less publicity because of the lack of insane behavior. It's a shame when a sound mind is your worst enemy when being elected a major world leader.
  10. If I get the Humble Bundle, it's only for the shirt.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      No Empire at War. How disappointing.

  11. If I get the Humble Bundle, it's only for the shirt.

  12. Harry Potter land, or whatever they call it, April 7th at Universal in SoCal. Gonna have to buy annual passes.

    1. TCP


      Let's arrange a group trip!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. TCP


      Whatever, I hate you guys too.

    3. Pojodin


      Dude! That would be legit TCP. :D

  13. You'll never forget that opening scene though right? Felt like that scene was too long. It was played out and it just.. kept... going...
  14. Dom Hemingway It was interesting. It's been a while since Jude Law has come through my home viewing area. I didn't have high expectations, nor did I think it would be the worst thing ever, because Jude Law just does that to me. Never really good. Never really bad. Just there. But, I thought it was okay.
  15. Got a year sub on XBL for my son. I feel so dirty.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I've reported you CPS. Some state functionary should be by soon to take your kids to a better, safer, and more nurturing PC gaming-only home.

    3. Baconrath


      Think of all the Dr Pepper ads!

    4. Pojodin


      At least someone is trying to make the world taste better...

  16. Got the kids an Atari system, one of the new ones with a shitload of old games. They can't get the hang of the controls. One just said "It doesn't work". The other was in tears. And they try to call themselves "gamers".

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TCP


      Play Mario 64 on a PC with a DS4 in a rival company's Japanese love hotel.

    3. CorgiShinobi


      *glances at second-hand Mario 64 cart* Yeah, I totally never traded in my copy and bought it again years later in its original format 10 years later!

    4. Baconrath


      for me the N64 controller is kind of painful to use

  17. Got the kids an Atari system, one of the new ones with a shitload of old games. They can't get the hang of the controls. One just said "It doesn't work". The other was in tears. And they try to call themselves "gamers".

  18. I have no gripes. I was expecting another shitstorm like Ep I,II. This really brings things back to a quality SW story. I'm going to see it again this weekend.
  19. If you have Origin, Jade Empire Special Edition is a freebie right now.
  20. Justin Beiber is really big in Europe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      I heard he was big down under.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Did you actually hear that or are you just being weird?

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      I don't know how popular he is in Australia but there were photos leaked a few weeks ago that elicited the response , "what do you feed that thing, #proudDad" from his father on Twitter.

  21. Nice election, Canada!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danielpholt


      3 months later and I think most people in the UK are wondering just what exactly went wrong...

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Cameron and co. did a great job of throwing the LibDems under the bus, when actually they were doing a bang-up job of keeping the Tories reined in.


      Hopefully everyone has learned their lesson that coalition gov's are actually pretty decent if you are a normal person who accepts that everything in life requires a bit of compromise. I doubt it though.

    4. danielpholt


      But why should the dirty refugees get anything when it means my 20k a year pension might suffer?

  22. It is going to be off the fucking hook! I have avoided shitloads of spoilers. However, I let myself see the trailer during the game tonight. I'm going to whatever midnight showing there is. I can already feel myself getting sick *cough* by that next morning for work. *sniffle*
  23. 2x's 69! That's like the ying and yang, which is pretty centrist, really.
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