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Everything posted by TheRevanchist

  1. That Super Mario Maker has a lot of potential.
  2. Oh, yeah, it was. Ubi with the Tom Clancy titles, plus Stick of Truth sequel, should be pretty solid. Not too shabby. Now, to wait to see what Sony has up their sleeves.
  3. That was terrible. The Just Dance Unlimited was enough for me to be happy about. If they just didn't allow any performances that bad, we would have all been better off.
  4. EDIT: Someone must have hit me in the head with some petrified bantha poodoo. I can't figure out how to post a damn video anymore.
  5. Galaxy of Heroes. EA is really overwhelming me today to the point of napping.
  6. An expansion to The Old Republic. Well. Ain't that something special. Yep. So excited. Just sitting still and yawning with the anticipation.
  7. I stand corrected, TME. The VR 3D modeling of Minecraft was fucking boss!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Are you using "true VR" as in holodeck, or "true VR" as opposed to the AR of Hololens, cos if the latter it's just "VR"

    3. madbassman39


      It was really freaking cool

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I used it to mean "as opposed to AR". I get that it's just "VR", but Rev called HoloLens "VR" so I was making the distinction between that and actual VR.

  8. You're right. Someone might be interested. But, still, there will be a VR headset there. Someone will write an article about it. Hardly anyone will buy one. And we will see more VR at next year's E3. It's the circle of life.
  9. Chris Avellone will show up as the new president of BioWare. A sequel to Minecraft will be demo'd or announced to try and take thunder out of LEGO. A setup for putting gaming consoles directly into cars at time of manufacture will be on set, teaming with a large name brand car company targeting tweens, like Scion. So many VR headsets no one will give a shit about. Oh, wait. That's every year. Someone will have booth babes and someone will complain about booth babes and I will google booth babes images.
  10. Let me play devil's advocate here: So, you pay less in state income tax. What have you done with that extra money, or what will you do with that extra money?
  11. "A new license of Windows 10 will cost $119 when it’s released next month. That’s essentially the same pricing scheme as Windows 8, with the Pro edition costing $199. But if you already have Windows 7 or 8 installed, then the update is free."
  12. Did I hear right about a subscription fee, like Office 365? What I have read dances around the subject, but it's a deal killer for me upgrading.
  13. So, Dean. Here's to you. May you get drunk, laid, and not wake up with VD from LiLo. Happy birthday, ol' pal!

    1. madbassman39


      Happy birthday mr dean

    2. FredEffinChopin


      Happy belated (?), Dean!

    3. CrowKnow


      Happy Belated Mr Dean

  14. Well, FIFA is in the news a lot today. The surprising part is that the US is the nation leading the charge to arrest people for corruption within FIFA. This is going to be interesting, as this is really an international bust that could play out in nasty ways politically.
  15. How he talked in Mary Poppins versus John Cleese giving a speech?
  16. LA drivers are psychotic in the rain, and the roads drain like a toilet after a mega-turd and a full roll of TP. Glendale has the worst of them, though. They are maniacs!
  17. It does have that Ally McBeal vibe, yes. I do like that Flockhart isn't playing her normal character, which is a good thing for her. However, it's obviously a rip off of The Devil Wears Prada. Hopefully the show gets better and stronger with the characters over time.
  18. Tip on camping: Sometimes you need to hike a few miles to get cell phone reception. UGH! But those solar panels are a nice thing to have. They work pretty well where the trees are a bit sparse or if you are in rocky areas.
  19. Agents of Shield and Agent Carter both got a renewal, as well!
  20. I only eat GMO, Big Corporate, non-organic, closed-range, large batch, anti-biotic, non-super, weaponized foods. I eat enough preservatives to keep me alive forever! FOREVER!
  21. He's a dick. You are thinking of Cyclops from the X-Men cartoon, which is Cyclops from before he merged with Apocalypse. After returning from that merge, he's a dick through and through.
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